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So leave it there at ebaY. Leave him a negative feedback, have a good cry, and get over it. What you're doing here isn't going to do anything more than get all the other pantywaists riled up into slamming all the other customizers. Considering you've already gotten your order, what you are doing is just malicious, nothing more. I don't see how your little public temper tantrum is going to be productive. Likely it'll only stir up the hornets nest and people will start taking it out on any customizer who hasn't finished the order in a week or two. Again, that's counterproductive. Comparing him to Howes is frankly moronic, as again, people are getting their orders. Howes just up and disappeared with everyone's money. Clearly not the case here, as again, people are getting their orders.

I left him a negative on eBay. For the record he just gave me a tracking number. Your opinions are irrelevent, I seriously doubt my topic will do any of the above mentioned. The purpose here is only counter productive in a sense that Shawn won't get anymore customers. I'm trying to warn people who thinks the alternative to getting items off eBay from him is sadly mistakened. Howes did send me everything eventually. Although they were poor quality and in bad shape he never ran away.. so you obviously don't know what the hell your talking
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I left him a negative on eBay. For the record he just gave me a tracking number. Your opinions are irrelevent, I seriously doubt my topic will do any of the above mentioned. The purpose here is only counter productive in a sense that Shawn won't get anymore customers. I'm trying to warn people who thinks the alternative to getting items off eBay from him is sadly mistakened. Howes did send me everything eventually. Although they were poor quality and in bad shape he never ran away.. so you obviously don't know what the hell your talking about moron.

Clearly you don't. And you're showing trademark signs of a failing argument by resorting to name calling. You've been a member here long enough to know otherwise so you have no excuses. Howes ran off with thousands of dollars in commissions. Additionally, I think people were well aware of Sovereign's business practices before your impatient, immature temper tantrum. So I'd say your little soapbox rant has made you look more George Bush than Moses.
Again you're missing the point. People here may know that he's a complete failure when it comes to work on the boards but I'm making awareness that he's just the same if not worst on eBay. Can you comprehend that? about the name calling you shot first I was just returning the favor just because your way was a bit underhanded doesn't mean you didn't do it. What part do you have in the subject at hand? Did you even buy anything from him or are you one of those people who just enjoy arguements for arguements sake?

As far as Chris Howes not delivering and running away with 1,000s dollars in commissions that issue doesn't apply to me. I got what I paid for but at the same time I had to chase him down like my life depended on it to get it so I'm definitely not excusing him. Sovereign is just as bad he shouldn't have even sold on eBay to begin with if he was just looking for a new way to make more cash and not deliver until altercating emails. You say I'm impatient, I think I was patient enough you see I bought the item under different circumstances than the rest of the guys here on SSF. His represenative told me via email before hand that the item was ready to ship upon payment. He shipped it 28 days later.... after I sent him emails threatening to file a claim... theres definitely no excuse for that.

On a final note once again your opinions are irrelevant. You're a needle in a haystack of people who isn't defending Shawn. So I would say you're more ignorant than special... well you're special too just not the society's accepted special.
Again you're missing the point. People here may know that he's a complete failure when it comes to work on the boards but I'm making awareness that he's just the same if not worst on eBay. Can you comprehend that? about the name calling you shot first I was just returning the favor just because your way was a bit underhanded doesn't mean you didn't do it. What part do you have in the subject at hand? Did you even buy anything from him or are you one of those people who just enjoy arguements for arguements sake?

As far as Chris Howes not delivering and running away with 1,000s dollars in commissions that issue doesn't apply to me. I got what I paid for but at the same time I had to chase him down like my life depended on it to get it so I'm definitely not excusing him. Sovereign is just as bad he shouldn't have even sold on eBay to begin with if he was just looking for a new way to make more cash and not deliver until altercating emails. You say I'm impatient, I think I was patient enough you see I bought the item under different circumstances than the rest of the guys here on SSF. His represenative told me via email before hand that the item was ready to ship upon payment. He shipped it 28 days later.... after I sent him emails threatening to file a claim... theres definitely no excuse for that.

On a final note once again your opinions are irrelevant. You're a needle in a haystack of people who isn't defending Shawn. So I would say you're more ignorant than special... well you're special too just not the society's accepted special.


