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I like him, but I agree that his abs are really weird. I had plans on collecting the whole Justice League, but maybe I will just wait for them to revisit Hal before I add him to the line up. :dunno
Not feeling it with this one. The abs are way over done and the pose itself is just not working for me. Thankfully not getting this will save some cash for the Superman.

Yeah the abs are really just :monkey4
For me the best part of the statue is the base.
Easy pass for me.

Really not sold on the face
Pose is fine but the rest just doesn't do anything for me.
May wait & see if we get any other incarnations of GL further down the line

it would be a shame to pass on him....i was really keen on completing the original members of the justice league, would really be great to display the big 7.. .it would suck if i didnt have hal jordan..but those abs man, weird...and its so glossy....decisions decisions
I don't see anything wrong with the abs. As a former bodybuilder, when your bodyfat is low enough, that's pretty much what the midrift looks like. Abs, obliques, serratus anterieur etc...

I don't see anything wrong with the abs. As a former bodybuilder, when your bodyfat is low enough, that's pretty much what the midrift looks like. Abs, obliques, serratus anterieur etc...

And (sorry for saying that to you :1-1:) I feel like most bodybuilders and up looking pretty bad. At some point I think it's just too much.
And (sorry for saying that to you :1-1:) I feel like most bodybuilders and up looking pretty bad. At some point I think it's just too much.

That's just your opinion. Many think it looks great. From my annecdotal experience, people who dislike it because they aren't used to seeing it. Usually they end up impressed by it. In this case, he's not overly large. He is just very lean.
Abs look very different from one person to another. Some are neartly stacked side by side, some are nowhere near symmetric. Some do not actually have very discernable six packs.

There is however a lot more than just abs in one's midrift. Get lean enough and it's visible for everyone, bodybuilder or not. It's not a matter of size but a matter of removing what is covering it up.
I do admit he's a little too glossy. If they tone that down on the final product, I'll be happy with this.