Media Who's the best protagonist of the Metal Gear series? (Contains Spoilers!!)

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Well, who is it?

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Snake Plissken

40s "men" still cry about being bullied here
Apr 10, 2012
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On the run.
Since the series is pretty much over, who's the best?

Solid Snake


Big Boss




Venom Snake


I know I've beaten the opinion into the ground, but it's Solid Snake for me.
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Since its over and they have ruined Big Boss. Yes I'll agree.
Solid Snake followed closely by Raiden. Naked Snake was really cool in MGS3 and Portable Ops, but he quickly lost his luster by Peace Walker and MGSV due to the overplay on dramatics and irony.

Venom Snake on the other hand, is a total failure. There are no redeeming qualities about him at all. :lol
I liked Big Boss a lot in MGS3 and MPO, and he could of beaten Raiden... but I feel his character was extremely mishandled badly after the last two games... more so V.

And yes, Venom was a complete waste of time. Kojima just went out of his way to troll the fans, instead of writing a gritty story.
Im torn between Big Boss and Raiden. Solid Snake is cool and all, but i never got the feeling he had his own free will in the franchise. He was always a putz even as Old Snake. Raiden and Big Boss eventually became their own character.

Venom Snake i feel a connection to at the moment because i put 150 hours in to the game with him. But he has no story. Well he does, but the grand total of what we actually know about him can be summed up in 2 sentences.

Actually, while writing this post i decided i will vote for Raiden. While i think MGS3 is the best main-line game i dont rate Peace Walker, Nor MGSV very much at all. So in turn i find in the franchise as a whole there is more good Raiden content than Big Boss ( MGS3, Peace Walker & GZ Vs MGS2 & Rising )
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How is Snake a putz? He's the only one to get a character arc that almost makes sense, and I stress almost since he became a depressing, suicidal lunatic in MGS4. In MGS1 he's extremely pessimistic, while in MGS2 he grew to care about the world and fighting for change.
The only thing that tarnishes solid in my mind is that he is a clone of the original Big Boss.
How is Snake a putz? He's the only one to get a character arc that almost makes sense, and I stress almost since he became a depressing, suicidal lunatic in MGS4. In MGS1 he's extremely pessimistic, while in MGS2 he grew to care about the world and fighting for change.

As the player character, playing as Solid Snake its nothing like the story depicts solid snake. Im going from playing the game aspect where i myself, as the guy controlling Solid Snake am having to be told how to put one foot infront of the other when i walk basically. I will always say that playing as Raiden in MGS2 is the best thing to ever happen to Solid Snake because they can actually make him a character that we see do all the cool **** but not have to play as him who is hopeless in love, doesnt know how to do simple tasks without a 5 minute codec call from Otacon every 5 minutes. Needing to codec call during boss fights. Being betrayed, not knowing he had 2 other clone brothers? Ect. All story and game reasons but im coming from playing AS them. Come MGS4 he and Otacon becoming a gay couple as they both agreed to get married if they wernt married to anybody else by the time they were 40 and Raising Sunny as their child was the last straw. Actually, maybe the last straw was by the end of his " arc " he was left to go kill himself by all his friends and family. And then Big Boss turned up to remind him he was a clone and wasnt half as cool as he was.
Snake was always his own man, even if he was being used by the government and screwed over (which happens to a lot of soldiers). The character always fought for what was he believed right and to make the world a better place. I also think he's more grounded and consistent in his convictions than Big Boss, who later descended into villany to combat Cipher, and make a profit on war. Snake may have gotten more tired and depressed in MGS 4, but he never lost sight of who he was. It's a consistency that I appreciate.

Also, remember when Snake joined Philanthropy? That was to stop the proliferation of Metal Gears around the globe after Ocelot had leaked the design specs for REX, after Shadow Moses. He felt it was his moral obligation to put an end to Big Boss' legacy. He also wasn't looking for glory or recognition, and that, to me, is the mark of a well-written hero.
You're acting like I'm defending the awfulness his character became in MGS4. And I think you're reading too much into gameplay mechanics, they don't define the character, it's merely there to guide the player.
Snake was always his own man, even if he was being used by the government and screwed over (which happens to a lot of soldiers). The character always fought for what was right and to make the world a better place. I think also think he's more grounded and consistent in his convictions than Big Boss, who later descended into villany to combat Cipher. Snake may have gotten more tired and depressed in MGS 4, but he never changed who he was. It's a consistency that I appreciate.

