James Cameron working on a new Terminator movie!

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Broke and happy
Jul 25, 2008
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"James Cameron, who regains certain rights to his prized creation The Terminator in 2019, is godfathering a new iteration of the film that might finally get it right in drawing a close in the battle between humans and Skynet. Sources said that Cameron...is in early talks with Deadpool director and VFX wiz Tim Miller to direct a reboot and conclusion of one of cinema’s great science fiction tales."

That's Deadline breaking the story that James Cameron wants to hire Tim Miller to direct "a reboot and conclusion" to the Terminator franchise, whatever that might entail. Deadline goes on to say that David Ellison's company, Skydance, has agreed to shell out the cash for an "exploratory effort" which will bring in a number of top-shelf science fiction writers to "find the movie creatively".

In other words: James Cameron's getting the keys to the Terminator franchise back in 2019, and while neither he nor anyone else involved in this project have the first clue what they'd like to do with it, they're going to spend a bunch of money trying to find one.

In summation: the Terminator franchise has been a creatively-barren wasteland for going on 20 years, and there's probably a reason for that - the mythology as originally conceived was never intended to support a franchise spanning multiple sequels and two full decades (to say nothing of the toll time has taken on its chief draw, former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger).

It is the opinion of the Court that - despite the best intentions of all involved and the undeniable technical prowess of both Mr. Cameron and Mr. Miller - that no good shall come of this, that the results stand every chance of being completely disastrous and, perhaps even more importantly, a waste of both time and money for all involved, all of which could be directed towards more potentially-fruitful endeavors.

Then again, maybe we're wrong, and what the Terminator franchise really needs is a fifth at-bat. Here's hoping - for the sake of all involved - that one of these science fiction writers can figure that out for them.
Somewhere...in Ireland

Well I'm happy he gets the rights back with a return to the movie he created and Tim miller is a good choice I guess we will see because the other one wasn't so hot. Hopefully this will be the final terminator movie.

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Cameron supposedly throwing himself into 2-3 more Avatar films, his past statements about having said all he wanted to say with T2, and Terminators 3-5 ramming the franchise into the ground....and yet now this news.

Mind you I'll still be amazed if this actually goes ahead.

Somewhere...in Ireland


:lol :lol :lol
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I am completely blown away by this news after the disaster that was TG.

Ultimately I don't care. A bad Terminator movie would be nothing new. Sure they could pull a Rogue One or Batman Begins but those types of films are just so few and far between. Right now Cameron has bragging rights as only being associated with the "good" Terminator films and this seems like an unnecessary risk which could jeopardize that.

I can only assume that the new film will be about advanced Russian machines in the future sending a celebrity president back in time to kickstart climate change.
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Probably the most unpopular opinion on the board but Cameron should work with his Avatar 2 screenwriter Josh Friedman, who happens to be the creator of TSCC- since he's probably the only person on earth who knows how to continue telling a Terminator story.
I'm in the Let It Die camp. I didn't hate Geniysis but it didn't need to exist and neither does this. Some of these stories CAN have endings afterall. They can still make money off of anciliaries and merch from all the other films, tv show, etc.