A Nightmare on Elm Street Trailer!

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I loved the re-imaginings of Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Friday the 13th, so I'm sure I'll enjoy this too since they were all Michael Bay produced.:D
Y'see, I'm in exactly the opposite boat re: Michael Bay's stuff. This trailer looks too much like every other "modern," "gritty," horror rehash of an older film. I was hoping it would look a bit more original. Also a bit sad that Freddy looks like the Harry Potter bad guy.

But, I will withhold real judgment until I see it.
Who is the Krugan?

Anyway, it looks good. But so did the Friday the 13th remake trailer. And that movie sucked horse nuts.

:tap Oh come on now, sucked horse nuts? F13th was no different than Terminator Salvation. Too different to fit in to the established franchise but still good films.

I think this looks fantastic btw, rehashed or not I see Freddy as creepy again. Btw, Clancy Brown???? :chew I ef'n love Clancy Brown! :banana

The one time they showed his face seemed kinda odd but then also realistic. He actually looks like someone that was set on fire.
hmmmm, this actually looks kinda promising.
and i'm liking the "3rd degree burns" look of freddy. realistically gruesome.

plus, this is one horror icon where i don't think it'll hurt to show his origins. in fact the character might benefit from it, instead of the usual case where it ends up demystifying the monster thus making him less scary.

we'll see...
Looks pretty good. Not sure I like Freddy's makeup too much though, need to see more.

I'm seeing Katie Cassidy everywhere. Which is cool, I like her! :) I miss her brown hair though.

Anyways...I think it actually looks pretty good. Not boring at all. Maybe when I sit through it I'll feel different. But it's truly my favorite horror series and I like the new look, you know, it being from the 2000's and all. But I don't like Freddy's new look. :( Sadly, I like the old burnt flesh look. But, it's cool. I'll get over it...ish
I love Nightmare films.

But let's get serious, the main reason I love them is Robert Englund. He's a bad guy, you love to root for. The only other characters that had a consecutive streak like him is the Police Academy cast.

I'll prob catch it in the theater, but I can't say I'm excited.
I love Nightmare films.

But let's get serious, the main reason I love them is Robert Englund. He's a bad guy, you love to root for. The only other characters that had a consecutive streak like him is the Police Academy cast.

I'll prob catch it in the theater, but I can't say I'm excited.

:lol Tackleberry comes to mind. Didn't he even do the t.v. series as well?
I love Nightmare films.

But let's get serious, the main reason I love them is Robert Englund. He's a bad guy, you love to root for. The only other characters that had a consecutive streak like him is the Police Academy cast.

I'll prob catch it in the theater, but I can't say I'm excited.

yeah ithink his voice sounds VERY different. but could work, looking 4ward to hearing more of him speaking.

i also wondered, in the last shot of freddy, doesnt he have anose?/ as it looks to me like his nose in completely burned off, unless its the way he is looking as the camera is filming him.