Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (September 3rd, 2021)

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Nah, I'm just saying that you all already seemed to hate the movie before you even saw it, so obviously you weren't gonna like it, have an open mind is all I'm saying. If you go into it thinking "this is gonna be ****", then you probably aren't gonna enjoy it.
I wouldn't say that, because merely having low expectations quite often leads to being pleasantly surprised by and enjoying something.

It's reverse agenda-ism. Opinion-forming and criticizing with an agenda that is a response to the (rightly or wrongly) perceived woke agenda. You see it with all the usual youtube suspects - you know exactly what position they're going to take on absolutely everything as they play to their own fanbases.
I wouldn't say that, because merely having low expectations quite often leads to being pleasantly surprised by and enjoying something.

It's reverse agenda-ism. Opinion-forming and criticizing with an agenda that is a response to the (rightly or wrongly) perceived woke agenda. You see it with all the usual youtube suspects - you know exactly what position they're going to take on absolutely everything as they play to their own fanbases.
There's a difference between having low expectations and trashing it before it's even out though lol. I had low expectations for The Suicide Squad and enjoyed it a lot, but a lot of people here have just outright dismissed this movie as being terrible before even seeing it.

If the statement doesn't apply to you then don't worry about it.
Change the blue to green, give him longer hair and actual rings, and it wouldn't be a bad look. But no, it's Post-Endgame MCU, it all has to be as divorced from the comics as it gets now...

A beard would have been cool too, just to help explain Trevor's look a little more. Aw well.
The fantasy stuff at the end got ridiculous and really unbelievable for an MCU movie to me.
I'm finding that the more "out there" these movies get the more I like it. Doom Patrol is starting to pique my interest for the same reason. I'm neither here nor there for Shang-Chi, but if it goes bat-TopHat freakin' loco at the end, I might enjoy that.
Still too empty, but it's more in line with what I'm talking about. I get why they made his proper look, but the Mandarin with short, neatly cut hair just doesn't sit right with me.
Would it have asked too much for an extra, long-hair head sculpt and robe to complete both looks?:unsure::(
Would it have asked too much for an extra, long-hair head sculpt and robe to complete both looks?:unsure::(
Pretty clear they missed the ball on the Mandarin. This movie was trying to make up for it and still didn't deliver on him. Actor was good and his motivations were fine, but I expected The Mandarin. He even makes fun of the name in the movie. Yeah, make fun of your own Marvel characters that you are making money off of.
Saw a pretty good bootleg copy online..Definitely reminds me of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon meets AM & W for the comedy :lol

Martial Arts were great ..the effects were impressive

Good film but nowhere near the level of the Phase 1-4 MCU flicks

But it did give me the impression this truly a new phase in the MCU

will be a hit..I think so because of the Martial arts and Comedy but it would probably be in that AM and TW category as far as an MCU stand out film

Now for fans of Shang Chi …This will be a joy for them

I wouldn’t say it’s absolutely a film you should risk seeing at a theater especially during the Pandemic ( your choice) But if they put this on D+ I think it would justify the hype.

It’s not a film you should waste on IMAX..unless you want too
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Good film but nowhere near the level of the Phase 1-4 MCU flicks

I haven't seen the film, but come on. Did people already forget about Iron Man 2 and 3, Thor 2, Cap The First Avenger... Ant-Man and the Wasp? Those films we're exactly great, some weren't even good. Either nostalgia is already taking place in the MCU or The Infinity Saga is the new OT and phase 4 and beyond the PT/ST. 😆
I haven't seen the film, but come on. Did people already forget about Iron Man 2 and 3, Thor 2, Cap The First Avenger... Ant-Man and the Wasp? Those films we're exactly great, some weren't even good. Either nostalgia is already taking place in the MCU or The Infinity Saga is the new OT and phase 4 and beyond the PT/ST. 😆
Think of it as the introduction of a new marvel universe . You never think of relating this to a feeling “ oh I could see the avengers or Spidey in this “ because It wouldn’t make sense to the flow.

You just got to take ithis film as Phase 1 Avengers is truly done and this is introducing the new generation of Marvel superheroes..almost an alternate reality In a way.

For traditional core basic superhero fans like myself , it’s not a standout classic but if you see it as a new beginning of a new saga then you know this is where the MCU wants to be heading

For new generation MCU film fans and catering to get new fans this is a very entertaining good start.

