Resident Evil 6

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I'm just happy that you can melee the zombies and not when in doubt pop the knife. Leon whole demo was awesome. The world has really gone to hell. A lot of people are mad at the fact that you can't move an inch with bumping into something. Complain complain. This stage demo was set in china so I can't wait to see how tall oaks is. I imagine it being scarier than china since china is bigger.
Make Sherry HT please. Alice wearing her russian jacket from afterlife is pretty much what sherry is wearing too.

Chris, Leon (obv), jake and Sherry are musts for figures IMO. Ada looks too damned generic in this game.

Toy desires aside, does anybody feel the zombies are a bit of a none-threat by the looks of the demo? They literally just stand there. The only time they had any movement on them was up the corridor. Or when demo guy was cocky enough to try melee moves and fluff it up. And even then they seem to sell the bullets too much. I wouldnt like to think i could stop a Zombie in its tracks by pot shotting it in the chest.
Well, It is officially An action game from now on. They said in an earlier interview that there was survival horror, but they lied. I will still but it becuase am a huge Resident evil fan! and they really helped with the resident evil revealtions.

leon gamplay
I've been opposed to the running/walking and shooting thing in Resident Evil for about as long as it's been brought up, but I'm actually feeling alright about it in this game. It didn't really make sense in games like RE4 and RE5 as the enemies were relatively sparse and easily dispatched with the abilities you had at your disposal, but with the huge masses of enemies coming at you all at once, it actually makes sense from a gameplay perspective to have it and some of the other crazy maneuvers that are featured in this game. I'm looking forward to playing it.
I lost a little respect for Leon's meant to be badassness now letting them turn in that video. He is such a pro he should of known from the instant we knew what was going to happen. He should of popped a cap in their heads quietly and without them knowing to spare them the suffering.

Oh and i forgot to post my gripe, i hate how it seems we are forced to rush through areas by the looks of it in this game. Theres huge areas to explore and walk around but by the demo it looks like you need to stay close to the dude. And other areas you need to run through and just skip a heap of the surroundings. One of the RE corner stones is getting to know every inch of the area and repeatedly revisit some areas. This game just looks like you run through it all and never taking time to appreciate whats around you. I had a play through of RE5 once where i dragged my ass around the entire place looking at the many many details that can be totally passed by.
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I could not stand not being able to walk and gun at the same time in RE5. We were so spoiled by Dead Space that RE5's controls just aggravated me.

Actually, I take that back, SHEVA AGGRAVATED ME. But I still wished I could move while plugging away at the enemies.

And I'm somebody that LOVES the classic RE1-RE3 controls.
I could not stand not being able to walk and gun at the same time in RE5. We were so spoiled by Dead Space that RE5's controls just aggravated me.

Actually, I take that back, SHEVA AGGRAVATED ME. But I still wished I could move while plugging away at the enemies.

And I'm somebody that LOVES the classic RE1-RE3 controls.

Tank controls ruled, and sadly they will never return because Capcom has a hard on for action gaming now and not horror, essentially... good games.
I lost a little respect for Leon's meant to be badassness now letting them turn in that video. He is such a pro he should of known from the instant we knew what was going to happen. He should of popped a cap in their heads quietly and without them knowing to spare them the suffering.

Oh and i forgot to post my gripe, i hate how it seems we are forced to rush through areas by the looks of it in this game. Theres huge areas to explore and walk around but by the demo it looks like you need to stay close to the dude. And other areas you need to run through and just skip a heap of the surroundings. One of the RE corner stones is getting to know every inch of the area and repeatedly revisit some areas. This game just looks like you run through it all and never taking time to appreciate whats around you. I had a play through of RE5 once where i dragged my ass around the entire place looking at the many many details that can be totally passed by.

Maybe its just for the demo. They had a time limit on this demo so they couldnt explore everything around them.
Nice sync lines. I frigging hate that. The shooting looks a little clumsy. Far from blown away by this game so far.
At least zombies kind of make a return in this. Ganados were cool in RE4, but RE5 has to be the biggest let down of the main series in terms of enemies.
I see what you did there and properly corrected what I said. :wink1:

Also, RE5 had the worst maps. It was just... boring. There was zero scare factor in it. RE4 had me nervous the whole way playing it, especially once you start running into the Zealots in the castle, MUERDE MUERDE MUERDE