Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "Driver"

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Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

Looking at the 'holding sets hostage' situation. I personally locked in a Double FS as by the time I got online yesterday morning the VIP DX sets where gone. I got lucky and a DX popped up like 2 hours later so I grabbed it and cancelled the Double FS.

I don't think there's anything wrong with that it's possible so why not do it. However I agree the time to pay window should be reduced from the current week to something like 3 days. 3 days is more than enough if you haven't started putting cash to one side the minute these things are announced then that's on you. There will always be somebody that is ready to pay immediately sets should go to them if you can't pay within 3 days.

Just my opinion
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

Should be a day imo. A week is more than enough time for a flipper to see how an ebay sale goes.
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

Should be a day imo. A week is more than enough time for a flipper to see how an ebay sale goes.

Fair point. Could just do away with it completely payment needed at time of order
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

I think the paying immediately idea makes some sense, but as a result, what you would see more of is folks buying more than they want to, then that ultimately means less available for guys like Pop. Say you bought that double full set. Then saw a DX, and bought it, too. That means both of those are gone. You could sell one later (probably would, if Rainman wouldn't refund/cancel), but it actually works to the broad collector community's advantage that folks have a few days to make decisions IMO.
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

I think the paying immediately idea makes some sense, but as a result, what you would see more of is folks buying more than they want to, then that ultimately means less available for guys like Pop. Say you bought that double full set. Then saw a DX, and bought it, too. That means both of those are gone. You could sell one later (probably would, if Rainman wouldn't refund/cancel), but it actually works to the broad collector community's advantage that folks have a few days to make decisions IMO.

Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

Yeah, if I wanted to fool around with that kind of thing I would just try to find some nice jeans elsewhere and try my hand at that. I've seen Teddy and others modding Rainman clothing, and that always gives me a little shock when I see it :lol


I've screwed around with some really expensive customs and clothes but it would be a bit hard to work on a Rainman figure, for me anyway.

I didn't say I was going to do it either lol..but it could be done to make them look more accurate.
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

It is. but you need to do the following:
Remove the buttons, take off the left sleeve pocket, front pockets, and its missing the rear collar zipper. Some work is needed , but its doable.

The top pockets are still too small and it shouldn't have the bottom pockets like that, only the flaps for them. Theres no way that would work for Travis.

Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

I think the paying immediately idea makes some sense, but as a result, what you would see more of is folks buying more than they want to, then that ultimately means less available for guys like Pop. Say you bought that double full set. Then saw a DX, and bought it, too. That means both of those are gone. You could sell one later (probably would, if Rainman wouldn't refund/cancel), but it actually works to the broad collector community's advantage that folks have a few days to make decisions IMO.

Very true I could have sold that Double FS to Pop though as I'd have no longer needed it. Your right though there is no definitive answer every method has it's pros and cons
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

I guess the only way around that is do both an immediate payment option with restrictions on only buying a single set. But then, again, some guys would have either had to pay for the double set right away, and then been stuck with it, or gambled on getting a DX later and held off on buying, then possibly ended up with neither!

I personally think the current system works pretty well to satisfy most customers, though moving from 7 to 3 days or whatever (giving VIPs a chance to get a more desirable set during regular pre-order) wouldn't seem to be a problem.
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

These are the two photo's of the ones I've looked through that give me faith in the mohawk sculpt.



With the changes Rainman has mentioned I think once it's in hand it will be a home run.
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

Don't get me wrong, the hostage method is available so it should be used. As much as most of us want to be fair to the rest of the circle, we have to hedge our own bets too. But it's the grace period that kills this situation. 2 days is more than enough time (really the 2 months that we get is more than enough time to put together the scratch).

The whole thing becomes too stretched out. We've seen things resurface weeks after opening day. Why is this? Because the first guy rides out the entire week and RM probably cancels it on his own.... then the next guy does the same thing.... and sometimes the next guy.....

How long can someone who wants a package stayed glued to the site to see if something pops up while still dealing with 1:1 life? I'm running around like a madman while still accessing the site from 3 different devices in different locations. It gets hectic and that's the work that you have to put in for these things sometimes but I can do it for days... not weeks

@ Sam: Right, let me rephrase that. For this release I don't see an issue with grabbing both Driver & Soldier FS for obvious reasons. But a DX or DFS and another set????.....

Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

I tryed something similar with the John Connor jacket and it was just too tight. Try to track down a Rambo m65 or BroPro.

Actually I have a bropro m65 without the patches if anyone wants to shoot me an offer.
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

I hear that Pop, and I think it also affects Rainman's ability to judge sales accurately. I'm not sure "hostage" is the right analogy, though. What is being held hostage? The figure you are threatening. . .to buy? Or the other collectors? Who you are threatening. . .to release a set to? :lol

Man, some vicious bastard hostage takers 'round here.

Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

Maybe rainman should just go to an open limit style. Once the window is closed, it's closed. Wether that means 35 or 50 fullsets. Its just more money for him.
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

Maybe rainman should just go to an open limit style. Once the window is closed, it's closed. Wether that means 35 or 50 fullsets. Its just more money for him.

Probably doesnt because of all the additional paint work it would entail. I can't speak for him but he may feel he's currently at his limit when it come to time available against quality of work put out. Add another 15 or 20 pairs of heads (with regards to this release) and the quality may slip a little. It's a lot of work
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

I don't want to start a crazy derailing debate over this but I have to mention the time of kick-off on this one. What the hell was that about?!?!? :lol

I have no problem with it being a time that's more convenient for our brothers across the pond but what's with the sneak attack approach on this one?!?!?! We all know that it's always way more convenient for us in the US/Canada time zones and I have no issues with you guys getting the more luxurious time slot on this one; hell, I'd be fine if you get it the next 5 times to even the score but why the hell wasn't a time announced in advanced?

I have no problem if it was to be 6:00am EST because I would just set my alarm, get up and be ready to rock but how come no heads up on this one?!?!?! He always tells us a time!!! This was even worse than how Beto handles things. At least he'll start posting "get ready" "coming soon" type things in the thread so there's at least some type of notice.

All he had to do was say it was going to be 5:00am Central and I wouldn’t have made a slurry, sloshy, stumbly mess of myself and I would have came home a couple hours earlier to get prepared. This went up 45 minutes after I hit the bed like a ton of bricks.

Also I can understand other time choices on certain days… but this was Sunday! Most people are off and there could’ve been a better choice of time that suits everyone better. 9:00am Central = 2:00pm UK = 10pm Korea….. :dunno

The last thing I'm gonna b__ch about today :lol
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

The time for VIP is never announced in advance.

As soon as the email hits its open. Luck of the draw for the time it starts.