DCD 13" Captain Marvel

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Super Freak
Jan 13, 2006
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Anybody pick this up today? I should have mine this coming Tuesday (Monday is a holiday) from Marc @ Alter Ego. Can't wait!

I picked up my Captain Marvel this afternoon. The only thing wrong with it is some idiot in marketing decided to write Cap's powers instead of his name on the box. Your going to be very happy if you have one of them on order. The nicest figure yet, and by a good long way. Sculpt is brilliant and costuming about as good as it's going to get in the line. And you get your very own "Mr. Mind" to go with your "Big Red Cheese"!!!!!! That's gotta seal the deal for you. It's really nice and has me even more excited about the next Superman and Neal Adams comic version Batman.
chamildav said:
The only thing wrong with it is some idiot in marketing decided to write Cap's powers instead of his name on the box.

I'm not sure what you mean by this.


Glad to hear you're happy with the figure!
"I think he's refering to the magic word Shazam, when his name is Captain Marvel"
Yup, that was it.
Ah, ok. Well DC had no choice. They have to use SHAZAM instead of Captain Marvel because of Marvel Comics. I hate calling the character Shazam, so I always refer to him as CM. :D
Well, since Fawcett Comics stopped publishing the Captain Marvel comics in 1953., Marvel Comics started their own Captain Marvel (different character). It wasn't until 1972, that DC comics brought back Captain Marvel, but they could not use the name. Since the Marvel comics version was trademarked before DC, DC comics can not promote and market their Captain Marvel/Marvel Family properties under that name. Since the return in 1972, DC has instead used the trademark Shazam!. It is the only name that they can use to market and promote the character. Hence, the name Shazam! on the box instead of Captain Marvel.


My LCS had them for $79.99 is that the retail? The costume was nicer but DC gouges the price on the other versions so I was expecting the same price of $69.99.
Natrix said:
My LCS had them for $79.99 is that the retail? The costume was nicer but DC gouges the price on the other versions so I was expecting the same price of $69.99.

The DC Direct website indicates a SRP of $69.99. I buy all of mine through Alter Ego and with shipping they end up being around $65.
I expect most everyone reading this will already know what the magic word "Shazam" signifies when spoken by Billy Batson to transform into the worlds mightiest mortal. But for the few who don't, each letter stands for one of the beings who's powers are bestowed on Billy to become Captain Marvel when he invokes the Wizards name, which is "Shazam".
They are
The wisdom of Solomon
The strength of Hercules
The stamina of Atlas
The power (lightning) of Zeus
The courage of Achilles
The speed of Mercury
If you'd like a little Cap info you might want to check out the www.marvelfamily.com sight. And if your interested in what "SHAZAM" means when uttered by Billy's sister Mary, or by "Black Adam" take a look at this https://www.marvelfamily.com/faq/
Sorry to go off track. But it's been driving me crazy for the last thirty years seeing Cap called "SHAZAM!". You'd think when DC bought Fawcett City they might have started getting it right.
I'm not an expert on the law, but the copyright issues were settled about fifteen years ago and DC can use the name Captain Marvel, and in fact, they sometimes do. They use SHAZAM! by choice. I have no idea why.
Well, I'm wrong. I decided to do a little research and just read this which explains the problem: https://briefs.toddverbeek.com/archives/000064.html Copyright was settled which allowed DC to continue using the name Captain marvel since it's virtually impossible to copyright a title. But it was decided MCG's Captain Marvel trademark would be violated if DC used "Captain Marvel" as a title on the comic. At least I'm less confused by the use of SHAZAM in advertising now.
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I called another LCS and they have one left and are charging $69.99 so I had them hold it for me to pick up tonight. I am really ticked at the shop that I usually support for trying to stick another $10 on the price. They are usually more expensive on older stuff but also often have good sales to clear some inventory.
chamildav said:
I expect most everyone reading this will already know what the magic word "Shazam" signifies when spoken by Billy Batson to transform into the worlds mightiest mortal. But for the few who don't, each letter stands for one of the beings who's powers are bestowed on Billy to become Captain Marvel when he invokes the Wizards name, which is "Shazam".
They are
The wisdom of Solomon
The strength of Hercules
The stamina of Atlas
The power (lightning) of Zeus
The courage of Achilles
The speed of Mercury
If you'd like a little Cap info you might want to check out the www.marvelfamily.com sight. And if your interested in what "SHAZAM" means when uttered by Billy's sister Mary, or by "Black Adam" take a look at this https://www.marvelfamily.com/faq/
Sorry to go off track. But it's been driving me crazy for the last thirty years seeing Cap called "SHAZAM!". You'd think when DC bought Fawcett City they might have started getting it right.
I think it's a shame what DC comics did to Fawcett. I don't think they deserve to own the character in any way.
I was wrong on the price from the store I was at earlier tonight. The guy at the store hadn't marked the price on them, he just told me they were $10 more. I didn't realize that the price was increasing over the previous price of $59.99 but all the new ones are MSRP of $69.99. That sucks!

Anyway pictures later!
Here are some pictures!

On the plus side: Shazam is awesome looking, no zippers on boots, much better head sculpt than the original promo, cool Mr. Mind worm, nice costume and cape fabric.

On the negative side: PRICE!, uneven wrist wraps, cheap plastic button on chest flap, lightning bolt on chest printed on not fabric like the picture on the box, collar on cape hard to keep flat, uneven cut on gold trim around cape which is curling upward on the collar.

If DC is now going to charge this much for little to no accessories, the costumes should be perfect and have high quality touches (metal button on chest flap like on the box) or else give us a better body without the cut joints or some extra sculpted hands instead of the stupid bendy hands.

I don't want to sound to negative because I really like these figures but just wish DC would go the extra mile to make these truly great.

Thanks for the pics Natrix! Cap looks pretty good overall. Is he wearing lipstick? :D
Lips might be a tad pink, but look about the same as Batman. It doesn't stick out as bad in person.

I will be curious as to hear others overall opinions when they get him.