Hot Toys - MMS 100 - Terminator Salvation - Marcus Wright- spec + hi-res pics

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Not reaching, maybe for some sculptors that IS the case. But specifically for HT, I don't think that's the reason because they've done spot on (general consensus) sculpts before of other ethnicities (non-Asian) with no problem.

It's a stretch, but like A-dev said, maybe it's an "eye of the beholder" type of situation. They could think it looks like the real-life actor, ethnicity notwithstanding. Good thing the fans are vocal about these kinds of things :lol
Did everyone see these pics of the Toy Hunter store in Hong Kong from toysdaily








Awesome pictures, Centrocal!

I think in those photo's, the Marcus figure without a coat looks pretty good. The body doesn't look to skinny here it seems. Maybe it's just the photography, but perhaps they changed bodies?

You guys think that huge skin covered T600 is a hint for a future release?
Yeah those are some nice pics. Especially the endoskeleton display, with the lighting from below and the eye-LEDs on. Glad I'm getting the T-600, kind of wish I was getting the T-700 and the factory unit but I just have too much on order as it is.
I would love to have a store like that here (in the US.) But here is my question...would it be profitable? My friend and I have long considered starting a business just like with a storefront as well. We are in a large college town, and not far from major cities...Chicago, St. Louis, Indianapolis.
i just dont get why japan gets all the good stuff like a darn hot toys store its not fair.
If HT opened a ToyHunters in the Bay Area within driving distance I'd get a second job there. Might as well have them pay me after sending them a ton of money.
For that reason, i don't care. Odds are a U.S. store would be in NYC or California, both well out of my range to easily visit.

Thankfully, HT products are photographed well enough and we can figure the production quality well enough that seeing them in a shop would be a treat but isn't a necessity.
I would love to have a store like that here (in the US.) But here is my question...would it be profitable? My friend and I have long considered starting a business just like with a storefront as well. We are in a large college town, and not far from major cities...Chicago, St. Louis, Indianapolis.

Toy Hunters was my inspiration for my new store here in Aus! It's obviously not as immense (yet!), and I'm currently going through a name change I started small and got a small customer base, then after about a year (now), close for 2 weeks and renovate, re-stock and re-tool everything! Toy Hunters is my big design element. Btw, to start with, we were braking even (due to people not knowing we existed). After people know you're there, the profits come in big time - the profit margin between wholesale and retail price is fan-bloody-tastic! Give it a go - it is the best job I have ever had (it's weird to actually look forward to going to work the next day!)

Anyway, back to Marcus. One of the deciding factors is value for money. I know you get the extra clothing, but only a knife and shotgun in the weapons department? I suppose if that's all he uses in the movie, then there's not much to complain about! I LOVE the jacket and pants combo - reminds me of T2; ah, the good ol' days!
Well there is always room for improvement in virtually all aspects of everything in our lives, and maybe HT will tweak with this figure, I don't know.

I certainly don't think I'm easy to please but when I look at what we considered hi-end just a couple of years ago, and then compare it to the state of this particulaar art today, I think we're pretty spoilt, and can lose sight of how good things are.

That's not to say we should be complacent or forgiving... just realistic.

unrealistic would be expecting the impossible. after BR joker and a few others, it is very REALISTIC expecting a photo real sculpt of human faces. you can look to the past to justify a bad product today, or you can acknowledge how the standard has been raised today. i've heard that standard excuse way to many times here as a defense to mediocre products.

Well it could be that they're on a time schedule or, and I may be reaching with this one, perhaps they genuinely do think it looks like him. Perhaps a sculptor who is of one ethnicity is not necessarily going to recognise certain vital subtleties in the faces of a person of another ethnicity when it comes to sculpting them.

if the sculptor really think the sculpt looks like worthington, then he has no business working for hottoys. medicom maybe. ethnicity should not be a factor. a good sculptor just needs a good eye. this one obviously has crossed eyes.
Well, it does look like Worthington at some angles. I'm sure it's an iterative process that goes on at HT, I doubt it's solely fan reaction that HT gauges.

And it's not like HT is the only collectibles company that does this.

even a broken clock gets to be right twice a day. just because it looks good at one angle, doesnt mean it's great.

I'm inclined to agree. I'm not sure that this looks particularly like sam worthington but I can still appreciate the incredible realism of the headsculpt. I do think we've become spoilt. We get one figure with an uncanny likeness and thereafter we suddenly expect every single figure to match it. But when it comes to things like getting a dead-on likeness, its not an absolute guarantee I wouldn't think. But there are other areas where I would reasonably expect an upward progression.

asking for quality is not being spoilt. if it can done once, it can be done again. and again. and again. and again. anyone saying different is just making excuses for the company. why accept mediocrity when you know the company can give us superb quality? it's downright moronic to me.