Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

i always thought that the final mutated fifield ended up as a killing machine zombie mofo....the "final solution" from the engineers

what happened with holloway was a fluke, the goo infection wasnt that severe he had time to shag noomi.

too many plot holes to be discussed the but biggest WTF for me was noomi's reaction at the end...

knowing the bible and anything associated with religion was BS and all and still kept the faith.

True, but because the engineers created us then it's fair to say that they are our gods and we are their sons & daughters including Jesus..:wink1:
That's the way I interpreted that part anyway.
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

It was originally going to be a prequal to alien in the early 2000s before AVP, but the Scott changed his mind.

Yep, after which he emphasized that fact numerous times. That thing we see at the end of the movie will indeed end up becoming the big space baddy we all know. Those expecting the original Giger Alien to pop out of the Engineers chest will be disappointed, and deservedly so.
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

I don't know. The original storyboard would make one believe it was a sacrifice (with the old man assisting), which is also what Ridley speaks of. But in the final film, it is left a deliberate mystery.

Experimental goo? I don't know, isn't goo goo? You just 'experiment' with it in different ways. But if it is ingested by two similar hosts, you would expect the same result... not two different ones. If you can't replicate the outcome of your experiments then you have no control over your substance, and unpredictability isn't a very good superweapon.

Remember everyone that this was a movie, and we may be asking questions that Ridley himself may not have thought of.
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

I saw the beginning as a sacrifice to create life on Earth, but maybe that was his sentence for some wrongdoing and the other engineers were just using him for an experiment as with the alien DNA.

I had a similar theory.

Whats your take on the intro to the film?
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

Was no one else thinking of The Fall? I'm not totally sure, but it seems like a pretty good explanation considering that they constantly referenced religion and faith in the flick.
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

I don't know. The original storyboard would make one believe it was a sacrifice (with the old man assisting), which is also what Ridley speaks of. But in the final film, it is left a deliberate mystery.

Experimental goo? I don't know, isn't goo goo? You just 'experiment' with it in different ways. But if it is ingested by two similar hosts, you would expect the same result... not two different ones.

experimental dont mess with it in your own back yard kinda thing, that's why you do it in china or mexico kinda stuff.

the goo turned the space worms into vagi-snakes/hammerpedes
turned jockeys to dust...ala self destruct mode
turned humans into a rampaging mofo zombie at its final stage/fifield
*holloway was a fluke, he got an underdose of the goo and then got laid
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

It was originally going to be a prequal to alien in the early 2000s before AVP, but then Scott changed his mind.
He had decided to make an Alien prequel when his return to sci-fi was first announced back in 08 or 09, then rumor was that it had been cancelled or somthing, then it was back on as a stand-alone sci-fi film.

Can't remember the exact dates/specifics, but I'm pretty sure that's how it played out.
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

the goo turned the space worms into vagi-snakes/hammerpedes
turned jockeys to dust...ala self destruct mode
turned humans into a rampaging mofo zombie at its final stage/fifield
*holloway was a fluke, he got an underdose of the goo and then got laid

What? That's no fun either. That doesn't explain the unexplainable.
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

My take on the intro...

The Fall of Man:

In Islamic and Christian doctrine, the fall of man, or simply the fall, refers to the transition of the first humans from a state of innocent obedience to God to a state of guilty disobedience to God. In Genesis: Chapter 3, Adam and Eve live at first with God in a paradise, but the serpent tempts them into eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which God forbade. After doing so they become ashamed of their nakedness and God consequently expelled them from paradise [to Earth, where they gave rise to humankind].

See any similarities to the ship [presumably] leaving that Engineer behind to create humanity?
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

I had a similar theory.

Whats your take on the intro to the film?

I noticed that the engineer and the ship were slightly different than those on L-V223. The ship was a totally different design, and the engineer didn't have the "lungs" on the sides of his neck like the one on L-V223. This could be a mistake, as it coUld be part of the suit.
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

Here's another question: what were the engineers running from in the holographs? Why were they all piled up at the door?

Remember, the goo deconstructs them only. And there's no xeno yet.
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

Here's another question: what were the engineers running from in the holographs? Why were they all piled up at the door?

Remember, the goo deconstructs them only. And there's no xeno yet.

Whatever it was it must have had something to do with the substance. There is nothing else the engineers would run from.
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

True, but because the engineers created us then it's fair to say that they are our gods and we are their sons & daughters including Jesus..:wink1:
That's the way I interpreted that part anyway.

yeah they are the GODS. but the associated bible stories, doctrines = BS at that stage, IMO. would you even expect the 10 commandments coming from them? i would'nt think so...:lol
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

The beginning:

Genesis 1:27 "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them;"

I see that in the transfer of the engineer's DNA to create life on earth and also when they find that the engineer/human DNA is a match. This is a very loose connection to the creation story in the Bible obviously, because there is no sacrifice of life by God to create humans if you believe the Biblical account.
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

Could you elaborate? I see some loose connections to the biblical account of creation, but there are plenty of differences also.

Here's your post and mine from the Q&A thread.

The beginning:

Genesis 1:27 "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them;"

The Fall of Man:

In Islamic and Christian doctrine, the fall of man, or simply the fall, refers to the transition of the first humans from a state of innocent obedience to God to a state of guilty disobedience to God. In Genesis: Chapter 3, Adam and Eve live at first with God in a paradise, but the serpent tempts them into eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which God forbade. After doing so they become ashamed of their nakedness and God consequently expelled them from paradise [to Earth, where they gave rise to humankind].

See any similarities to the ship [presumably] leaving that Engineer behind to create humanity?