Hot Toys MMS429 - Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker

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Luke was always my favorite character, with vader second, han maybe 3rd.

But there will be no luke in 9 unless they cgi him, hamill said he is not coming back period. He and RJ did not have a good relationship kind of like RJ and the fans, so any excitement he had for the project is nil at this point, just like the fans in large part.

Also contacted the place i ordered from and they say they will not have them till ship to august, hoping they got that date wrong......

What’s your source on this ? It’s a pretty significant development. Would appreciate reviewing the article(s) that present this development.

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So basically we’re putting words in Mark Hamill’s mouth based on our own feelings toward TLJ? Got it. I’ll wait for his actual comments rather than “reading between the lines” and mind reading.

The only thing I’ve seen him say in regards to returning is that it was time to move on because he wouldn’t be working with Ford and Fisher. But, maybe whatever JJ has in store would change that. His character is wide open for just about anything.
What’s your source on this ? It’s a pretty significant development. Would appreciate reviewing the article(s) that present this development.

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He won't have a source.

RJ and Hamill are pals in real life, despite what people want to believe. They have been seen together on numerous occasions well after the press-tour for TLJ ended. They normally tweet back and forth, Hamill likes a great number of Rian's tweet, instagram posts, etc. And regardless of whatever "proof" some people derive from the direction of Mark Hamill's eyes in a certain video, Hamill has had nothing but great things to say about Rian as a person.

Mark has voiced his doubts about Luke's story, and has gone on to say he was wrong and seeing the entire movie he really enjoyed it. Whether or not that's true, and whether he loved or hated the movie, it really has nothing to do with his relationship with Rian. Unlike a lot of fans, Mark can separate his feelings for a fictional piece of art from a real person.

They were at some kind of restaurant or event together as recent as maybe a month ago wearing Panda heads together ( in Vegas. Both of their wives are friends on FB and seem infer that the two families have spent time together, along with Mark's kids having nothing but good things to say about Rian on social media. Which again, seems like they've spent some time with him as well outside of their cameos.

Also, the whole "I don't care anymore" is taken out of context every single time. He was bummed about not getting the band back together, yes. But that was more JJ's fault than RJ anyway. RJ got Luke and Leia back together, not sure what he could've done about Han considering he's... well, dead. Anyway, the "I dont care anymore" is because of Carrie Fisher dying. He's stated this a few times. It took a huge toll on Mark, and beyond that it's just that he's the only one left and there's really nothing there for him personally anymore. That would likely be the same regardless of how TLJ turned out. Having to film another movie where he is used to having his lifelong friend/screen-sister for every single one he's done, would probably just be a reminder that she's gone to him.

TL;DR: Rian and Mark are friends. The "I don't care anymore" comments in context are primarily because Carrie Fisher died. Angry fans would like people to believe otherwise to both points.
Hamill has been seen on camera stating that he disagreed with virtually all of Rian Johnson's decisions regarding his character. He did what he could with the material, to the best of his ability, as he was being professional, but made no secret of the fact he disliked the way Luke was portrayed. He softened his stance in the media during the run up to the release date, presumably because he was ordered to do so by some Lucasfilm executive. Since the release of the film, he has returned to his earlier criticisms and implied he was "done" with Star Wars. I think it's highly doubtful he would be willing to appear in any future SW films.

Interesting fact in a similar vein, Kirstie Alley, who played Saavik in ST-II, refused to to reprise her character in ST-VI. This was because her character was popular with fans and she did not want to tarnish her standing in fandom, by portraying her as a traitor to the Federation. The character was eventually re-written as Valeris and played by Kim Cattrall.
So basically we’re putting words in Mark Hamill’s mouth based on our own feelings toward TLJ? Got it. I’ll wait for his actual comments rather than “reading between the lines” and mind reading.

The only thing I’ve seen him say in regards to returning is that it was time to move on because he wouldn’t be working with Ford and Fisher. But, maybe whatever JJ has in store would change that. His character is wide open for just about anything.

I just responded in a big meaty comment - but what you said. The "I don't care" when watched (or read, he's mentioned it a couple times) in-context is always about Harrison being gone (which was JJ, not RJ) and more importantly Carrie passing away.
Hamill has been seen on camera stating that he disagreed with virtually all of Rian Johnson's decisions regarding his character. He did what he could with the material, to the best of his ability, as he was being professional, but made no secret of the fact he disliked the way Luke was portrayed. He softened his stance in the media during the run up to the release date, presumably because he was ordered to do so by some Lucasfilm executive. Since the release of the film, he has returned to his earlier criticisms and implied he was "done" with Star Wars. I think it's highly doubtful he would be willing to appear in any future SW films.

