Official Killzone 2 -- For Hellghan!!!!

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February 27th, I think....very tempted to buy a ps3 with some of my xmas bonus, it's either that or desert rat bertie
February 27th, I think....very tempted to buy a ps3 with some of my xmas bonus, it's either that or desert rat bertie
Well, you'd have this, God of War 3 and Uncharted 2 to look forward to, plus you can check out Metal Gear 4, Uncharted 1, Heavenly Sword and Resistance 1 & 2. Buy the PS3 and Flexpay the Bertie. :cool:
i just flipped trough a review on the playstation: the official magazine Feb issue and they gave Killzone 2 a 5 star rating.its even got a 7 page review which i was too lazy to read but anyway it looks pretty cool.
i just flipped trough a review on the playstation: the official magazine Feb issue and they gave Killzone 2 a 5 star rating.its even got a 7 page review which i was too lazy to read but anyway it looks pretty cool.

Hmmm...the "Official Playstation Magazine" giving it a 5 out of 5 huh? LOL! I am sure it is fantastic but any official magazines reviews are usually worthless.
Hmmm...the "Official Playstation Magazine" giving it a 5 out of 5 huh? LOL! I am sure it is fantastic but any official magazines reviews are usually worthless.

yep, i pretty much think as you do....i just hope its not another Haze, getting all this hype and at the end....NADA! i should also say that i thought the 1st killzone was cool so if its an improvement over the 1st game thats fine with me.
Here is a trophy list.

Corinth Ribbon Bronze Trophy
Complete Corinth River on any difficulty level

Blood Ribbon Bronze Trophy
Complete Blood Meridian on any difficulty level

Visari Ribbon Bronze Trophy
Complete Visari Square on any difficulty level

Salamun Ribbon Bronze Trophy
Complete Salamun District on any difficulty level

Bridge Ribbon Bronze Trophy
Complete Salamun Bridge on any difficulty level

Suljeva Ribbon Bronze Trophy
Complete Suljeva Village on any difficulty level

Tharsis Ribbon Bronze Trophy
Complete Tharsis Refinery on any difficulty level

Cruiser Ribbon Bronze Trophy
Complete The Cruiser on any difficulty level

Pallbearer - Kill 500 Helghast Bronze Trophy
Kill 500 Helghast Soldiers

Undertaker - Kill 1000 Helghast Bronze Trophy
Kill 1000 Helghast soldiers

Reaper - Kill 1500 Helghast Bronze Trophy
Kill 1500 Helghast soldiers

Field Agent - Collect all intel Bronze Trophy
Collect all intel within the game

Iconoclast - Destroy all symbols Bronze Trophy
Destroy all Helghast symbols within the game

Babysitter - Revive 25 Buddies Bronze Trophy
Revive your buddies a total of 25 times

Safari Hunter - Kill each enemy infantry type with a melee attack Bronze Trophy
Kill one of each enemy infantry type with a melee attack

Killing Spree - Kill 5 Helghast in 15 seconds Bronze Trophy
Kill 5 Helghast in 15 seconds whilst on foot and maintaining at least 85% health

Bullet Counter - Manually reload 150 times Bronze Trophy
Manually reload your weapon 150 times

Safety First - Shoot off 100 helmets Bronze Trophy
Shoot off 100 Helghast helmets during battle

Berserker - Kill 25 Helghast with melee attacks Bronze Trophy
Kill 25 Helghast using melee attacks

Barrel of Death - Kill 3 Helghast using your environment Bronze Trophy
Kill 3 Helghast at once using the surrounding environment

Professional - 3 revolver headshots in a row Bronze Trophy
Get 3 headshots in a row using the same clip of M4 Revolver ammunition

Fragmerchant - Kill 5 Helghast using a single grenade Bronze Trophy
Kill 5 Helghast at once using a single frag grenade

Fragmartyr - Kill 2 Helghast whilst taking your own life Bronze Trophy
Kill 2 Helghast at once and take your own life using a single frag grenade

Melonpopper - 15 headshots using the sniper rifle Bronze Trophy
Get 15 headshots using the VC32 Sniper Rifle

Blade Runner - 75 kills with the knife Bronze Trophy
Kill 75 Helghast using the knife

