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Re: WGP's RAIDERS Jones- at casters now!

Did you have to do anything to get the head to fit? Mine sits right on top of the hot toys Indy neck and kinda makes him look like a giraffe.

Got my indy today. Here's a few pictures of it in-hand.
I played with the contrast so you could see more details.
This is on the Hot toys Indy body with HT clothing.


Some closer face shots with the macro lens.




The head looks even better in-hand. It had just one small
rough spot on the bottom of the neck(last picture), but other than that...perfect.

Careful with the hat, it really is thin, don't want to break it
by pushing to hard on it. Had to be that way for scale and
it looks great as well.
Re: WGP's RAIDERS Jones- at casters now!

OK shaved the chin down a bit on mine, my preference I guess, dropped the hat and broke the back of the brim off, so careful it is much more brittle than I thought. After some super glue, magic sculpt and luck here he is, I still have some detailing and weathering to do but what do you folks think?



OK shaved the chin down a bit on mine, my preference I guess, dropped the hat and broke the back of the brim off, so careful it is much more brittle than I thought. After some super glue, magic sculpt and luck here he is, I still have some detailing and weathering to do but what do you folks think?




Looks awesome. A 1000 times better than the dx
OK shaved the chin down a bit on mine, my preference I guess, dropped the hat and broke the back of the brim off, so careful it is much more brittle than I thought. After some super glue, magic sculpt and luck here he is, I still have some detailing and weathering to do but what do you folks think?




Great work! I like it better indeed with the shaved chin.


Re: WGP's RAIDERS Jones- at casters now!

The head itself is really nice, however, the thick neck on the TTM-19 does spoil it a little. I still maintain that the Assassin's Creed/Goemon body is the best for Indy.
Re: WGP's RAIDERS Jones- at casters now!

I fear perhaps not, the neck on that looks awfully short and there's a definite danger that Indy will end up neckless, well, certainly in his Raiders gear. TOD might just work, maybe....

I did suggest to Bryan that he did a set of Indy gear for it and he certainly didn't say no, didn't say yes either, but never say never......
Re: WGP's RAIDERS Jones- at casters now!

Keep in mind that the narrow shoulder mod was done to my figure and I forgot to adjust the shoulder joints before taking these pics

OK shaved the chin down a bit on mine, my preference I guess, dropped the hat and broke the back of the brim off, so careful it is much more brittle than I thought. After some super glue, magic sculpt and luck here he is, I still have some detailing and weathering to do but what do you folks think?



Re: WGP's RAIDERS Jones- at casters now!

Well, that wouldn't change the neck any.

I'll be sure to show you what mine looks like on the body I chose, I think Dorgmal or Pete put one on that anyway.
Re: WGP's RAIDERS Jones- at casters now!

OK shaved the chin down a bit on mine, my preference I guess, dropped the hat and broke the back of the brim off, so careful it is much more brittle than I thought. After some super glue, magic sculpt and luck here he is, I still have some detailing and weathering to do but what do you folks think?




I think it looks awesome! That is pure Indy goodness. The only constructive criticism is that the hat looks perhaps a little pristine. When you weather the outfit, it might clash. Could you detail it a bit to create a "dusty" look?
Re: WGP's RAIDERS Jones- at casters now!

I think it looks awesome! That is pure Indy goodness. The only constructive criticism is that the hat looks perhaps a little pristine. When you weather the outfit, it might clash. Could you detail it a bit to create a "dusty" look?
Thanks for the comments
I have some pastels and a tub of fullers earth. I hope to apply some later today when my 2 Year old takes a nap.