Dark Shadows by Tim Burton: dear God.....

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I'm not the freak who had the Joker fanboy sploogefest here. It was someone else with claims of greatness who couldn't deal with the reality check. While I liked TDK, I despise the Joker aspect of it now thanks to the Ledger nut hickey leeches who'd give anything to suck the stains out of his dead, soiled chonies. When I look at that role, I see something there that works in Nolan's universe (and only in that universe). I see a good actor who had fun with a great part. Case closed. I don't see God's gift to cinema, I don't see anything original, and I guarangoddamtee I don't see anything Oscar worthy.

Edit: Now to get back on topic, the comparison to Joker has me worried. I didn't like Nolan's and I don't like this. And if this means we get to look forward to a bunch of borderline gay emo fanboys with identity crises latching onto Depp's Barnabas like he's the Jesus ____ing Christ of horror, then that doubles my desire to see this locked in the colon of Hollywood for the rest of eternity.

I agree. With all of this.

Still like TDK, and the Joker. But yeah. After my fandom, I took a step back, and realized the truth.
Not really. You'd still be wrong. :lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly:

But I thought you felt it unnecessary to respond to my posts and wouldn't "dignify" them with a response. Clearly that was just as inaccurate as your comparison to Ledger's Joker. :lol

Actually, NAM, I just want you to get it right. I splooge over Depp, not Ledger. The rest I really don't care about. ;)
I'm not the freak who had the Joker fanboy sploogefest here. It was someone else with claims of greatness who couldn't deal with the reality check. While I liked TDK, I despise the Joker aspect of it now thanks to the Ledger nut hickey leeches who'd give anything to suck the stains out of his dead, soiled chonies. When I look at that role, I see something there that works in Nolan's universe (and only in that universe). I see a good actor who had fun with a great part. Case closed. I don't see God's gift to cinema, I don't see anything original, and I guarangoddamtee I don't see anything Oscar worthy.

I agree 100% that the Joker in TDK works best in Nolan's Universe. While I loved Heath's role as the the Joker he is not the end all be all of the character. On the other hand I disagree and felt that heath did deserve the oscar because he did a great job. I really thought he did a wonderful preformence and the only reason he would not have won the Oscar is he was alive is because it was for a role in a comic book movie. Just like how TDK was not nominated for best picture. What a joke!

I also feel that while Heath's Joker is not the definitive Joker, I do feel his is the best on screen Joker so far. I use to be a huge Nicholson fan (still am actually) but I never cared that much for his take on the Joker. Actually I thought he was great up until he killed Jack Palance and had the whole "wait till they get a load of me" speech and then the role turned to crap. But Burton's Batman film as a whole is pretty crappy IMO.

Which leads me to Dark Shadows. I could care less about this film because of Burton. He has a great eye for set direction but sucks as a director and story teller. Sleepy Hallow would have been a much better film is he was only in charge of the set direction and someone else directed it. The film looks great but has no substance. Much like most of Burton's films. And personally I think Depp needs to get as far away from Burton as he can. Alice in Wonderland and Charlie and the chocolate factory anyone?? Blah Awful!
I don't know why but I think Adrien Brody might make a good Dracula.
He has that look.
borderline gay emo fanboys

What's with your post here, some might find that offensive.

I don't like Ledger's Joker. I saw it as, "WOW! We're trying too hard, people!" Fundamentally, it's near identical in extremes to Carey's Riddler whom I also did not like. Both roles were overacted to the point of being clichés.

And wrong. Rzeznikk's post was a sploogefest at it's very heart, assuming that we all think and agree that Ledger's Joker looked great and wound up being great.

You are so far off comparing Jims Riddler to Heaths Joker it is ridiculous. Sorry but most people found Jims Riddler down right annoying , there is none of that in Heaths Joker, over the top maybe in a couple scenes, not everytime he moves or opens his mouth.

Also for the most part everyone thought his joker looked great and wound up being great.
What's with your post here, some might find that offensive.

You are so far off comparing Jims Riddler to Heaths Joker it is ridiculous. Sorry but most people found Jims Riddler down right annoying , there is none of that in Heaths Joker, over the top maybe in a couple scenes, not everytime he moves or opens his mouth.

Also for the most part everyone thought his joker looked great and wound up being great.

I wouldnt lecture 'Nam about offending people. It's like telling rain not to be wet. Its his character. He's not someone who purposely sets out to offend anyone per se--but he also doesnt go out of his way to not offend someone by being Mr. PC. In other words, he says what he likes and pc be hanged. Which is probably why he and I have very few arguments despite his being entangled with some others here.At least he isnt a mealy mouth who's afraid to speak his opinions/convictions. PC sucks, and I am sick to death of it. I am sure the pc crowd went into convulsions of terror over Gran Torino. I dont agree with the language in it, but I gotta tell you it was like a breath of fresh air to see men who werent afraid to be normal joes and not Mr. Politically Correct. Would you change your screen name because I told you 666 offended me? I think not. If someone gets offended---they can hit the ignore button. Are you concerned that you may have offended him for not being pc? Bet youre not. People arent all alike and they dont all find the same things offensive. That's the way it goes. Takes all kinds to make up a world you know. The PC thing needs to die before everybody winds up mindless drones afraid to say anything...:peace
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Woah, woah, woah, hold on. Wait a minute. You mean to tell me, after all this time that Rzeznikk is a dude?

