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Honestly had the space battle been structured with proper fan service and been given a strategic frame work that showed a thrilling coordinated assault AND the Jedi ghosts were visually shown surrounding Palpatine helping Rey I could easily ignore every single plot hole that ajp, Wor-Gar and Clown can muster up from here to eternity because a thrilling experience easily covers up plot holes always has always will.

The Rey Kylo stuff was so good the Leia Han stuff was so good the lightsaber fights were so good that a great 3rd act would?ve brought it home for me.

Instead we got the biggest accumulation of spaceships ever and it?s over before it began.

Instead we got an easily defeated Palpatine.

So Yoda can materialize to bring lightning down onto a tree BUT when it comes time to DEFEAT THE SITH ONCE AND FOR ALL AT THEIR HOMEWORLD he can only muster up some verbal advise.


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Instead we got an easily defeated Palpatine.


It took the combined might of every Jedi in history to defeat Palpatine and not one but *two* deaths, one of them permanent! :lecture

So Yoda can materialize to bring lightning down onto a tree BUT when it comes time to DEFEAT THE SITH ONCE AND FOR ALL AT THEIR HOMEWORLD he can only muster up some verbal advise.


Okay if Palpatine possessed Rey and then permanently took over the galaxy then I'd be all "um where the **** was Yoda and his lightning" but since that obviously wasn't necessary I'm good with the verbal encouragement, lol. :D
Is the Palpatine in TROSW really the same as the one in the OT and PT? Or was that a clone? Because the Palpatine in this new movie wasn't disfigured, he looked normal, just very old.
Yeah he looked different and ROTJ Palps got blown up twice so I'd say clone, lol. Plus I like that he was so effed up in his returned form, it adds more oomph to his prior defeat IMO.
I assumed he was a clone too but if he was why couldn’t he manufacture a new body rather than being reliant on the contraption?
I assumed he was a clone too but if he was why couldn’t he manufacture a new body rather than being reliant on the contraption?

Well he'd have to be a unique clone since he didn't want just a copy of himself but rather a new body for his prior consciousness. So I would say that the funky scarecrow body was somehow growing out of the machine that had his spirit and that it was a process that took decades.

Just a guess of course but I like that the creepy visuals allow for all manner of unholy interpretations.
I assumed he was a clone too but if he was why couldn?t he manufacture a new body rather than being reliant on the contraption?
Kinda like his clone was not working well, like Snoke was all screwed up also.

They implied he needed a real body to get himself back ?

Maybe clones are only temporary, unless your a crafty Kamino cloner.

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Well he'd have to be a unique clone since he didn't want just a copy of himself but rather a new body for his prior consciousness. So I would say that the funky scarecrow body was somehow growing out of the machine that had his spirit and that it was a process that took decades.

Just a guess of course but I like that the creepy visuals allow for all manner of unholy interpretations.

Kinda like his clone was not working well, like Snoke was all screwed up also.

They implied he needed a real body to get himself back ?

Maybe clones are only temporary, unless your a crafty Kamino cloner.

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Ah, ok. So, did Palps originally survive the Death Star plunge then do an essence transfer to a clone afterward? I’m trying to put together how he/his essence even made it off before it exploded.
Ah, ok. So, did Palps originally survive the Death Star plunge then do an essence transfer to a clone afterward? I?m trying to put together how he/his essence even made it off before it exploded.

Well if we're going to suspend disbelief of "what really happened" in 1983 and embrace the retcon (because of course we all know that this is a retcon but hey so was "No I am your father") then I would suggest that maybe all that blue energy coming out of him in ROTJ that blew upwards out of the shaft and then for some reason got sucked back down was actually his lifeforce/consciousness/power being transferred to whatever machine/vessel that had been prepped in advance.

It would kind of make sense for him to have such a contingency just in case Vader *didn't* block Luke's saber. So he got to be all cocky with Luke while relying on the assistance of an apprentice that he didn't fully trust since his life was going to be protected either way.

