1/4 Scale Whips Comparison

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Super Freak
Apr 26, 2009
Reaction score
Here is a side by side comparison of my Joe Strain 1/4 scale whip (right side) and the new Sovereign Studio 1/4 scale whip (left side), with a 1/1 Joe Strain 28th Anniversary Raiders whip around the border:

<a href="https://s663.photobucket.com/albums/uu359/sparksr_2009/?action=view&current=Picture87-1.png" target="_blank"><img src="https://i663.photobucket.com/albums/uu359/sparksr_2009/Picture87-1.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Sovereign Studio 1/4 scale whip:

<a href="https://s663.photobucket.com/albums/uu359/sparksr_2009/?action=view&current=DSC04757.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://i663.photobucket.com/albums/uu359/sparksr_2009/DSC04757.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="https://s663.photobucket.com/albums/uu359/sparksr_2009/?action=view&current=DSC04746.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://i663.photobucket.com/albums/uu359/sparksr_2009/DSC04746.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Joe Strain 1/4 scale whip:

<a href="https://s663.photobucket.com/albums/uu359/sparksr_2009/?action=view&current=DSC04028.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://i663.photobucket.com/albums/uu359/sparksr_2009/DSC04028.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Close up:

<a href="https://s663.photobucket.com/albums/uu359/sparksr_2009/?action=view&current=DSC04760.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://i663.photobucket.com/albums/uu359/sparksr_2009/DSC04760.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

I want to know what you all think ...
Well, as cool as they both are, it's sure dead on with the Strain one. Is this thing available to members here somehow? fantastic craftsmanship on both whips, it would seem the color mainly sets them apart I suppose.
I seriously need to get on this project.... if anything just to get members here set up with 1/4 scale whips without having to wait two years after payment to get one... ( or even better, paying for one, not getting it, only t see him selling them on ebay concurrently).. Anyway, the construction looks fairly straightforward.. ( referring to the sovereign version.. Strain's being hand braided is just NUTS !) As for the other, looks like a flat narrow width shoe lace for the wrist loop.. thick diameter cord / boot lace for the body... the fall needs to be real leather ( not clear what he used from the photo) and then just a nylon popper... the only hitch is doing a good turk's head at the butt of the handle... how much is he charging for these ?
I seriously need to get on this project.... if anything just to get members here set up with 1/4 scale whips without having to wait two years after payment to get one... ( or even better, paying for one, not getting it, only t see him selling them on ebay concurrently).. Anyway, the construction looks fairly straightforward.. ( referring to the sovereign version.. Strain's being hand braided is just NUTS !) As for the other, looks like a flat narrow width shoe lace for the wrist loop.. thick diameter cord / boot lace for the body... the fall needs to be real leather ( not clear what he used from the photo) and then just a nylon popper... the only hitch is doing a good turk's head at the butt of the handle... how much is he charging for these ?

I'm first in line when you get to making 1/4 scale whips Mike! :whip

Back when I talked to Strain.. he was doing those for aroun $250... but I wanna say they were just too tedious to build and he may not be interested in producing them any longer... I don't know what the sovereign ones will run.. but anyone sending that guy money is better off flushing it down the commode and waiting for a whip to magically appear...
Consider me sold on a 1/4 scale Raiders whip should you decide to make them Mike :whip
I seriously need to get on this project.... if anything just to get members here set up with 1/4 scale whips without having to wait two years after payment to get one... ( or even better, paying for one, not getting it, only t see him selling them on ebay concurrently).. Anyway, the construction looks fairly straightforward.. ( referring to the sovereign version.. Strain's being hand braided is just NUTS !) As for the other, looks like a flat narrow width shoe lace for the wrist loop.. thick diameter cord / boot lace for the body... the fall needs to be real leather ( not clear what he used from the photo) and then just a nylon popper... the only hitch is doing a good turk's head at the butt of the handle... how much is he charging for these ?

