SSC 1:6 Scale Dusty!

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OK...So I finally got myself a Dusty and got him put together this morning. And, as is the case with all of the Joes so far, I love the figure. His desert awesomeness belongs right up there with all of the other Joes and I am glad to finally get to display him!

One of the things that jumps out at me is the complete sleeves on his uniform shirt. It is about time, Sideshow.

I am going to have to get a few extra of the uniforms and packs of Dusty's as I want to outfit a couple of the Joes to team up with him in the desert environment. It is a fortunate coincidence that it is the desert camoflaged uniform that they did the long sleeves on as that is where I live and want to do a couple of shots with Dusty and a couple back-ups going against the Cobra Desert Troops. This is also why I would personally like to see the Cobra Troopers come out in the desert Version. But for now I am going to look in to kitbashing one or two.

There are a few things that I do not prefer about the figure. But they are simple preferences and not true issues with the figure. One is that I am not a fan of the design of the Famas rifle. And that rifle mixed with the look of the flaps on the helmet throw off a little too much of a French Foreign Legion vibe to me. The trigger on the rifle also makes me nervous that I may break it. Dusty's face is just a tad dark as desert camo for my taste. Also, I do sort of wish they had given him actual canteen covers for his canteens.

The velcro strips on the knife are a bit of a pain to work with as has been mentioned. But I do like the way they give a look of the soldier having duct taped the knife to his gear when it is hung on his web gear.

I really like the holster they gave him and I need to find a black one like it for my generic kitbashed figure.

That Triple Aught Design FAST pack has grown on me so much that I am looking for a real one for hiking. Very cool design.

I am very happy to have Dusty in the group, now. And I am looking forward to having a little fun in the sand with a few desert themed Joes after I get the others ready.

That "about time" was a while ago. :dunno :lol

For the record, Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Cobra Commander, all the Cobra Troopers/Snipers/Officers, Ninjas, Beachhead and Stalker had long sleeves on their uniforms. :wave :nana: :lol

Edit: Forgot Firefly. :slap
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I am talking specifically about the Joe BDUs.

And yes, I am painfully aware that I am playing catch-up with a few of the figures.

But I WILL catch up.:)

I have the ex. unopened and the paint app on it is leagues better than the original one I bought and have displayed. Luck of the draw I guess.

The goatee removal makes him more a Dusty above anything else.
Its not just a repaint. The goat tee has been shaved off and the head was recast then painted.
I've already hit him up, but he has told me that they've been all sold out before the paint even touched the recast.:gah:

:slap Once again... THEY AREN'T RECASTS!

They're the original heads. The reason those heads weren't available is because they all belong to other Freaks' Dustys. PM him and he'll do the same thing to your Dusty head. You just gotta send it to him to do, and, of course, pay him for the work. :lol
:slap Once again... THEY AREN'T RECASTS!

They're the original heads. The reason those heads weren't available is because they all belong to other Freaks' Dustys. PM him and he'll do the same thing to your Dusty head. You just gotta send it to him to do, and, of course, pay him for the work. :lol
So you mean to tell me that Ski shaved all those Dusty goat tees right down to the skin!?!:thud:
I thought he had altered one Dusty head and recasted it over and over.
My Bad!