You're just trolling through these threads with no other intent but to slander someone because you didn't get what you wanted as fast as you wanted it. You're getting your stuff. EbaY didn't refund your fees because he shipped it, so regardless of how long it took, he still followed the guidelines and sent it to you. How does that make him a thief and a liar? A horrible business man, I agree, but no Howes. Again, you're getting your stuff. So consider it lesson learned and **** off. You don't have to buy from him again. You're not "saving" anybody by throwing a bitty tittybaby tantrum. You've already stated you left him negative feedback on eBaY and dealt with it there yet decided to bring your drama parade here to these forums where people are already WELL aware of the situation with Sovereign for no other reason than to stir up ****. Have a good cry, hell stomp your feet if you have to, scream like a little sissyboy and get over it. :rolleyes:
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eBay didn't refund my fees because I didn't file a claim. you seem to love to assume things without reading at all. As far as tantrum goes it seems like you're the only person who's throwing one. You still haven't given a reason as to why you feel such a obligation to defend them. It almost seems like you're dodging the question because you have something to hide which is kind of disturbing. Why do you even care if I compare them to Howes? The way I see the situation is that I did exactly the same things to get what I paid for therefore they are equilvilent. I never called Howes a thief, I never called Sovereign thieves, however they are both liars and the poor business men. In the end it's my opinion not yours. Whatever you're attempting to do here is even more unproductive than my shrine dedicated to the great Sovereign Studios. Please save yourself from anymore humiliation.
Ok, both of you, ENOUGH, I wanted to just let you guys end this naturally on your own which isn't happen. If you've got real problems with each other, take it to PMs, this bickering is as counterproductive as everything else.
I'm not insulting the guy. I would really like to understand why he feels like I'm causing such a stir in the universe when you a mod will allow my thread to stay?
I'm not insulting the guy. I would really like to understand why he feels like I'm causing such a stir in the universe when you a mod will allow my thread to stay?

Because, sadly, nobody has the balls to say otherwise. Frankly, that's the only reason.

To keep this civil, calling someone Howes on this forum or even equating them to him is basically calling them a thief. Again, Howes ran off with thousands of dollars for commissions and isn't answering anyone. Several individuals have even filed fraud charges against him because of this. This customizer, despite his horrible, and in some cases despicable business habits, is not. Everyone who ordered from him, including yourself, have, is, will get what they payed for. In my book there's a HUGE difference. Even MaulFan will agree with this.

Creating threads for the sole purpose of bashing customizers is hardly productive. Especially considering so many freaks (dare I say most if not all his customers) are well aware of the situation and have been for MONTHS. Best case scenario he never takes commissions from anyone here again. Worst case scenario, your little stunt turns him into a Howes and everybody still waiting on orders gets ****ed. Personally, I like the option where he finishes what he owes, learns from his mistakes and moves on.
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come on guys calling him a complete failure is not much as i have complained and yeah i am waiting for some stuff from him..something must of happened to him..i am not defending him but still maybe he got injured or something and someone else is selling offhis stuff.stranger ???? has happened. i bought something off on ebay once and i ended up getting my money back..and a written letter from his girlfriend explaining he was in the slammer and didn't no when he was getting out.
He sells 5 whips and jackets a week on ebay. Nothing happened to him except greed.
His rating is down to 96% on ebay now.
Two negative feedbacks just posted,one Im assuming is Gatacks.
Its going to hurt if he keeps racking those up.
He's starting to really burn those bridges again.
Why are people still buying the jackets on eBay??

They MUST be aware of the risk they are taking, and they must think it's worth it.
Because, sadly, nobody has the balls to say otherwise. Frankly, that's the only reason.

To keep this civil, calling someone Howes on this forum or even equating them to him is basically calling them a thief. Again, Howes ran off with thousands of dollars for commissions and isn't answering anyone. Several individuals have even filed fraud charges against him because of this. This customizer, despite his horrible, and in some cases despicable business habits, is not. Everyone who ordered from him, including yourself, have, is, will get what they payed for. In my book there's a HUGE difference. Even MaulFan will agree with this.