I always assumed that Rzeznikk's avatar was a picture of herself, er, himself. So all this time I've been fapping to the cleavage and posts of a man?

I wouldnt lecture 'Nam about offending people. It's like telling rain not to be wet. Its his character. He's not someone who purposely sets out to offend anyone per se--but he also doesnt go out of his way to not offend someone by being Mr. PC. In other words, he says what he likes and pc be hanged. Which is probably why he and I have very few arguments despite his being entangled with some others here.At least he isnt a mealy mouth who's afraid to speak his opinions/convictions. PC sucks, and I am sick to death of it. Would you change your screen name because I told you 666 offended me? I think not. If someone gets offended---they can hit the ignore button. Are you concerned that you may have offended him for not being pc? Bet youre not. People arent all alike and they dont all find the same things offensive. That's the way it goes. Takes all kinds to make up a world you know. The PC thing needs to die before everybody winds up mindless drones afraid to say anything...:peace

:lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly: :goodpost:

I'm not gonna hand out some candy-coated handjob posts. People who want that ____ can go home to mommy and listen to her lie through her teeth and pretend the world's full of rainbows and gingerbread houses. Honestly though, Fear is just trolling for a fight in hopes of maybe actually winning and for a change coming out of one without looking like a stutterer at a public debate. So for the sake of everybody here, we'll just skip to the end, consider him pwned (not necessarily by me), he'll post again, changing his argument so he can try to be right, enter mod warning, he'll post several more times despite the mod's warning to stop because he just can't let ____ go, finally get half a clue, and then stalk my profile waiting to find another post to jump on. Wash, rinse, repeat. :lol

My name is pronounced, Dee-Fay-Bee-O, DeeFayBeeO, DiFabio. Not Dee-Fabio or Die-Fabio as in Fabio the gay, butter, model guy.

Right. You're DiFlabio, his obese brother:

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Southern Stars Atlanta singing telegrams? People actually pay for this fat guy to come in and sing to them in different costumes? :lol

Character Skit Singing Telegrams Prices start at $150 - show lasts about 15 minutes and includes us singing one of our songs, but does not include a balloon bouquet. Any variation, such as learning a new song, can be done at an additional cost.
Southern Stars Atlanta singing telegrams? People actually pay for this fat guy to come in and sing to them in different costumes? :lol

Character Skit Singing Telegrams Prices start at $150 - show lasts about 15 minutes and includes us singing one of our songs, but does not include a balloon bouquet. Any variation, such as learning a new song, can be done at an additional cost.

Wow, you make a pretty good living doing that. :lol
Fear is just trolling for a fight in hopes of maybe actually winning and for a change coming out of one without looking like a stutterer at a public debate. So for the sake of everybody here, we'll just skip to the end, consider him pwned (not necessarily by me), he'll post again, changing his argument so he can try to be right, enter mod warning, he'll post several more times despite the mod's warning to stop because he just can't let ____ go, finally get half a clue, and then stalk my profile waiting to find another post to jump on. Wash, rinse, repeat. :lo]

How am l trolling Nam. You talk the talk constantly, l am not the only one who thinks you talk out your ass, isn't that why you were banned for some time last year. You have to be one big fool to get suspended from a toy forum, and you pulled that off perfectly, who's the troll now, and why not tell everyone what those infractions were for.

when was l owend, don't remember. You think you owned me with my joker comment, his face l have always refered to it as the makeup look since l was a kid. l should of worded it different. I know the makeup look isn't make up in the movies/cartoons, it's from the chemicals, but typical you you accuse me of backtracking and recanting what l said when l am just clarifying what l meant in the first place. l even made a comment in the HT joker thread about it would be cool to see a version with the skin tone makeup dripping off his face when the chick threw water in his face (the makeup). That is your constant problem. When someone says something that isn't 100% clear you have have your own take on it, then attack them, then when they clarify what they meant, you accuse them of retracting what they said and backtracking beacuse they were wrong, you constantly put your own opinions and thoughts in others mouths.

You call me a homophobe and bash me for using the word Gay ONCE to describe a bad movie, yet you just used the word Gay to describe someone. You say l hate blacks when l have told you my first girlfriend was dark skinned. You call me racist for hating muslims (when l have never said such a thing), yet you racially stereotyped a guy on the phone who threatened you and because he had an Indian/Middle Eastern accent you had him put on the terror watch list. If l am wrong on something l have admitted l was wrong. When someone shuts you up you just say " l am not arguing anymore, you are not worth the infraction:wave", that's what you do when you are wrong and can't argue anymore, and l have seen it many times. l asked you what your magazine was about, you said it was about arisoft. I then politely said "l actually prefer paintball", gave reasons why, because that was the current topic. You attacked me and said you will report me to the mods for hating on your business, and you said if l ever say anything bad about or disagree with airsoft you will take it as a personal attack and report me, shows how crazy and pathetic you are. No one can have a civilized conversation with you when you don't agree with their opinion (well welcome to the real world). you call me a troll yet Jen has even called you a troll before. You call me a big mouth yet you have one yourself and you were banned for a month last year for having a big mouth yourself. At least my big mouth hasn't gotten me suspended.
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