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  1. Prime Clone

    Superman (July 11th, 2025)

    It was actually a piano
  2. Prime Clone

    Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

    The new 25th anniversary TPM comic shows us Anakin's dream about freeing the slaves. And like all comics in the Disney era (except those labelled Legends), it's as canon as the movies. It reminds me how much I would've liked the Jedi to have this style of costume:
  3. Prime Clone

    Superman (July 11th, 2025)

    With an Aussie footy star!
  4. Prime Clone

    Rank the 16 DC Extended Universe Films from Best to Worst

    That's pretty close to mine too. Tho I even find space for Josstice League.
  5. Prime Clone

    Matrix 5

    Alas it's the "Skywalkers" who are the attraction. Though as Animatrix showed, there are other stories to be told. Anyhoo, I for one welcome anything that increases the chances of a HT (or InArt) Reloaded/Revolutions Neo.
  6. Prime Clone

    Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

    Here Down Under it's per trilogy, and the ST doesn't even get a look-in! OT for May the Fourth, PT for Revenge of the Fifth.
  7. Prime Clone

    Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

    EU: Disney: Also Disney:
  8. Prime Clone

    Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread
  9. Prime Clone

    Furiosa (May 24, 2024)

    Minor point, but they should have called it Furiosa: A Mad Max Story (like RO & Solo), not Saga. MM is the saga, Furiosa is a story.
  10. Prime Clone

    Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

    I didn't mind the Thrawn trilogy, but Dark Empire was the high water mark of the EU. Glad we got at least a taste of it in the ST. (I wouldn't have wanted a pure adaptation of DE as I prefer a "new generation" in each trilogy).
  11. Prime Clone

    Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread
  12. Prime Clone

    Furiosa (May 24, 2024)

    I may have said this before but at least Miller introduced a *new* female character, rather than rebooting as Mad Maxine.
  13. Prime Clone

    The Batman - Part II (October 3rd, 2025)

    They decided to add a Doomsday sequence and rush-assemble the new Justice League :chase
  14. Prime Clone

    The Batman - Part II (October 3rd, 2025)

    Hey, that's almost as much as BvS!
  15. Prime Clone

    Dune Part Two (October 20th, 2023)

    Because Star Wars is a B-movie/cliffhanger-serial homage. But at least it gave us sand planets and spice smugglers.