Toht 12-inch Figure

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Wor-Gar, how do you keep the arms of the coat not flare out when he wears it on his shoulders?
You can always just use some of those clear ties you get in any of your kids toys that they overpack everything with.

TOHT futzed...


Ark in sunlight...


Final TOHT-ness...


Easy futz: Shortened the pants like with Belloq for a more tailored look, added some padding to the gut to fill him out a bit. Nothin' else. Simple.

I need those glasses everyone got now. I'm thinking maybe just a brushing with brass paint might help these glasses (the light really bounces off these and makes them look crazy big in pics).

Anyway, if anyone can remind me what glasses to get I'd be mighty appreciative.

How come your stuff looks so Good! :D

Congrats WG, it does, though. Even Toht's glasses look better in your pics. I guess SSC knew they should save the best for you. :gun
Wor-Gar, how do you keep the arms of the coat not flare out when he wears it on his shoulders?

I used the magnet trick that Deak Starkiller posted here....I think I'll use some sticky blu-tac or that sticky gummy stuff that you get when credit cards are mailed to you...

You can always just use some of those clear ties...

I've just been tucking them into the belt! Works like a charm, too! :lol
Thanks P! Been a long time coming for this figure, and I'm stoked that someone finally made a Toht. That alone makes it all worth it.

And Boot, yes, lots of ways to hold those sleeves down. Also I'll bet you could just stuff something heavy -- a small weight or heavy metal washer or something -- in the sleeve to make it hang.

Awesome shot Wor-Gar! Gald to see the magnet tricked worked for you. :rock


Thanks! Yep, that trick works wonders. Probably the easiest way to go if you have magnets around.

One thing I want to do though, besides replace the glasses, is also replace the coat's belt. It works fine if closed but I like it open to show off the outfit and the belt needs to be hanging loose. I figure I'll get a black belt off ebay or Monkey Depot and just remove the SS one and slip the new one through the loops. Should work. Might have to weight the belt ends though to get them to hang right. Or more magnets.

I'm also thinking of making a full-on Melty Toht with my old custom -- complete with melty spill running down his clothing. I was thinking all you'd need to do is melt a white candle and let it drip and run down the clothing and let dry. Would look sick with melty "flesh" spilling all down him.
I'm also thinking of making a full-on Melty Toht with my old custom -- complete with melty spill running down his clothing. I was thinking all you'd need to do is melt a white candle and let it drip and run down the clothing and let dry. Would look sick with melty "flesh" spilling all down him.

Another thought I was having for that was Elmers (or white) glue. It will dry and stay solid, you can add acrylic paint (some red for blood maybe) and get some neat "melty" effects that way.

I may test it on some cloth and see how that works...
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Another thought I was having for that was Elmers (or whote) glue. It will dry and stay solid, you can add acrylic paint (some red for blood maybe) and get some neat "melty" effects that way.

I may rest it on some cloth and see how that works...

That's a good idea. But won't the Elmer's glue seep into the fabric? That's why I thought wax, if you can cool it fast enough it should hold, although it will be fairly brittle and may break away if you move the figure.

Must be some way to do it though.
Possibly, (some tests are in order here), but at the very least, I think we could apply it (the glue)to a "dummy" shirt, create the desired "effect". let it dry completely, and peel it off the garment, almost like a make-up appliance that could then be "applied" on the Toht suit...held flat and in place with your ingenious magnet method...

I'm liking this approach more than wax because in the end, it would be more durable and transferable than the wax would...

you know what else might work? There is that craft paint, that i used as a kid.. tacky? something like that.. and if you got just the basic white, it dried really well if you let it set. It was for decorating lots of arts and crafts, and most of the ones i had used sparkles in a clear or pink color, etc.. but i'm sure there was a white one.. i'll see if i have some of that crap left over, and do a test of it if i can. i'm sure i have a bottle laying around in a closet somewhere..
My heart is immeasurably warmed to see a figure Toht in your futz-meister hands at long last! An ark too! Truly, there can be balance in the collecting universe now. Seriously! Enjoy my friend! Enjoy! :rock
See? All the negative comments posted about the ark's inaccuracies and the months of waiting have actually paid off! People's expectations were lowered so much they were actually MORE pleased when the final product showed up!

"Sideshow. Surprisingly better than you imagined"

That could be their new slogan. :lol

Toth looks amazing post-futz. Brilliant pictures. And the ark seems to look ok if you have light on it that creates strong shadows. A spotlight above, or sunlight at an angle. That seems the way to display it.

Since I cancelled, I've got a Hasbro on the way, so I'll see how that looks.... but the SS Ark looks like it might look good under a spotlight. (but still innacurate and stuff....)

Thanks for the pics :rock
Wor Gar, Toht looks great in your pictures! Especially the ark!

And bmarz, I like your set up (love the Han pistol and lightsaber), but that shiny 3PO is really distracting from the matte ark! ;)

So, has anyone else gotten their Tohts yet?
Wor Gar, Toht looks great in your pictures! Especially the ark!

And bmarz, I like your set up (love the Han pistol and lightsaber), but that shiny 3PO is really distracting from the matte ark! ;)

So, has anyone else gotten their Tohts yet?

Mine comes tomorrow, hopefully with pictures sometime after but I might be seeing District 9 tomorrow night.
I just got my Toht here at work. I took a quick look and he looks good. I tried to take a look at the ark, but it was very well packed and it would take too long to take it out and put it back.

Can't wait to get home!
Is the meltface a headswap or a mask type thing?


Mine is out for delivery today.

Please let the apartment manager be there.
Please let the apartment manager be there.
Please let the apartment manager be there.
Please let the apartment manager be there.
Please let the apartment manager be there.
Please let the apartment manager be there.
Well, after all that waiting, and trusting in the improvements to the SS ark, I ended up canceling after all. Lack of funds right now made me decide that it just wasn't as "Must-Have" as I originally thought. Got the Hasbro one instead and it really does look WAY better in person than I thought it would. Some custom fabric wrap on the poles will really make it sing! :rock

Over all I just wasn't as happy with the finish on the SS one and decided to just get the regular Toht instead. Just waiting for him to come in to my local shop where I pre-ordered him.

Wor-Gar, your futzed Toht shots look PERFECT! Can't wait to get him and do the same. I think he'll look great all in black posed next to Belloq with the all white suit!