Interesting fact in a similar vein, Kirstie Alley, who played Saavik in ST-II, refused to to reprise her character in ST-VI. This was because her character was popular with fans and she did not want to tarnish her standing in fandom, by portraying her as a traitor to the Federation. The character was eventually re-written as Valeris and played by Kim Cattrall.

Mark disagrees with portrayal of Luke.


Mark later says he likes TLJ as a whole and understands the ending for his character, even calls it a "great ending" at times.



Also, they haven't been doing press for a long time. He has since then still said nice things about TLJ, hungout with Rian Johnson numerous times and keeps in touch with him when he has no reason to if he didn't like him, and also you are taking the "Done with Star Wars" thing out of context.

Maybe if you'd bother to listen to him in context instead of cherry picking, you could see he's talking about not having Harrison around anymore and primarily Carrie Fisher passing away taking a big toll on him.

But go ahead and keep putting words in Mark's mouth just because you don't like TLJ.
So basically we’re putting words in Mark Hamill’s mouth based on our own feelings toward TLJ? Got it. I’ll wait for his actual comments rather than “reading between the lines” and mind reading.

Right? :lol

The trend I'm observing:

Lovers of TLJ: Mark never specifically said he despises his character, and he and RJ are buddies. Show me evidence otherwise.

Haters of TLJ: Mark has constantly stated how he despises his character, and has a bad relationship with RJ. Show me evidence otherwise.

I never said he disliked RJ. The original question was whether MH was likely to appear in ep9. I said it was unlikely. If you're correct about it primarily because of Carrie's death, he doesn't alter the fact his future participation in any future SW movies is unlikely.
I just responded in a big meaty comment - but what you said. The "I don't care" when watched (or read, he's mentioned it a couple times) in-context is always about Harrison being gone (which was JJ, not RJ) and more importantly Carrie passing away.

I don’t have much faith in JJ either. He was producer on TLJ. I don’t think he will fix anything or wants to. Hopefully they don’t extend these actors and find a way to wrap up sequel in one more movie and just move on to a totally new time, place, and cast of characters. They will probably kill Lando off by having him suicide bomb a star destroyer. R2, Chewy, and C-3PO will probably be on board as well. Then they will have accomplished killing off all our favorite characters. 3 down....4 to go.

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I don’t have much faith in JJ either. He was producer on TLJ. I don’t think he will fix anything or wants to. Hopefully they don’t extend these actors and find a way to wrap up sequel in one more movie and just move on to a totally new time, place, and cast of characters. They will probably kill Lando off by having him suicide bomb a star destroyer. R2, Chewy, and C-3PO will probably be on board as well. Then they will have accomplished killing off all our favorite characters. 3 down....4 to go.

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JJ's creativity will save the day. Just you wait.

Hamill: "This is not my Luke Skywalker." I believe that says it all.

Kylo Ren was interesting until he took the mask off in TFA. Then he just got all emotional from there out. From a story-telling point, I think his journey could have been the most interesting of all the characters. Zero creativity from anyone in Lucasfilm right now. You only are in Star Wars still because, well it's Star Wars.

Back to the figures, it does seem like more effort is being brought to the PT figures than the OT. Don't quite understand that one. Guess the young generation grew up and are craving PT stuff. Luke still has the greatest journey of them all. I was a Han fan when I was young, but as I got older Luke was more appealing in his journey and his fighting spirit in wanting to help his friends. Ford's attitude just turned me off over the years and I am all about Luke now. If Lucasfilm had any smarts, they would do a Jedi Luke animated series chronicling his adventures.
I can’t wait for my 2 dollies on Tuesday. Gotta hatch a plan to smuggle them in the house before emperor wife—atine discovers their arrival when I pick them up from ups.
Hamill: "This is not my Luke Skywalker." I believe that says it all.

Kylo Ren was interesting until he took the mask off in TFA. Then he just got all emotional from there out. From a story-telling point, I think his journey could have been the most interesting of all the characters. Zero creativity from anyone in Lucasfilm right now. You only are in Star Wars still because, well it's Star Wars.

Back to the figures, it does seem like more effort is being brought to the PT figures than the OT. Don't quite understand that one. Guess the young generation grew up and are craving PT stuff. Luke still has the greatest journey of them all. I was a Han fan when I was young, but as I got older Luke was more appealing in his journey and his fighting spirit in wanting to help his friends. Ford's attitude just turned me off over the years and I am all about Luke now. If Lucasfilm had any smarts, they would do a Jedi Luke animated series chronicling his adventures.