Creating threads for the sole purpose of bashing customizers is hardly productive. Especially considering so many freaks (dare I say most if not all his customers) are well aware of the situation and have been for MONTHS. Best case scenario he never takes commissions from anyone here again. Worst case scenario, your little stunt turns him into a Howes and everybody still waiting on orders gets ****ed. Personally, I like the option where he finishes what he owes, learns from his mistakes and moves on.

Again have you read my Topic at all? Most of the complaints were pointed at his customer service representative I even had his full name up but Maul Fan edited it out cause I was violating his indentity protection. It's one thing to miscommunicate but the the guy was a total ****** bag. He was silent for 28 days and when he finally decided to communicate it was 5 whole emails 5 paragraphs each of total nonsense.

I finally understand where you're getting at but I still don't agree with you. What stops you from doing the exact same thing I did is that you fear him. Fear is not the answer to your problems thats exactly what I was trying to get at from the beginning. It's with this twisted sense that made him what he is today. How can you leave everything be and expect a turn for the better without so much as saying a single thing to him. I've seen people's inquiry's here.... a majority of people would pop in week after week questioning the whereabouts of their orders only to be ignored. Is that okay with you? Do you like sounding like a broken record? I seriously think people give him way too much leeway just because they are scared he might intentionally hold off from completing their order.

You can call it bashing, ranting, crying... I don't care. I feel that new members here and people think he will deliver goods in a better manner through eBay auctions should know what how he is handling business. I don't want anyone else to deal with the level of immaturity I did yesterday. So with that said good day to you sir.
Why are people still buying the jackets on eBay??

They MUST be aware of the risk they are taking, and they must think it's worth it.

thats my point. people maybe mislead to believe that he deliver stuff faster through eBay. I was just trying to make awareness of the situation. He handles business exactly the same way he does here. You have to go after him like a loan shark to get him to ship to you.
Again have you read my Topic at all? Most of the complaints were pointed at his customer service representative I even had his full name up but Maul Fan edited it out cause I was violating his indentity protection. It's one thing to miscommunicate but the the guy was a total ****** bag. He was silent for 28 days and when he finally decided to communicate it was 5 whole emails 5 paragraphs each of total nonsense.

I finally understand where you're getting at but I still don't agree with you. What stops you from doing the exact same thing I did is that you fear him. Fear is not the answer to your problems thats exactly what I was trying to get at from the beginning. It's with this twisted sense that made him what he is today. How can you leave everything be and expect a turn for the better without so much as saying a single thing to him. I've seen people's inquiry's here.... a majority of people would pop in week after week questioning the whereabouts of their orders only to be ignored. Is that okay with you? Do you like sounding like a broken record? I seriously think people give him way too much leeway just because they are scared he might intentionally hold off from completing their order.

You can call it bashing, ranting, crying... I don't care. I feel that new members here and people think he will deliver goods in a better manner through eBay auctions should know what how he is handling business. I don't want anyone else to deal with the level of immaturity I did yesterday. So with that said good day to you sir.

Dude, enough. Everybody got your point with your novella rants. The sole reason people give him so much leeway is because in the end, the product is well worth it. That's the only reason people still order it. Though, that's lost on you, and that's fine. Anybody with any common sense will investigate a customizer before placing an order. If they don't, that's on them and they deserve what they get. You're no Moses and again, are looking more like a Bush by thinking you're preaching to people who know more about this than you. But **** man, enough ranting. You started your own thread, which any mod/admin in their right mind should delete but haven't. Go post there. Let the rest of us pop in here to see if there's an update from him. That's the whole purpose of this thread.
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Dude, enough. Everybody got your point with your novella rants. The sole reason people give him so much leeway is because in the end, the product is well worth it. That's the only reason people still order it. Though, that's lost on you, and that's fine. Anybody with any common sense will investigate a customizer before placing an order. If they don't, that's on them and they deserve what they get. You're no Moses and again, are looking more like a Bush by thinking you're preaching to people who know more about this than you. But **** man, enough ranting. You started your own thread, which any mod/admin in their right mind should delete but haven't. Go post there. Let the rest of us pop in here to see if there's an update from him. That's the whole purpose of this thread.

Dude read his post...what happened to him is downright disgusting. I feel sorry for one deserves to be treated that way. Defend the guy all you want, but his representative crossed a line.
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