Just to put it straight new orders have been going out consistently at the 3-4 week mark. My backlog is rolling out, too. New stuff has had a consistent and fairly reasonable time frame since August.
I'll be the bigger man and refrain from commenting further, Mike. But as far as your assessment of my construction, I 'll say you're wrong on most of it.
Well say what you want Shawn.. but you cannot deny that you have thoroughly earned all of the negative attention you get... which is a shame because you do have some talent.. no question there... but when people send you money (including shipping costs) but don't get the product, yet you are concurrently selling the same thing on ebay to "raise money for shipping costs" and mail outstanding orders you have already collected payment for ( and obviously spent the shipping costs elsewhere) Well, you get branded as shady.. its a shame Shawn.. period... if I trusted you I would buy your products without hesitation... but you ripped me off YEARS ago.. and yet you continue to use the same tired excuses to your new customers that you used back then.. which I find astounding because you don't even have a freaking job... I work full time, attend law school, and have a family to care for all at once.. yet I have consistently gotten orders out within two weeks of payment.. every time.. period... so fine, you are the "better man".. whatever.. but at least I am honest with the members here ... it is a wonder ANYONE would ever send you money after what all has been posted about you... heck, if I am not mistaken, you were even banned from the onesixthwarriors forum for this same thing... your business practices are not just lousy, they border on fraudulent..
In closing, I find it even more indicative of your shady practices that it takes scores of "where's my order" and "why won't he answer my PMs " posts to ever get you to answer for your actions... but open criticism will get a rather quick reply on your part... you should be ashamed
Well say what you want Shawn.. but you cannot deny that you have thoroughly earned all of the negative attention you get... which is a shame because you do have some talent.. no question there... but when people send you money (including shipping costs) but don't get the product, yet you are concurrently selling the same thing on ebay to "raise money for shipping costs" and mail outstanding orders you have already collected payment for ( and obviously spent the shipping costs elsewhere) Well, you get branded as shady.. its a shame Shawn.. period... if I trusted you I would buy your products without hesitation... but you ripped me off YEARS ago.. and yet you continue to use the same tired excuses to your new customers that you used back then.. which I find astounding because you don't even have a freaking job... I work full time, attend law school, and have a family to care for all at once.. yet I have consistently gotten orders out within two weeks of payment.. every time.. period... so fine, you are the "better man".. whatever.. but at least I am honest with the members here ... it is a wonder ANYONE would ever send you money after what all has been posted about you... heck, if I am not mistaken, you were even banned from the onesixthwarriors forum for this same thing... your business practices are not just lousy, they border on fraudulent..
In closing, I find it even more indicative of your shady practices that it takes scores of "where's my order" and "why won't he answer my PMs " posts to ever get you to answer for your actions... but open criticism will get a rather quick reply on your part... you should be ashamed

No, Mike I do have a job. I'm a free lance artist. I have a family to look after, too. You may not consider it a job with all you have on your plate, but it is.
Ripped YOU off? If you're talking about that Indy jacket I refunded over SEVEN YEARS ago, you're off base. At the time there were several lesser artists trying to copy my stuff. I don't recall why, but I thought at the time you may be one of them. I debated heavily what to do for a couple weeks, and in the end refunded you based on my assumption. Time has proven I was wrong about that. But for you to insist all of these later I "ripped you off" you're way off base. In fact, when you first came to this board, I vouched for you and praised your work, as I had gotten to know you a bit thru Indygear.com.
Did I dig a hole with my backlog? Yes, I did. I'm working that out, and that has nothing to do with you, anyway. I don't owe you anything. As I've said, backlog stuff is moving out, new stuff is timely again. And I would also like to point out I've been doing this stuff for a decade. My hole I dug was in the last two years. A huge error, but I'm sick and tired of people like you asserting that I've always done that, as if I've built my business around some grand conspiracy to cheat people. I've done a hell of a lot more right than I've done wrong. I'm human, I screwed up, I'm fixing it. Period. There's nothing else that needs to be said by someone who is not part of anything I'm doing. If you're a fan of my work and respect me on that one level at least, as you imply, I would think you would want to see me build myself back up and earn back the respect and trust I've damaged. But you don't want that. You're happier jumping into any thread where I'm mentioned and talking crap. You're happier to tear me down. If that's your thing, whatever.
f you're talking about that Indy jacket I refunded over SEVEN YEARS ago, you're off base. At the time there were several lesser artists trying to copy my stuff. I don't recall why, but I thought at the time you may be one of them. I debated heavily what to do for a couple weeks, and in the end refunded you based on my assumption.