Also, remember when Snake joined Philanthropy? That was to stop the proliferation of Metal Gears around the globe after Ocelot had leaked the design specs for REX, after Shadow Moses. He felt it was his moral obligation to put an end to Big Boss' legacy. He also wasn't looking for glory or recognition, and that, to me, is the mark of a well-written hero.

The true inheritor of the Boss's Will.

Snake was always his own man, even if he was being used by the government and screwed over (which happens to a lot of soldiers). The character always fought for what was he believed right and to make the world a better place. I also think he's more grounded and consistent in his convictions than Big Boss, who later descended into villany to combat Cipher, and make a profit on war. Snake may have gotten more tired and depressed in MGS 4, but he never changed who he was. It's a consistency that I appreciate.

Also, remember when Snake joined Philanthropy? That was to stop the proliferation of Metal Gears around the globe after Ocelot had leaked the design specs for REX, after Shadow Moses. He felt it was his moral obligation to put an end to Big Boss' legacy. He also wasn't looking for glory or recognition, and that, to me, is the mark of a well-written hero.
... And then if you factor in the gameplay to that he also took time out to pleasure himself in the lockers of the tanker while hunting Metal Gear Ray.
Big Boss for me, even more so after MGSV.

Solid Snake is probably my fourth favorite character in the series, but he's also my least favorite Snake, Liquid, Solidus Big Boss and even Raiden are just way more layered than Solid, most of the time we've controlled him, he's been a pawn. I also like that the other Snakes have no problem breaking the rules to achieve their goals, while Solid is just always doing as he's told. He comes off as a boy scout to me, which really conflicts with the attitude of his character.

I agree MGS2 is probably the best thing to happen to his character.

Overall though, I think Solid has the best games in the series.
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The true inheritor of the Boss's Will.


I have to say, the one good thing that MGS V did, was actually SHOW Big Boss as being a villain in the end. His career wasn't white-washed as it was in MGS 4 during Eva's debriefing. I always figured that she and Ocelot could've been lying about Big Boss, from their own delusions because they worshiped him like a god. Zero seemed like a really nice guy, too. He had his own philosophy for unifying the world, but his organization (Cipher) was too big to control; things eventually got out of hand with XOF, and he was finally ousted from power when the AIs took over the Patriot system. So, the blame wasn't all on him.

The one thing... perhaps, the only thing I like about MGS V's story, is that it vindicated Solid Snake and his war against Big Boss.
Big Boss for me, even more so after MGSV.

Solid Snake is probably my fourth favorite character in the series, but he's also my least favorite Snake, Liquid, Solidus Big Boss and even Raiden are just way more layered than Solid, most of the time we've controlled him, he's been a pawn. I also like that the other Snakes have no problem breaking the rules to achieve their goals, while Solid is just always doing as he's told. He comes off as a boy scout to me, which really conflicts the attitude of his character.

I agree MGS2 is probably the best thing to happen to his character.

Overall though, I think Solid has the best games in the series.

I don't think it's right to strike him off as being a pawn. Snake was working for Philanthropy in MGS 2, to stop the military complex from creating more Metal Gears, so he did break off from the norm, and wasn't following anyone's orders. The more I think about it, if Liquid, Solidus, and Big Boss had actually succeeded in their plans, the world in MGS would've eventually been destroyed by war, and nuclear Holocaust. Even if Snake was being used by the Patriots, it was the lesser of two evils.
I don't think it's right to strike him off as being a pawn. Snake was working for Philantrophy in MGS 2, to stop the military complex from creating more Metal Gears, so he did break off from the norm, and wasn't following anyone's orders. The more I think about it, if Liquid, Solidus, and Big Boss had actually succeeded in their plans, the world in MGS would've been eventually destroyed by war, and nuclear Holocaust. Even if Snake was being used by the Patriots, it was the lesser of two evils.

That's why I said MGS2 is the best thing to happen to his character. That's the only time to me at least that he's actually his own man, MGS1 he was a pawn, and MGS4 he was just doing as he was told most of the time, then instead of getting a satisfying ending, Big Boss comes and steals his shine :lol

I don't think neither guy is better than the other, there's a lot to like about both characters but Big Boss just seems more layered to me. I think MGS4 could have been the perfect game to flesh out Solid's characters, but instead he coughed, smoked, and hid in the corner for most of the scenes he was interacting with his comrades.

Maybe a MGS Philanthropy game might make me like Solid more.