Super7: New ReAction The Terminator figures

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Super Freak
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
Didn't see these coming,






The Alien line are cool because, well, those were actually Kenner molds that were going to be made. It was an actual line. This "throw back" gimmick on everything though? I don't really get it. It only works for actual Vintage lines in my opinion, not "made up" ones. I'd rather have a detailed NECA or Hot Toys Sarah Connor than an 80s looking one.
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They look good as what they are. No interest though. Pity a gimmick line like this gets Sarah and Reese while the company that could do them most justice won't touch them. (well, won't touch Sarah anyway)
$20 for happy meal know they are going to be expensive
I think if Kenner did these back in the day, the sculpts would be a little better and more detailed too. There was a huge jump in terms of sculpting from 1978 with the Star Wars line to 1985 with POTJ. So I don't really get these.

By 1990, Kenner did a great job with their actual sculpts for their Terminator characters. Most of the Arnolds actually looked like Arnold. The Endo was great too. It was just the odd figure choices that made the line seem weird (sleeveless arms, red shirt, "magma glow", etc.) These? I dunno. Too gimmicky.

The only two that look decent to me are Sarah and Kyle Reese. The Arnolds are laughable.
Yeah I'm just not getting this, I had no interest in the Alien stuff but could understand the appeal what with it being a "lost" line.

I do like the reese and sarah but the price point they are going to be at is just ridiculous tbh. The only thing that separates these from the 5 POA junk that mattel and hasbro churn out is nostalgia and the license - despite being a huge terminator fan even I would struggle to justify these.
they look pretty horrible- particularly the Arnolds. I would like them at 9.99, though. No more. Perhaps they'll look better when they release them...
The Alien line are cool because, well, those were actually Kenner molds that were going to be made. It was an actual line. This "throw back" gimmick on everything though? I don't really get it. It only works for actual Vintage lines in my opinion, not "made up" ones. I'd rather have a detailed NECA or Hot Toys Sarah Connor than an 80s looking one.

+1. I don't get it, either. These look like really bad bootlegs, too. Can we just re-release the Kenner Terminator line? At least I have nostalgic attachment there...
The Alien line makes the vintage look work so much better than these. And as it's been said before, that's probably because those were vintage figures.
These aren't so good tbh. Well the Arnolds. Sarah is great and gave me a 93 Kenner Jurassic Park vibe which is a very good thing. I loved the Alien line and was really excited about all the upcoming horror stuff but now I dunno. This is Neca's attempt at this stuff now right? I think it would have been better if it stayed in the hands of a smaller company. I know they wouldnt have as many licenes but I dunno, It just doesn't feel right. It feels like another typical Neca gimmick like MEGO redos.
Funko, right, I knew they got bought by someone. I guess it pretty much just made sense for more money and licenses. Do we know if the sculptors are the same who worked on the Alien line or new ones from Funko's in-house?
Funko, right, I knew they got bought by someone. I guess it pretty much just made sense for more money and licenses. Do we know if the sculptors are the same who worked on the Alien line or new ones from Funko's in-house?

I might be majorly wrong, but I think Super 7 had license and access to the original molds for the Aliens stuff whereas this will be sculpted by them

Would explain why these look a bit "odd"
I might be majorly wrong, but I think Super 7 had license and access to the original molds for the Aliens stuff whereas this will be sculpted by them

Would explain why these look a bit "odd"

Ah, I thought only a few of them were ever sculpted back in the day and they did the rest.
Funko, right, I knew they got bought by someone. I guess it pretty much just made sense for more money and licenses. Do we know if the sculptors are the same who worked on the Alien line or new ones from Funko's in-house?

Like Bazooka said, I think Funko's sculptors had access to the Kenner Alien molds. That's what made the novelty of them so cool.

These, I dunno, the style seems forced. You are right though, Sarah reminds me of the Jurassic Park figures, specifically Elle. Their Terminayor figures were a lot more detailed though, especially the sculpting. Other than Sarah and maybe Reese, these just seem lazy.

Well just look at the Reaction Alien Figures if those were indeed done in the 80s. Look at Kane's space suit and the amount of detail and then look at that Tech Noir Arnold. Flat out joke.

Really dissapointed because while this and EFNY were surprises, I was very much looking forward to the horror stuff like Myers and Sam.

They're clearly overextending themselves. Firefly and Buffy and Nightmare b4 Xmas aren't close to the right time period for this style yet they're doing them right out of the gate.