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Malalaking Gagamba
Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 2, 2006
Reaction score
76, Totter's Lane
if u type anything like this and cant be bothered to even make an appearance like you care to communicate with any clarity with someone else on the board please take your poorly worded ideas somewhere else just because spawn is gone doesnt mean you can come here and expect people to take u srsly learning how to communicate and a bit of netiquette and you will be ok
Taking a guess that Pix had a run in with someone who's typing skills may be lacking.
Unfortunately, the first post is a prime example of what this board has become over the last couple of years. And people always get mad when i take shots at Newbs. Spawn Boards Pt. 2 in the making over here at SS Freaks. These are dark times.
if u type anything like this and cant be bothered to even make an appearance like you care to communicate with any clarity with someone else on the board please take your poorly worded ideas somewhere else just because spawn is gone doesnt mean you can come here and expect people to take u srsly learning how to communicate and a bit of netiquette and you will be ok

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