Of course people are free to dismiss the entire ST but since I like how the story played out I would say that Palps' "demise" in ROTJ did give JJ ample leeway to bring him back, especially with all the "path to powers many would consider unnatural" talk that George himself later brought into the PT.

Lol Ah Lucas can be funny.

Honestly had the space battle been structured with proper fan service and been given a strategic frame work that showed a thrilling coordinated assault AND the Jedi ghosts were visually shown surrounding Palpatine helping Rey I could easily ignore every single plot hole that ajp, Wor-Gar and Clown can muster up from here to eternity because a thrilling experience easily covers up plot holes always has always will.

The Rey Kylo stuff was so good the Leia Han stuff was so good the lightsaber fights were so good that a great 3rd act would?ve brought it home for me.

Instead we got the biggest accumulation of spaceships ever and it?s over before it began.

Instead we got an easily defeated Palpatine.

So Yoda can materialize to bring lightning down onto a tree BUT when it comes time to DEFEAT THE SITH ONCE AND FOR ALL AT THEIR HOMEWORLD he can only muster up some verbal advise.


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It took the combined might of every Jedi in history to defeat Palpatine and not one but *two* deaths, one of them permanent!


I dont agree with the Jedi Ghost appearing Jye.. I mean maybe it could work.. IDK... It also could have been a bit too cheesy.

I thought the final space battle was fine. Not great but IMO better than anything offered in the ST
I took it as a clone.

He had no scars so...

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Yeah he looked different and ROTJ Palps got blown up twice so I'd say clone, lol. Plus I like that he was so effed up in his returned form, it adds more oomph to his prior defeat IMO.

I assumed he was a clone too but if he was why couldn?t he manufacture a new body rather than being reliant on the contraption?

You guys misunderstood what I was trying to ask, maybe because I wasn't clear. What Im saying is that the Palpatine in ROTSK is not a clone. The one in the prequels and OT WAS the clone, while the REAL Palpatine on life support is the one in ROTSK. That"s why he has no scars and looks like the actor. He"s an ancient Palpatine Apocalypse style, and has been there controlling everything for hundreds of years.
You guys misunderstood what I was trying to ask, maybe because I wasn't clear. What Im saying is that the Palpatine in ROTSK is not a clone. The one in the prequels and OT WAS the clone, while the REAL Palpatine on life support is the one in ROTSK. That"s why he has no scars and looks like the actor. He"s an ancient Palpatine Apocalypse style, and has been there controlling everything for hundreds of years.

See that **** right there is what I'm talking about with that scene allowing for all kinds of unholy interpretations. I don't know if that was the intent but I love it! :rock

Maybe Jeepers Creepers Palps *was* the original Sith thousands of years ago. And Plagueis. And Snoke. on. And he resurfaces every 30 or 100 or 1000 years to feed, absorb power, whatever. Until now since he's finally been destroyed.

Maybe Luke and Vader were the first ones to actually kill one of his forms which prompted him to "activate" one of his naturally sired offspring as an additional contingency which ended up backfiring spectacularly. Damn I love the possibilities.
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Some thoughts about the mystery of Palps survival and the lack of answers.

Ya know.. Sometimes in the SW Universe I dont need answers. I can fill in the holes with my imagination.

Lets face it.. Wasnt it better when we had to imagine the Anakin / Obi wan fight. Wasnt it better when we had to imagin Anakins turn to the dark side? Isnt it just fine that we dont know how Luke goes from average Jedi in training in Empire to full blown Jedi in Return?

So with Palps I don't need an answer. Its fine there is some mystery.

As for his new Final Order. I thought maybe it was Clones that helped build and man the ships. Don't know. Not sure I care.

As for Palps announcing his plan to the Galaxy.. I just figure he thought 1. He had the war won and 2. he needed to get Kylo and Rey to confront him.

Sure there are plot holes but lets face it.. We have the crap fest known as TLJ to thank for that. Don't make a film that goes absolutely no where and the filmmakers of the next film wont have to try and cram two movies into one.