Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

yeah only zombies slaves...better for them...:lecture

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I wonder if the new Star Wars films will follow Chris Nolan's lead of featuring good and bad guys who do battle against each other on film. :monkey3
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I wonder if the new Star Wars films will follow Chris Nolan's lead of featuring good and bad guys who do battle against each other on film. :monkey3

Han gives up and bails on Luke who quits being a Jedi, gives his saber and robe to Wicket and runs off with Leia (since she's like the only broad) leaving Han to discover them in the Mos Eisley cantina at the end. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I have to say disney & lucasfilm = §hit

this is not my first language ok? sorry for the grammatical errors
is my intention to inform the most of people that believe disney is not dangerous for their children...
now disney and lucas will work together this will be very dangerous
star wars saga will be full of subliminal messages...not appropriate for children..
so beware...

the video I did link to you is the most important of all you have seen already..
believe me...

please all you guys try to look at this...

yeah only zombies slaves...better for them...:lecture


Luca and Disney. Satanic, Nazi mind controlling Freemasons. :lecture
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Hang on, so there is a subliminal hit in a rhianna clip.

Rhianna was in batteships

Dude from battleships was in John carter

John carter was Disney

OMG it's a conspiracy !!!

The subliminal design team at Disney joined forces with the subliminal design team at the whitehouse and with the Friday night bingo organisers and set out to convince the world through subliminal design that John carter was ****e...

If you freeze fram some of the mars scenes the mountains look like giant turds.

And they filmed it on the same set as the moon landing was shot in 68

Yes 68, they shot it a year before they released the footage because 68 has an 8 in it and half of 8 is 4 and 4 represents the 4billion they knew they would pay for the Star Wars franchise that they knew wasn't created yet.

They were informed by mel Gibson' s character in the conspiracy theory. Gibson somehow got hold of the Docs delorian

The doc was asleep at the time due to the fatigue from handling all the plutonium.

However, sadly it was Michael j fox that the plutonium would effect years to come.

It is reported to be believed in the captains log that dr emitt brown had taken the blue pill, Michael j fox had pumped down the reds.

But in Michael's defence he did truly believe it was hip to be square

Bahahahahahahahaha bahahahahahaha bahahahahahahah

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

What the *****k's happened here? ive been gone for a few hours and some crackpot's appeared to turn the thread into Disney's the New Bin Laden or some similar ***** that i couldn't be bothered with reading the 6 pages of...

I was planning of going Xmas shopping tomorrow and dropping in at the Disney store, *****k that now by the sounds of it i'd only return ready to wipe out mankind.

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

well now isn't that special........could it be that disney is um....................


Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Disney is not SATAN,but is ran by SATAN...get it right!
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

nonsense was spewed, but why is it being perpetuated? there is more Star Wars to be talked about...
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

What the *****k's happened here? ive been gone for a few hours and some crackpot's appeared to turn the thread into Disney's the New Bin Laden or some similar ***** that i couldn't be bothered with reading the 6 pages of...

I was planning of going Xmas shopping tomorrow and dropping in at the Disney store, *****k that now by the sounds of it i'd only return ready to wipe out mankind.

sadly you can check by yourself..if is the case to go to the disney store..

ok OT closed..
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I need the video of this. I can't find it anywhere online. Is there a DVD out there that contains it? Perhaps the best of Bill Murray? Half of the fun is seeing his enthusiasm on stage and everyone's confused, blank stares :lol

Also, I was wary of Disney taking over Lucasfilm but seeing all the nonsense above made it worth it for me. Forget murder, genocide, and near incest in the original trilogy guys. Disney is going to hide the word sex in some dust cloud and a tower is gonna look like a huge *****. Don't take your kids to see THAT!

Also, I don't know what I'm looking for in Lion King? Is it the word "sex?" I don't see it....
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

That fan poster of a bearded Mark Hamill in Jedi robes kicking around is really cool. :)

Still digesting the awesomeness of it all actually. New films with some of the old blood on board is just too wild for words. Let's hope Anthony Daniels does plenty of stretching before takes in the suit. How do you de-costume an elderly mime artist that's permanently hunched over. :lol