S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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That's a pretty fantastic attitude sir. I made an account on the Fwoosh, but never posted. They're great though. I've been looking at the DC and Marvel stuff there for years. I check for the figuarts section a lot to see Dragonball stuff, but it's mostly Power Rangers, which I know zip about. Someone came up with a pretty cool mock up for SDCC exclusives over there:

This was by user Orbital Frame:

I think the SS3 Goku looks pretty neat.
That's a pretty fantastic attitude sir. I made an account on the Fwoosh, but never posted. They're great though. I've been looking at the DC and Marvel stuff there for years. I check for the figuarts section a lot to see Dragonball stuff, but it's mostly Power Rangers, which I know zip about. Someone came up with a pretty cool mock up for SDCC exclusives over there:

This was by user Orbital Frame:

I think the SS3 Goku looks pretty neat.

Ya but ppl dont need a reg vegeta rlease with a normal head, like i already hav ssj vegeta but for ppl who dnt can just get reg vegeta an put his extra head on ssj vegeta if they want after they get a re release of ssj vegeta
Yeah. I couldn't separate the two pics, because the user uploaded them together. I wasn't even suggesting it. I just thought you guys might have found the the Goku interesting.
Ya but ppl dont need a reg vegeta rlease with a normal head, like i already hav ssj vegeta but for ppl who dnt can just get reg vegeta an put his extra head on ssj vegeta if they want after they get a re release of ssj vegeta

I wouldn't mind an SDCC recolor of the SS Vegeta mold with a regular head. Yes, I know we can sort of make this on our own with SS Vegeta's body and Scouter vegeta extra head.

An SDCC version of the SS Vegeta mold is inevitable IMO. Might as well make it slightly different from the original release.
I hope we get no more re paints .....

Me too, but given the current trend and the fact that repaints cost little compared to completely new molds, I wouldn't put it past Bandai to continue with them for SDCC at least...
Especially when so many people are joining this line with no way of getting ssj Vegeta as it stands.

I think that as long as people want reissues then we will get repaints at sdcc, thats just the easiest way for them to deal with it.

Personally I think new moulds as exclusives is a bad idea, as it limits who can get them and will almost certainly bump the prices up on the resellers. Repaints are bad enough, but can you imagine how expensive a limited release figure would get within just a couple of weeks of sdcc?
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lmao @ someone voting for pink shirt vegeta, brilliant, would be a great sdcc exclusive some day.
"Especially after all the major versions have been covered (Majin Vegeta, etc), Vegeta fans are gonna look for something else to buy. Why not a pink shirt Vegeta?"

That guy rocks! Oh wow! I thought you were kidding! I think he would be a SDCC exclusive. That's the type of thing, that I'm used to seeing. And, I guess the guy is right, because I would buy him!
Guys, is it an ominous parallel the two rerelease characters people request (ssj vegeta and trunks) are getting the exact same release in Zero form now...?
No, Bandai just knows that they are the most popular, so they make merchandise for them. A Tien Figuarts ZERO probably wouldn't sell much better than S.H. Figuarts Tien, but a Goku ZERO probably sells pretty well even compared to an S.H. Figuarts Goku. You don't even need to do the math, Saiyans sell so make more Saiayans.
Being that Silrian brought up, not caring too much for getting one Android twin, without the other, do you any of you have other characters you feel the same way about?
I was thinking I'd want Nappa, if we got Raditz, but then realized I would still buy Raditz on if Nappa didn't get released, so I guess that doesn't count. I thought maybe First Form Frieza, if we don't get Bardock, but thought about it, and I think I might actually want both!

Wow, guys, sorry for the lousy topic! Unless you guys have an answer, it would be great!
Wont by 16/17/18 without the other. Wont buy 16 without both.
Won't buy jeice/burter without the other.
Wont buy tien/yamcha without the other. Actually might not even buy krillin because of this.
Wont buy Nappa if i dont have a second unmodded scouter vegeta (still thinking of buying one keeping it misb, selling if nappa never gets here.)

I think that's bout it for me. But, I'm mainly just interested in main characters, and select others, so theres a lot I wouldn't buy just in general. I can list any and all remaining chars I'd buy within a top 10-15 I think.
There is no character I don't care about, so when it comes to characters who are often grouped into pairs I would most definitely have to have both. That said, I take what I can get, I realize the reality of buying figures from a cartoon long past it's original air date.

I think in particular I would say I feel like Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha are a group. People might disagree, but I never understood how Krillin always got to hang with the powerful Z fighters. I guess comic relief, heh. Tien and Yamcha are not so much a pair, but a pair of pairs. If you're going to make Tien you might as well make Yamcha too.

In regards to Nappa, I feel like he belongs with Saiyan Saga Vegeta, so I feel like he needs to be made. I have three Saiyan Saga Vegeta's for a reason. Heh.

Raditz is a stand alone figure for me, unless we're getting specific then I want Goku with his Kami House Gi that has no blue under shirt. Plus Piccolo needs a Special Beam Cannon accessory.

So what I'm saying is.. It's for a hardcore, gotta catch 'em all fan like to me find pairs or groups of characters were I must have them all. I'm very scene and story specific, that's why I'm a "world builder" collector. I care a lot about every character getting a figure, as it enriches my collection and it's just special feeling to get characters like that.

While we're at it, I would die if they made Garlic Jr. It'll never happen, but there is an example of a two pack or "pair" that is unavoidable. Both versions of him should be made and packaged together imo. It'll never happen though, that's a pipedream I'm dreaming alone! lol.. Sigh. :(
Great! I completely forgot about the Ginyu Force. I'm with you on Jeice/Burter. I'd get Captain Ginyu on his own, though, not because he's my favorite, but he can stand fine along with Goku and Vegeta.

Krillin is more essential to me, because he's Goku's best friend. When the demon clansman killed Krillin, it's what set him off to go take revenge on the demons and King Piccolo. It was shocking, because he said he was going to to KILL them. It was the first time, he was really angry, and remained that way until he got his revenge. Tien was about to get his head crushed by King Piccolo, and Goku was okay with it because he could just wish him back with the Dragon *****. Goku had a lot of interesting moments like that, like when he punched the lady who was controlling the Magical Furnace.

I was going to ask about that. That would be an excellent future topic!
Meh. Krillin is like the dude that gets to play with big kids because his mom made his older brother take him along and they have pity on him. lol. Yeah, I get'cha there with him being Goku's best friend, but I mean, I feel like they really drifted apart in DBZ as Goku died and became so much stronger. I guess the roots were still there. He always seemed to be incredibly outclassed though and didn't fit with the main Z fighters, yet still pal'ed around with them. I like Krillin though, don't get me wrong. He's a figure I'm very happy to get, I just want his buddies.

..or what I'm really saying is I would love a "Dragon Ball" line (and a GT line).
The only GT characters I would consider is SSJ4 Goku and Vegeta, no one else interested me, plus, the entire saga is now non canon so it no longer exists to me lol.

A dragonball line would be fine with me as long as it was its own line; there are just too many dbz characters still worth making before they start eating into the releases from other series.