Disagree regarding Hamill’s opinion being the end all be all opinion. You are free to disagree with him. You don’t have to dislike the arc of the character just because he said he didn’t like it, and it doesn’t necessarily mean the direction the character took was wrong, just because he said he preferred a different direction.

Agree for the most part regarding Kylo. To me, he was his strongest in the opening Jakku scene in TFA. From there, he just became a snowflake. I initially disagreed with Rey being able to best him in lightsaber combat at the conclusion of TFA, but I’m now kind of starting to see why she did. Her skin is much thicker than his per se, and she grew up in an uncontrolled environment having to learn how to defend herself because if she got her ass kicked, nobody was going to step in and save her; it was only going to stop when she made it stop. Kylo I’m guessing grew up in a controlled environment, where if he started to get his ass kicked, someone was there to step in and save him. I would expect Kylo to be more trained in the Force, but I think Rey’s instinctive self defense skills are much greater than his. His expression once Rey put him on his ass and he was crawling backwards in retreat said it all: the moment of fear where he realized that nobody was there to save him this time. Overall, I still like the character though. There’s still something about him I find intriguing.

Also agree about the PT figures turning out better than the OT figures as an aggregate whole.
I can’t wait for my 2 dollies on Tuesday. Gotta hatch a plan to smuggle them in the house before emperor wife—atine discovers their arrival when I pick them up from ups.

Mine two are Tuesday as well. I don't have to smuggle them in, but since they need signed for, I need to play the "watch all day and catch the UPS guy in the 7 seconds he pretends to knock on door and then drives away" game. There is no real ryhme or reason on their routes in my neighborhood, he sometimes comes at 10am and other times 7:30 at night. Ugh, lol, hoping I'm an early stop that day.
Mine two are Tuesday as well. I don't have to smuggle them in, but since they need signed for, I need to play the "watch all day and catch the UPS guy in the 7 seconds he pretends to knock on door and then drives away" game. There is no real ryhme or reason on their routes in my neighborhood, he sometimes comes at 10am and other times 7:30 at night. Ugh, lol, hoping I'm an early stop that day.

If you sign up for UPS MyChoice you can change the delivery to not require a signature. You take a little risk, but my UPS people suck around here so I ended up using that option. It’ll also give you a notification when it’s delivered.
I can’t wait for my 2 dollies on Tuesday. Gotta hatch a plan to smuggle them in the house before emperor wife—atine discovers their arrival when I pick them up from ups.

Mine two are Tuesday as well. I don't have to smuggle them in, but since they need signed for, I need to play the "watch all day and catch the UPS guy in the 7 seconds he pretends to knock on door and then drives away" game. There is no real ryhme or reason on their routes in my neighborhood, he sometimes comes at 10am and other times 7:30 at night. Ugh, lol, hoping I'm an early stop that day.

Are these coming at you from SSC? Hoping to see some shipment activity from BBTS on this figure soon.
Disagree regarding Hamill’s opinion being the end all be all opinion. You are free to disagree with him. You don’t have to dislike the arc of the character just because he said he didn’t like it, and it doesn’t necessarily mean the direction the character took was wrong, just because he said he preferred a different direction.

I watched the movie first and I did not like it, nor the creative (or lack thereof) decisions for Luke. I thought they were very shallow and not well thought-out. Just like how bombs don't float in space, but are pulled in by some make believe gravity pull from the destroyer. I then sought out Mark Hamill's thoughts on the movie, and there is no shortage of him ripping the direction of the character. Whether anyone likes it or not is up to them, but Hamill has said in numerous interviews he knows Luke and that is not the direction he thought Luke would go.

On the Kylo issue, I have a problem with someone who is trained and gets defeated by someone who is not trained. I get he was injured, but only really a lucky break is the only way out of that scenario. She might be tough and resourceful, but the way it played she should not have been able to use Force powers like that.

Cannot wait to get Luke on Tuesday!
Can we have one thread that does not degrade into a debate over TLJ? I am personally so sick of hearing the haters being haters. I am sure the haters are sick of us who love TLJ also. That is why there is a thread for the movie section. This is supposed to be about RETURN OF THE JEDI Luke.

That said, The Last Jedi is a big, heartfelt love letter to everything great about Star Wars and made Luke Skywalker an even better character. Take that!!!!! *runs*