I have to accentuate this part :
lesser artists

funny.. because back then the reason I got was that you couldn't get around to it because you had been "sick".. ( this after countless attempts to contact you as to inquire where my money went .... what is disgusting is that this is the same line you have used on many others here... you are either sick or someone mysteriously dies.... so it goes back to a really simple concept Shawn.. something you have obvious issues with... HONESTY (goes a loooong way in conducting business and gaining trust)... in the end.. I sincerely hope you do make good on your backlog of orders... seriously.. it would be a benefit.. but the problem is that yet again, there have been members here on this board that have communicated with me as recently as the past month detailing extremely, and I mean EXTREMELY, dishonest practices on your part regarding the processing of orders and promised delivery times...
but I'm sick and tired of people like you asserting that I've always done that
For those interested about your track record.. simply check out the NUMBER of threads detailing the same shenanigans by you dating back to 2005 I believe... ( unless you suck at math too.. thats more than 2 years..

you will need to open an account to read the entire thread but here :


and if you do not wish to open an account here is a piece copied from their admin there in response to Shawn's issues with their members:

After reading this thread, I decided to do a little research on Sovereign Studios.

I'm afraid the results were rather disturbing to say the least.

There are no fewer than three separate threads on the OSW, dating back to as far as 2005, virtually identical to this one. It begins with a member inquiring about where his money is, after being consistantly ignored by "Shawn" and occassionally "Aubrey". Needless to say in most instances the buyer has paid up-front and never receives the item(s) in question.

Clearly, this is of a serious concern to all, and I would strongly urge those affected parties individually, or working in concert to contact the appropriate authorities and make a claim against Sovereign Studios for Internet and Mail Fraud.

The Complaints

Sovereign Studios Thread No 1

Sovereign Studios Thread No 2

Sovereign Studios Thread No 3

but whatever.... in the end people get the message... you make some good stuff... but you are unreliable and have a tendency to be very dishonest...
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Whoa whoa whoa fellas...you guys are both extremely talented craftsmen who I have bought from recently and wouldn't hesitate to buy from again. Because of both of your efforts I have an absolutely perfect 1/6 Indy, the grail of my collection. Hate to see you guys fighting :(
Have there been people here and there over the years that weren't too happy with some of my delivery times? Sure. No one is perfect, except for you apparently. I didn't really screw up until this backlog thing, about two years ago. If you're talking about sporadic instances of people getting upset here and there and calling it a "track record", keep talking. I've often delayed things because it didn't turn out the way I wanted, or held up a run of something because I was playing with a way to do it better. I've always been more concerned with doing something right then with doing right now. Does this often delay delivery? Yes. Is it an intentional scam as you suggest? No. I'll admit I'm not that great at communication and keeping people in the loop; something else I'm working on. Yes, it bothers me when someone isn't totally happy with me but I will never apologize for wanting to get something right. If I make a couple items and stuble on a way they could have been better, guess what? Those pieces are getting tossed in a drawer and I'm starting over. Yes, there have been people that have blasted me on boards for being late or not as in-touch as they might like. However, "worth the wait" is a phrase you'll often see associated with me. The pride I feel toward comments like that outweigh the regret I feel for taking a knock over missing a deadline or updating daily.
Don't want to drone on about this, but you brought it up; actually, I AM chronically ill. Hard to sew when you're vomiting snot. Anything else you want to know on that subject, you just let me know.
Banned from OSW? I've never been a real member there. I think I signed up years ago to read something, but never posted.
Why did I tell you years ago I couldn't fill your order because I was sick? Gee, I don't know. Maybe it was easier than trying to explain to someone I didn't know why I thought they were just wanting to copy my work for their own gain and starting a huge fight like the one we seem to be in now? You never got a jacket, but you got your money. The fact that you're still holding onto that is ridiculous. Seven years, dude. It's starting to seem like you're less concerned with my practices than you are with trying to push a competitor out of your way. This started (this time, anyway) because you came into this thread and attacked me, attacked my work and announced you were going to offer similar pieces all in one post.
Whoa whoa whoa fellas...you guys are both extremely talented craftsmen who I have bought from recently and wouldn't hesitate to buy from again. Because of both of your efforts I have an absolutely perfect 1/6 Indy, the grail of my collection. Hate to see you guys fighting :(

