1/6 Hot Toys- Exclusive Chrome Commander Cody

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Super Freak
Aug 3, 2013
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Oh so I guess these are the two exclusives for the event that was mentioned? Kind of glad, can rest easy.
Biggest yawn in a while
That is good. We don't want an Umbra ARC trooper situation where loads of folk wanted it but missed out. This being super niche makes it ideal for exclusive as very few people want it. Means the folk who want it will get it so long as scalpers and opportunists don't snap em up.
Yeah the umbra trooper rarer then any artisan figure even scarlet witch when so many people army build and collect troopers was a strange choice. I know in Asia especially golden/silver/chrome/black versions of pop culture characters for anniversaries and events is a bigger thing then in EU/US so I'm sure this one will still sell like hot cakes.
Really odd choices being made by HT for this event. This is an event type exclusive! A non-canon repaint is perfect for an event exclusive. Then they go and make a new character, half of a natural pairing, a highly limited exclusive while making the other half a general release. Still trying to figure the logic in that one out.
Okay...I have the other chrome and whatever troopers...but I'm honestly just not into this...at all. Idk why. Just seems weird to do Cody in chrome. Next is chrome rex? I'm so warped into some kinda Pokemon mentality with Hot Toys that I "gotta catch 'em all!" but this...I will try hard not to get 😂