Master Works/ Iminime Sherlock figure.

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Super Freak
Dec 7, 2008
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I know the sales thread got closed but I'm hoping that we can keep this one clean and allow the few that got this figure to be able to enjoy it and share some photos with those that didn't. Hopefully this can help keep the Big Chief thread clean for the collectors of their figures.

Ill start it off with my pic.

I'm glad to see a thread for this figure. The likeness is amazing and the clothes are unreal. The only negative when compared to the BC figure IMO is the lack of accessories, but I'd rather have a solid likeness and then scrounge the accessories later. Hope the pics start rolling in!
had the pleasure of having this in my own home in New Jersey for a few days after I left Famcon...before I sent it to its rightful owner(s)..;-)....I do hope that people will start to post pics tho...I really wish I could afford to have this in my collection (after the fact)....I guess what I was waiting for was the eventually release that was SHUT DOWN....this kinda reinforces (to me) why I always have to jump on every list first...but oh that will no doubt be a grail for many...
Here's mine.

Stock figure. No mods. Just added 1/6 violin.



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Thanks for starting this thread, Robbie, I did feel bad about sharing pics in the BCS thread...

Here are mine!

For those who have this figure, what type of body does it come in? And congrats

sent from The Leaky Cauldron
What a great sculpt, nailed his likeness perfectly, GREAT STUFF

Picked this as representatives of many other quotes... you guys have got to be kidding.

Yes, it looks like a tiny human being.

No, it looks nothing like Cumberbatch. The top of the head is just plain wrong. Not only that but the coat looks like it's dogtooth, which the real coat is not.

The original unpainted sculpt looked amazing, so amazing that I was interested myself, but this doesn't. What really gets me is that a lot of those people who were *****ing and sniping at BCS - after they were kind enough to let Denny sell his run of 20 - came out with a load of subjective crap about how poor the likeness or the paint job was on the BCS version. But at least it looks like Cumberbatch. This looks nothing like him.

If this was a great Sherlock head I would be bombarding BCS with emails begging them to make some sort of deal with Denny to use his sculpt themselves, because a genuinely excellent sculpt would deserve a wider distribution (and would only get recast anyway). But it isn't. This reminds me of HT's V1 Joker - it kind of resembled the character, but not the actor.

I'm glad for those who have one of the 20 and I hope they enjoy it, but I just don't get what people see in it. I think people want the rarity value of it rather than the figure itself.