Well, ONE of them is..

Here's an Idea: Ask him why if we rip people off so often people still buy from us...?

Seems to me once bitten twice shy..

Again- 7 years buddy- move along..
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Hey how about you two go get to work on that Batman I ordered 2 years ago that is "coming along" every week instead of whining like little girls.
Hey how about you two go get to work on that Batman I ordered 2 years ago that is "coming along" every week instead of whining like little girls.

Yeah, you’re right: defending one self IS whining..
Thanks for pointing that out buddy..
Nice.. "recaster"...and "half assed products"... I won't even address that... because it is unnecessary... anyone who has bought from me can address that.... besides.. I have an actual career and do not consider myself as some sort of "artist".. this is a side hobby that I dabble with.. no delusional opinions of my work here...

Here's an Idea: Ask him why if he was so ripped off he STILL bought stuff from us..?

I didn't STILL buy anything from you... I paid for something .. never got anything but an excuse.. and never considered coming back.. period..

besides you guys have missed the point and are assigning my post to some kind of severe disappointment of his inability to deliver my specific order.. wrong.. the issue is the inability to reliably deliver on most ALL orders to members of the community.. thats the issue I have raised.. I don't have any personal need for your products.....

And as for the comment regarding me trying to "redo" Shawn's products... I filled a gap left over from the sideshow release... people wanted better belts and holsters.. so I produced them.... simple... at the time Shawn was doing, or rather taking money, for jackets and whips.... so I focused on the belts and holsters.... after doing that without complaint for about a year I noticed a constant slew of complaints from people waiting for whips... so again, I filled a gap for those that wanted a product when they paid for it... calling that an attempt to "redo" shawn's work is ludicrous.. unless somehow Shawn has the complete license to all things custom for the Indiana Jones niche..

At this point we are all speaking in circles..... in the end all I have done is helped out fellow collectors with what they wanted and when they wanted it...and reliably delivered... people seem happy with what they get.. if you feel I make inferior work I am OK with that.. again.. this is a side hobby.. not a "free lance artist career".. :lol
Yeah, you’re right: defending one self IS whining..
Thanks for pointing that out buddy..

Your not defending yourself, your not Shawn. You know what, I dont want to talk to you anymore, I didn't give my money to you, I gave it to Shawn.

You are a puppet sir. A puppet for shawn so he doesn't have to accept any real responibilty. Be a person, not Fozzy bear.

You don't have time to respond to PMs but you can get into an arguement, you have my money, you've had two years to lie to me and have done so, as far as I'm concerned your on my time so get back to work.
Your not defending yourself, your not Shawn. You know what, I dont want to talk to you anymore, I didn't give my money to you, I gave it to Shawn.

You are a puppet sir. A puppet for shawn so he doesn't have to accept any real responibilty. Be a person, not Fozzy bear.

You don't have time to respond to PMs but you can get into an arguement, you have my money, you've had two years to lie to me and have done so, as far as I'm concerned your on my time so get back to work.

Yeah you’re right- maybe you would have been better off with Howes huh? Sharp tool, this one.. LOL!!