1/6 SSC Snake Plissken Figure

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Mixed bag, so far.

The boots are really bad on my figure. Especially the right boot. It's molded in a way that he can't stand up straight on his own.

The head sculpt looks the same as the pics we've seen. The right eye is opened much wider than Snake ever did. No squint. Kind of the far-off gaze (like the newest Black Widow figure - just not painted as well). The color of the arms doesn't match well to the hands. It's pretty off.

Let me take a few pics. I really wanna try posing him a bit so that I can get more excited about him!

Thanks for the feedback, and the picture! The tailoring looks okay on the pants and vest. Really kind of a downer that it has those issues, though...
Thanks for the feedback, and the picture! The tailoring looks okay on the pants and vest. Really kind of a downer that it has those issues, though...

You're quite welcome!

I'm really looking forward to more impressions coming in. Like Deckard said, I feel like my boots might just have been kinda damaged during production. So I really wanna hear how others' figures turned out.
Art figures would never put out something this shoddy.

LOL - hope you're right - my Dredd (sorry - "Heavy Armored Special Cop") is on it's way to me right now (thanks again to DEATHASYLUM).

Rubio - thanks for the pics man - much appreciated :hi5: - not as bad (or as good) as it could have been.

That face is a bit of a letdown.

Rubio, thanks for sharing!

I think it came out ok, I'm happy to be getting him. I unloaded a bunch of RP's on him, so I really don't feel I have much invested.

Looks pretty close to what was advertised (wonky boot being the exception).

Hope a few more folks get it today and report back.
Looks more like that guy than Kirk Russell that SS just made(Although to be fair, i don't know who Kirk Russell is so, the SS figure might look exactly like him, lol).

Funny guy :rotfl

I'm really frustrated with this guy. And I really hate this new body. You gave the figure a cigarette, but no double-jointed elbows.

I'm a smoker (go ahead and throw tomatoes), so I'd LOOOOOVE to take a pic with Snake holding the cigarette close to his mouth.


Figure looks ok but not worth $160. Had SS kept their old 2011-2012 pricing and this was $90 then it would be just fine but sadly for $160 totally not worth it.

I cancelled my PO many months ago due to wanting to fund a different hobby venture. I have been cooling down on 1/6 so I wanted to try and just buy the characters I truly love. I wonder what this means for Hoth Han and Luke and more importantly X-Wing Luke.
Thx for the pics! You single handedly made my day!!!
I was worrying about having canceling remorse from my pre-order a few weeks back... And honestly it was the best decision I've made this year! Now I see why they never showed us a clean clear pic like yours!!
Opened him up and first impression without taking him out is that it's a good figure. The head sculpt isn't as bad as the pics have portrayed. The jacket is something that as off as it is to the source material it's something that can be worked with. Once I took him out of the box there are some issues. The
elbow joints were tight enough that I thought I was going to break them, but tight is better than loose. The knee joints creak. The boots are soft. It's frustrating to get him to stand. His ass crack.
I'll try to get some pics if I can get him to stand.
Opened him up and first impression without taking him out is that it's a good figure. The head sculpt isn't as bad as the pics have portrayed. The jacket is something that as off as it is to the source material it's something that can be worked with. Once I took him out of the box there are some issues. The
elbow joints were tight enough that I thought I was going to break them, but tight is better than loose. The knee joints creak. The boots are soft. It's frustrating to get him to stand. His ass crack.
I'll try to get some pics if I can get him to stand.

Yeah, yours sound EXACTLY the same as mine.
Funny guy :rotfl

I'm really frustrated with this guy. And I really hate this new body. You gave the figure a cigarette, but no double-jointed elbows.

I'm a smoker (go ahead and throw tomatoes), so I'd LOOOOOVE to take a pic with Snake holding the cigarette close to his mouth.



Hmmm this gives me an idea. Now I know how to get smokers to quit. Single jointed human elbows ftw! :lecture
Shame about the boots being crappy so far. That was totally unexpected considering their track record with GI Joe. It's a turn off to have to use those new stands. I don't like how they're so high which limits the range of poses you can get out of the legs because you can no longer put one foot off the stand. The old stands round stands are my favorite. They're the perfect size and are virtually flat so they make the stand less noticeable. I think the pants look good and the jacket is workable though. How's the paint on the head sculpt?
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Right... just something. Not to mention I really don't care for a taller design? What's wrong with the round one's they've been using for a decade?

Yeah, the height bugs me too. I'll end up sticking him on a regular true type stand anyway.
The pants restrict posing. Snake never really did dynamic movement, but the pants do make movement difficult.