RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

has anybody seen The Fall?
Been wondering about this one for awhile?


One of my favorite movies! Absolutely gorgeous to look at (and that was on DVD), fantastic story - very moving. And almost none of it was done with CGI - he actually filmed in all those locations. Plus, a ton of the movie was shot where I was born, or close to it - Jaipur, India.

It's definitely not for everyone though.

I need to own this on Blu-ray.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Saw a couple of movies...

The Lovely Bones 7.5/10
The Blind Side 8.5/10
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Let the Right one In. 9/10

Absolutely fantastic! I can't believe it took me this long to see it. And I was able to see it with the correct subtitles as well.

A few points:
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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Reader (finally rented it on BluRay)

9 out of 10, only losing a point for not being filmed in German. Kate Winslet, Ralph Fiennes and the young German actor, Davis Kross, were simply phenomenal.

I though it delivered an important message about recognising that ordinary people who become involved in evil things are not necessarily inhuman monsters (see Inglorious Basterds for that view belaboured ad nauseum).
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Nazi's are scum, and IB did a great job reflecting that.

Nothing...and I mean, nothing is more satsfying then watching Nazi's get blown up, and beaten to death!

We need more Nazi movies.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Nazi's are scum, and IB did a great job reflecting that.

Sorry but I saw Inglorious Basterds as doing little more than cartoonishly dehumaising Nazis as much as Nazis dehumanised Jews, gays and other people.

Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown and Kill Bill are some of my favourite films, but IB was just a misguided, overblown revenge fantasy (from a non-Jew I might add) with no bearing on reality.

Nothing...and I mean, nothing is more satsfying then watching Nazi's get blown up, and beaten to death!

I guess seeing innocent people survive the Holocaust à la Schindler's List or The Pianist is far more satisfying to me than compounding senseless violence with more violence. But that is why some people love an anti-hero like Magneto and others an idealist like Charles Xavier (just to use the nerdiest reference I could think of :D).
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Ha! As if you could ignore MOI (why do I all of a sudden sound like Miss Piggy? :lol)

Sorry, don't like him... no point in arguing, it's a personal preference :duff

Carry on... :)

Well I don't like him all that much.

I really hadn't liked much from him since

Last of the Mohicans
In the Name of the Father..

I thought he was ok in Gangs...

But I feel where you are coming from Dusty.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I think DDL is just a bit too far up his own arse sometimes, in much the same way as Ralph Fiennes is (I find him hard to watch most of the time, but I did like The Constant Gardener), they are both so earnest and full of the sense of the importance of every nuance. You get the sense that he is always acting, I never find him that naturalistic.
I thought DDL was just doing a pantomime impression of De Niro for Scorcesses benefit in 'Gangs' (watch it again with this in mind, it does kind of ruin it a bit).
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I think DDL is just a bit too far up his own arse sometimes, in much the same way as Ralph Fiennes is (I find him hard to watch most of the time, but I did like The Constant Gardener), they are both so earnest and full of the sense of the importance of every nuance. You get the sense that he is always acting, I never find him that naturalistic.
I thought DDL was just doing a pantomime impression of De Niro for Scorcesses benefit in 'Gangs' (watch it again with this in mind, it does kind of ruin it a bit).

It's funny but I totally buy into DDL's performances. I know exactly what you mean about looking like he's always "acting" since I recognize it in other actors (like Wynona Ryder and Candice Bergen and the guy who played Lex's genetically engineered brother Julian in Smallville that ran the Daily Planet for a bit...). But I totally don't see it in DDL. I know he went completely over the top in Gangs, but I thought he really sold it and I found it perfectly convincing that his character would behave in that exact same way in real life. The speech patterns and mannerisms seemed to flow so naturally from him. And I didn't really see any DeNiro in the performance.

The only criticism I could possibly give DDL is that he made the There Will Be Blood character a little too similar to the Gangs character. But again, I thought he was completely believable and mesmerizing.

Just had to chime in! ;)
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Nazi's are scum, and IB did a great job reflecting that.

Nothing...and I mean, nothing is more satsfying then watching Nazi's get blown up, and beaten to death!

We need more Nazi movies.

IB is over hyped, I couldn't see it to the end I got so bored, too much talking, overlong scenes, cartoon violence, Brad Pitt and his pitiful little band were no better than the Nazis.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Just got back from watching Percy Jackson and the ridiculously long movie title. I'll give it a 5/10....not horrible, but nothing new or special. I'm sure the next book in the series will be made into a movie, but I don't see it taking off like Harry Potter or Twilight.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Since this is a 'rating' thread, I don't want really want to get into an argument about nuance in film, but it appears that some may have missed it in IB. The Nazi's were not dehumanized AT ALL; in fact, I found that the film did a good job making them all very human, especially the officer who was in love with the theater owner. (But then, if you didn't watch it all the way through, you missed the best part of his particular character arc.) Waltz's character was AWESOME in his selfish purpose; not because he was a Nazi, but because that's who he was. He could care less who he was fighting for, as long as he was on the winning side. Even Hitler had his humanity, albeit in a very wacked out way. (I LOVED him in the cape.)

Anyway, it's pointless to argue this, like I said. I simply found much more subtlety and irony and DEPTH in IB than in any other film this year.

District 9 and UP are my second choices.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Just watched "(500) Days of Summer" with gf for her bday.

I'd give it 8.5/10, enjoyed it alot more than I expected too. Actually quite a good film imo

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

District 9 and UP are my second choices.

Wha, wha.. Dusty, say it ain't so no Where The Wild Things Are?

Our whole family loved that movie, I had my 8 year old daughter curled up on my lap hugging me through the second half (she was ill), but it made it all the more special! (In my opiniom little Max Records gave just about the most naturalistic acting of the year... where's that Oscar nomination... Oh, no where, what a freakin surprise!)
so, to avoid going too far off topic...

Where The Wild Things Are 9/10


Marathon Man 7.5/10... must make that dentist appointment!
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Wha, wha.. Dusty, say it ain't so no Where The Wild Things Are?

My name isn't Dusty, but that was a major snub as far as cinematography is concerned; I thought that film was superbly filmed.