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  1. ferris209

    Lieutenant Columbo 1/6

    LOL! Yep, I'm being serious. I actually did this. Admittedly, it did not present the results I desired, but the coat and suit are pretty rumpled as they should be. I'd hoped it would've been a little more ragged and worn, but it didn't happen. Oh well.
  2. ferris209

    Lieutenant Columbo 1/6

    Yeah, the I have the same coat as viezure, but I took mine and cut off the buttons on his left side and took the belts off of the cuffs. I then soaked it in water for a couple weeks and threw it in the trunk of my car and let it ride there for a couple months amongst the junk during the heat of...
  3. ferris209

    Lieutenant Columbo 1/6

    Wow! How much would that cost a fella Alex, if he wanted to take it off your hands?
  4. ferris209

    Aldo Raine - the italian (enzo gorlomi) version

    That is awesome my friend! I am also a huge fan of the Basterds, and Aldo especially. As a matter of fact, I am a southerner and have been told by most of my co-workers that Aldo sounds like me or I sound like him, inflection and all. I dunno though. What I'd like is a unformed Lt. Raine, from...
  5. ferris209

    Lieutenant Columbo 1/6

    That looks great! Please, details, details!!
  6. ferris209

    Lieutenant Columbo 1/6

    Yeah, I agree, even though I am doing my best to replicate your great work, Viezure, yours is the first. Seriously, if it hadn't been for your great idea, your specifics in detail, your great choice of artist, and finally your patience and commitment to completing the task, I doubt I'd be here...
  7. ferris209

    Lieutenant Columbo 1/6

    Yeah, I am contiunally amazed at how beautiful a work of art that head is, all the way around. Viezure, you did add the cherry to the top of a perfect sunday by putting the gleam in his eyes. As for the cigar, it was most often brown in the episodes from the late 70's on...
  8. ferris209

    Lieutenant Columbo 1/6

    I agree wholeheartedly Jimmy!! This figure is what got me here. I hope to replicate Viezure's great figure, with Alex's help, of course.
  9. ferris209

    Lieutenant Columbo 1/6

    Columbo carried a green cigar for many episodes. But it is well established that he was very non-specific in his choice of cigar, opting almost always for what was cheap. The green ones hung on for a short while though.
  10. ferris209

    Lieutenant Columbo 1/6

    Alex, I'm totally in for a painted head, if you can. Your work is amazing and I must have one! Great job Viezure!
  11. ferris209

    Gun collecting

    I currently own: (1) H&K Compact .40 (2) H&K Compact .45 No current picture (3) Smith & Wesson 1911 Custom (4) American Arms Guardian .32 "Wallet" (5) Rock River Arms AR-15 .223 Fully customized with EOTech and full rails. No picture available.
  12. ferris209

    What was your first GI JOE toy???

    My first G.I. Joe was a vehicle, the Cobra Imp! I just can't, for the life of me, remember what figure I got with the Imp. I know my aunt bought the Imp for me and also got another figure, since the Imp didn't come with one. I think it was either the...
  13. ferris209

    What was your first Star Wars movie?

    My first that I remember is the best one, ESB. I am 32 now, but I remember being a wee little kid when one of my Dad's employees brought over his Laser Disc player and ESB. That memory really sticks out for me.
  14. ferris209

    Odd how I got here, but Howdy!

    Thanks! Yeah, much to the dismay of my wife, I am into some very expensive hobbies. Probably the most expensive is the rhinestoned suits followed closely after that by the guitars. But I am always telling my wife that when I kick the bucket, she ought to have a mighty sum coming to her when she...
  15. ferris209

    Odd how I got here, but Howdy!

    Howdy all, I am a HUGE Columbo fan and have been for quite some time. I was recently perusing my favorite Columbo site and forum when I stumbled upon a contributor there who had made his very own Columbo figure! I was purely amazed and impressed with it that I decided I HAD to have my own. His...