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  1. D

    Sandtroopers and dewbacks

    Thanks, Decky!! Much appreciated. His shirt comes from Commander Praji. I removed and trimmed his rank to glue on the armor. The armor, belt, canister, and holster come from a Blackhole Trooper. Ammo pouches from a Sandtrooper. Pants from a Cobra sniper. His boots from some WWII German...
  2. D

    1/6th Sand Person/Tusken Raider

    Thanks, fellas. It was fun putting him together. Like I had seen done here already, the bandolier was an easy mod of the Hasbro version. In fact, I'm sure most of you can tell, the whole figure is pretty much just a modified Hasbro one.
  3. D

    Sandtroopers and dewbacks

    Thanks, old buddy! :wave The stands are just the standard Sideshow ones they include with all their figures. The sand base was included with a couple of the GI Joe and Cobra troops and will also come with the soon to be released Sandtrooper... the one with all the guns that will come out the...
  4. D

    Sandtroopers and dewbacks

    Thanks, Chakaman! Much appreciated. Please, go ahead and run with it. I'd love to see what you come up with. I got the idea from some SW strategy PC game I had played several years back that had an officer in black directing squads of desert and other type troopers, so it wasn't completely...
  5. D

    Sandtroopers and dewbacks

    Ha! Thanks. Hoped someone would get a kick out of that. I saw my hasbro buddies neglected over in the corner and figured I'd put two of them together just to see the contrast.
  6. D

    Sandtroopers and dewbacks

    Thanks for the feedback, DS! You're right, the pack looks too crisp and new as it stands.
  7. D

    Sandtroopers and dewbacks

    Here are a few shots with my Stormtrooper Lieutenant, and a Sandtrooper I only slightly modified from before. I couldn't find a white SS pauldron, so I fixed an extra black one I had. [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG]
  8. D

    1/6th Sand Person/Tusken Raider

    Got some inspiration from seeing some of these a while back, and figured I'd give it a try. Here's my raider in a few different poses. Sorry for the bad lighting. [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG]
  9. D

    Show Us Your Troops (Sideshow/Marmit/Medicom/etc.)!

    Thanks, R2! I didn't have great lighting when I took them, so I had to mess around with photoshop to get them to turn out a little bit better.
  10. D

    Show Us Your Troops (Sideshow/Marmit/Medicom/etc.)!

    My take on a Tatooine based Stormtrooper Lieutenant, pictured with one of his sergeants.
  11. D

    Sandtroopers and dewbacks

    This made me laugh and then I realized I just read it wrong... the first thing that came to mind was the Simpsons episode when Homer got Marge a bowling ball that was drilled to fit him and had his name on it. But I see now she got it for you, not the other way around. Merry Christmas
  12. D

    1/6th imperial troop transport

    That is slick. Love seeing it all primered up. Looks almost ready to go.
  13. D

    1-6th X-wing

    Re: 1-6th X-wing project That was the one! Thanks!!! I remember how cool it looked in the magazine vs my finished product. They must have had someone like Dorgs working there. Mine was somehow missing the most essential part... the personnel launcher.
  14. D

    1-6th X-wing

    Re: 1-6th X-wing project When I was but a wee lad I made an x-wing out of cardboard and paper. It wasn't entirely impressive, and needless to say, didn't last long. It was the Hoth diorama I made out of styrofoam. Mom found the idea in some craft magazine. That one junked up my room for...
  15. D

    1-6th X-wing

    Re: 1-6th X-wing project More and more impressed every time I visit this thread. I think I'm going to plan my next vacation to go see this in person... a grown up version of going to play SW at my new buddy's house down the street. But Mom, Dorgmal has an Xwing. Why can't I? Make your own...