Despite the ending and credit scene surprises ..if you walk in expecting this is where EG left off you’re going to be severely disappointed and you best be looking for the next Spider-man NWH flick to get that
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Think of it as the introduction of a new marvel universe . You never think of relating this to a feeling “ oh I could see the avengers or Spidey in this “ because It wouldn’t make sense to the flow.
You mean an Avengers team that I don't care about.
You just got to take this film as Phase 1 Avengers is truly done and this is introducing the new generation of Marvel superheroes..almost an alternate reality In a way.
A crappy alternate reality.
For traditional core basic superhero fans like myself , it’s not a standout classic but if you see it as a new beginning of a new saga then you know this is where the MCU wants to be heading
You don't have to justify not liking it. :lol
For new generation MCU film fans and catering to get new fans this is a very entertaining good start.
Like the new generation of ST SW fans.
Despite the ending and credit scene surprises ..if you walk in expecting this is where EG left off you’re going to be severely disappointed and you best be looking for the next Spider-man NWH flick to get that
I've been severely disappointed with everything past Infinity War. Give me NWH and MoM.
I haven't seen the film, but come on. Did people already forget about Iron Man 2 and 3, Thor 2, Cap The First Avenger... Ant-Man and the Wasp? Those films we're exactly great, some weren't even good. Either nostalgia is already taking place in the MCU or The Infinity Saga is the new OT and phase 4 and beyond the PT/ST. 😆
Pretty clear that people will buy anything Marvel now. I wish Cap was building a new team instead of The Incredible Limp.
I'm predicting that in the next few days we're gonna see some article on buzzfeed or something of that ilk proclaiming this movie as a triumph for gay superheroes.

Is Shang Chi really gay though? I have no idea and don't care, although from what little I've seen of the interviews with the actor he certainly comes across that way, but that might just be a generational thing.

No, merely the fact that he and Awkafina's character are clearly "just friends" and not in a romantic relationship is going to be enough for the twitter mob to "conclude" that this is "code" to let the viewers know that Shang Chi is gay.

That's what happened a few months ago with some Pixar movie about two young boys that were best friends. The twitterati "decided" that they were gay, the movie's writer and director said "Well, no, they're just friends." and then the twitteristas said "You're wrong. We know they're gay."

Like I said, I honestly don't care about the actual content of the movie one way or the other, but I do find it hilarious that these people think they can dictate directly to the creators what their intentions were.

Shang Chi. First ever Asian super hero ever. And also closeted gay super hero, but surely coming out really soon. We just know it.
Funny that everywhere else all I’m seeing is positive reviews and reactions. I think you all just love to hate things :lol

A lot of you already set it up for failure in your own minds, so it was never going to deliver :lol
Feel free to see it and tell us why specifically we are so wrong about this masterpiece.
I think people will flock to see this in the I recommend them doing this during these still sensitive Pandemic times..absolutely not.

I also know more will wait to stream which would’ve been a better idea by Disney.

This isn’t the type of MCU film that someone feels they have to go all out and watch and capture an IMAX experience with.

yes it’s elaborate..yes it is colorful and picturesque in many parts , but as a whole it’s not an MCU classic that belongs to be archived.

It’s a formula that Disney focused too much on the merchandising aspect and the hype of it..but the film is very basic if you take the martial arts out of it.
I haven't seen the film, but come on. Did people already forget about Iron Man 2 and 3, Thor 2, Cap The First Avenger... Ant-Man and the Wasp? Those films we're exactly great, some weren't even good. Either nostalgia is already taking place in the MCU or The Infinity Saga is the new OT and phase 4 and beyond the PT/ST. 😆
Despite all of my problems with it, I still think IM2 is better than the vast majority of MCU flicks. It feels like a genuine film. It's shot differently, the jokes are there but are more natural, the tone is vibrant and energetic but has its quiet moments and darker hues; it's just different from the tv-esque look that followed. There was a time when this was the hypest thing


You felt the impact of the punches, the weight of the suits, the gravity of the fight. Now it's all slapstick in bright green-screen rooms. I'll never forgive Endgame for taking the climatic battle for the fate of the universe and setting it in a BLOWN UP PARKING LOT IN NEW YORK!


I don't think it's nostalgia because it's generally waning off from me, yet I still find it a messy, but still good, proper superhero movie. It could've been better, much, much better, but compared to all the capeshit out there, I think it walks the line between big blockbuster action and its story very well.