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Boy, a lot of people sure love to jump the gun on some preview pics. :rolleyes:

preview pics or not they are still pics of actual piece, you can only judge what sideshow allow you to see and you must admit this preview/promo banner ain't good:


whilst I have no doubt that it'll be better once full pics are seen, you really have to question why sideshow would release such a banner which is supposed to generate positive hype
preview pics or not they are still pics of actual piece, you can only judge what sideshow allow you to see and you must admit this preview/promo banner ain't good:


whilst I have no doubt that it'll be better once full pics are seen, you really have to question why sideshow would release such a banner which is supposed to generate positive hype

It might be the lighting on her face. But that sword :slap
Both previous Brooks pieces are beautiful, do you really think he and Sideshow are gonna drop the ball on this one? No, I don't think so. Besides, the first preview pic was much better, now people are getting all bent out of shape over a banner pic with bad lighting.

Oh and it would be foolish to think that the sheath won't come off of the sword.
I can EASILY see Sideshow dropping the ball on this one (ever seen the Rambo PF?). If it's their in-house sculpting team (or really anyone other than Tim Miller) doing the work, then I could see potential failure. The shots so far certainly aren't stellar.
Honest critique of a preview pic is now considered 'being bent outta shape'?

Don't think lighting has anything to do with face shape. Presumptious to think past efforts will signify liking someone's next different piece....... now that's jumping the gun.

Funny how 'jumping the gun' was never mentioned when people said Carnage rocked from the preview : ) double standards to the max.

The only people jumping the gun and getting bent out of shape seems to be you, others are just relaying what they think of the preview pic for better or worse, and that's all.
there are presumptions on both sides, some people presume bad lighting, some people presume bad sculpt from teaser/promo pic...the forum is all about opinions though
Sorry, I do not like the big square face in the picture. Lines above eyes looking bad.
Some people will like a certain piece while others won't. SSC can't please everyone 100% of the time.

If you don't like something that's ok...just please don't :horse because others do happen to like it. :D

you're suggesting people are posting displeasure just because others like it?

i think people a moaning cause they wanna like it but from what they've seen so far has disappointed them

maybe threads should be locked until preorder dates and full pics then? :p
well you do need opposite views to have a debate others wise this thread would be like something from the 3A board :lol

ps. it's only been a few days :lol and if they're wrong and the piece does rock then you can say i told ya so and be smug :lol