Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Well, I think I'm out for a couple days, till I've digested this whole thing, I'll go out for a jog and try to get rid of expectations, positive and negative and go as blank as I can to the movie tomorrow.

I'm surprised this thread has been this clean despite being a couple disagreements, this place is really growing up :lol I hope it stays this way when everybody has seen the movie, cheers to everybody :duff
Because you don't consider their group a "dream team?" Well that's why I said "of sorts," I mean they they certainly seemed to be trying to gathering a solid group of actors/writers (Irons, Affleck, Eisenberg, Terrio) with pretty solid resumes (if you ignore Affleck's early work obviously) and it seemed like the whole plot of the movie revolved around a character who supposedly shared the mind of the internet MOS naysayers and look what happens. Even more internet naysayers. That approach certainly backfired for them. Or maybe not. Maybe it'll still make a billion dollars regardless of what the critics are predicting.

Admittedly I didn't follow every bit of news but the narrative as far as I can remember was more like MOS 2 morphed into BvS which morphed into a JL prequel and by the time they got to that mess they were too invested to do anything but damage control.

I know that sounds harsh but I was really hoping this would be one of those movies that just works out, as if it was meant to from the start. I'm still open minded. I enjoy many "rotten" movies. But the prevailing theme of the blurbs I've read (positive and negative) is that it absolutely is a mess and your rating will depend on how many of the fractured pieces you enjoy.

My show is tomorrow at 6 so in 24 hours the previews might actually be ending.
If you listen carefully, you can hear WWEjedi's evil Sith laugh.

I enjoyed AoU as a MCU film but talk about a mess with a joke and I mean joke of a villian. Add awful scenes like at Hawkeye's secret house and oh forget it... yeah marvel gets a huge pass critically

Not from me... It's officially my least fav Marvel film. That film was a mess and if BvS is a lot better then AOU I am going to be sad and depressed :(

Yeah there was some bad in AOU, but also some good.

Very little good in that film...

I am not going to trust any critics on this film... Not until Jye sees it 15 times in the theater and then gives his opinion.
I wish I was a critic who hated this movie.

"Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is home to more suckage than even its porn parody counterpart, and that movie is, at least, 25% constant sucking."
As if to prove my point about grubby millennial cynicism... :lol


At this point the only workable option I see left is to do a Kingdom Come-inspired story of an older Superman returning to a world that's grown cold and cynical in his absence, or start making these films period pieces set in the time the characters were first created (30's Superman and Batman movies, 50's Green Lantern and Flash movies, etc).

He's about to give that derriere a nice dose of ....justice :lol How's that for millenial cynicism? :banana
There has been talk about this movie being considered a success if it makes good $$. Not to the big wigs at WB. MOS made a profit but it was not loved and it scared them into running away from MOS 2 and making BvS. If this film does well but gets lots of backlash from critics and fans and does not do good repeat business (like MOS didn't do) then you can bet there will be even more changes which I am guessing will be behind the camera as well as changes to their plans for an extended universe.
There has been talk about this movie being considered a success if it makes good $$. Not to the big wigs at WB. MOS made a profit but it was not loved and it scared them into running away from MOS 2 and making BvS. If this film does well but gets lots of backlash from critics and fans and does not do good repeat business (like MOS didn't do) then you can bet there will be even more changes which I am guessing will be behind the camera as well as changes to their plans for an extended universe.

Not sure- too early. We'll see the box office and where it stands in 2 or 3 weeks. If it tops a billion worldwide and outperforms MOS here domestically I am not sure if WB will order too many major changes but I think script changes will be made to JL (Snyder directing) and adjustments . IF it falls short of that kind of money WB will start chopping and everything will change....
Money isn't the only issue this movie has. It will undoubtedly make a **** load.
But if people hate it they won't bother with JL. That's the real reason WB have their knickers in a twist.
Money isn't the only issue this movie has. It will undoubtedly make a **** load.
But if people hate it they won't bother with JL. That's the real reason WB have their knickers in a twist.

Good point- yeah it ruins excitement for the rest of the films proposed....
Money isn't the only issue this movie has. It will undoubtedly make a **** load.
But if people hate it they won't bother with JL. That's the real reason WB have their knickers in a twist.

Bingo....I'm not an Avaturd fan and it made bank. Zero excitement for any sequels.

I am excited for all things comic book related but DC's last few films have been stinkers (IMO) J Hex, TDKR, GL, MoS, BvS (presumably). it'll be hard to continue supporting their franchise if the quality doesn't improve.
I'm not cool enough to go to early screenings, so around this time tomorrow I'll be getting comfy at the Alamo drafthouse getting my food ready for this movie, then round 2 for Friday at the iMax showing.

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I kind of wonder if these reviews won't help it, initially. I think people were expecting mediocrity, but, now, they might be getting asses in seats purely based on morbid curiosity and people having to see for themselves whether it is, in fact, as bad as they say it is.:lol
I kind of wonder if these reviews won't help it, initially. I think people were expecting mediocrity, but, now, they might be getting asses in seats purely based on morbid curiosity and people having to see for themselves whether it is, in fact, as bad as they say it is.:lol

Didn't help Craptastic 4