Run and Gunner - Kill 3 Helghast with one burst of assault rifle fire Bronze Trophy
Kill 3 Helghast using an M82 or StA52 assault rifle without releasing the trigger

Defensive Fighter - Kill 30 Helghast with an emplaced weapon Bronze Trophy
Kill 30 Helghast using the StA3 fixed gun emplacement

Valor Medal Bronze Trophy
Achieve weekly online honor rank #2

Valor Citation Bronze Trophy
Achieve weekly online honor rank #1

Cross-Training Ribbon Bronze Trophy
Acquire all badge specific medals

Veteran Ribbon Bronze Trophy
Acquire all mission specific medals

Expert Ribbon Bronze Trophy
Acquire all combat specific medals

Wargod Ribbon Bronze Trophy
Acquire all remaining medals

Blitzkrieg Ribbon Bronze Trophy
Win 50 online matches

Maelstra Ribbon Silver Trophy
Complete Maelstra Barrens on any difficulty level

Survivor Silver Trophy
Complete all missions on any difficulty level

Untouchable Silver Trophy
Complete all missions on any difficulty level without dying

Valor Cross Silver Trophy
Achieve weekly online honor rank #3

Heroic Survivor Gold Trophy
Complete all missions on Elite difficulty level

Career Ribbon Gold Trophy
Achieve an online rank of General

Valor Grand Cross Gold Trophy
Achieve weekly online honor rank #4

War Hero Platinum Trophy
Collect all Killzone®2 trophies

Secret Trophies

Elementalslayer - Kill the ArcTrooper within 1 minute 30 seconds Bronze Trophy
Kill the Tharsis Refinery ArcTrooper in under 1 minute 30 seconds

Giantslayer - Kill the Heavy within 1 minute Bronze Trophy
Kill the Blood Meridian heavy in under 1 minute

Dragonslayer - Destroy the ATAC within 1 minute 30 seconds Bronze Trophy
Destroy the Salamun Bridge ATAC in under 1 minute 30 seconds

Demonslayer - Kill Radec within 20 minutes Bronze Trophy
Kill Radec at Visari Palace within 20 minutes

Stick Around - Nail 20 Helghast to the wall Bronze Trophy
Nail 20 Helghast to a wall using the Boltgun VC-21

Master Conductor - Electrocute 3 Helghast Bronze Trophy
Electrocute 3 Helghast with a single burst from the VC5 Electricity Gun

Can Opener - Destroy a Helghast APC Bronze Trophy
Destroy any Helghast APC during battle

Spare Parts - Destroy all Leech Pods Bronze Trophy
Destroy all Leech Pods in The Cruiser

Treadhead - Kill 30 Helghast whilst in the tank Bronze Trophy
Take 30 Helghast lives whilst using the ISA tank

Mechspert - Stomp 10 Helghast Bronze Trophy
Stomp 10 Helghast with your Exoskeleton in Maelstra Barrens
let's quit with this negativity guys. as much as i hated the first game this one seems to deem worthy of our dollars and to whomever asked above in regards to multiplayer ---yes it has it and yes it is supposedly gonna be the cat's pajamas. i just read a review that was a little over the top because of a few of their "fanboyish" comments, but it seems that this game is going for game of the year. the one thing that i found really discrediting was how they ended the review by saying that it makes Gears 2 look like garbage. well, even it it was true IMO they just lost some objectivity and credibility.
i'll post a link to it because it's rather wordy:
just a side note to Gears haters....i don't really care about graphics, these days graphics are awesome without saying--i prefer gameplay, style, and somewhat originality (i know, FPS can only have so many different takes) i'm just impressed that everyone compares the Gears games to Killzone, especially when you consider that BOTH games have been designed and released during the same time that Killzone 2 has been in the works.
some videos to get us warmed up:
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Killzone 2 review

IGN scored it 9.4/10

<embed src='' flashvars='object_ID=748475&downloadURL="all%"' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='433' height='360'></embed>
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Re: Killzone 2 review

Suck on that BadDouche!!! :lol

This game is gonna rock!! :rock

WIll there be Co-Op Karma? If so, let's rock the shat!!

nah...see the vid review but they say the multiplayer is awesome, with depth to ranking up, customisation and there's a cover system

In regards to gears...I just need a break, it's been near 12 months solid