The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I bet those hi tech goggles were either given to her by Fox/Wayne or she stole them, but either way they came from them.

We all know that Nolan would just film at night when he needs night scenes so her wearing possible night vision goggles during the day is intriguing to say the least.

This open production that we've been invited to just kicks ass, it all looks very exciting to me with all the craziness that's going on. :yess:

Oh, and yes, I think she looks good as CW from that one officially released photo.

Man, one more Nolan Batman movie, how freaking cool is that :clap

Just seeing that Bat Pod in action again, especially with CW riding it, makes my heart beat fast!

I'm with ya on that she stole them from Wayne. Makes total sense based on the character. Overall, I like the look and can't wait to see another Nolan Batman film on the big screen. His films washed away the stank of everything before on the big screen outside of the 89 batman.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Really? Which guys at Marvel? If you mean Marvel fans, I take exception, because I am a Marvel fan too (see, it doesn't have to be either/or). If you mean the people that run Marvel's movie adaptations, I really doubt they are laughing. First of all, everything in your comment is your opinion, nothing sourced from Marvel. Second of all, while Marvel definitely has DC beat in terms of the sheer number of characters that have successfully been translated to film, DC's biggest film franchise, Batman films, has *consistently* outperformed Marvel's biggest film franchises, Spider-Man and X-Men films.

Anything can happen with TDKR and I suppose it is technically possible that that could change, but I think Chris Nolan has proven himself well enough to deserve the benefit of the doubt. The man knows what he is doing.

Actually you're wrong. Batman only outdid Spiderman once, and that was 95% likely for two reasons only: Heath's death and The Joker.

They're probably studying instead of laughing. Same goes for DC looking at Marvel movies. Both of them mutually respect each other for the most part, except for that dumba$$ who said DC's characters are bigger than Marvels a while back.

If they laughed at each other it would go on forever. For example
:lolYou made Green Lantern...:lolYou made X men Origins...:lolYou Made Spiderman 3...:lolYou made Batman & Robin...:lol You made Batman Forever...:lolYou made Electra...:lolYou made Superman 4...:lolYou made Daredevil...:lolYou made Superman 3...You made Ghost Rider...You made Superman Returns... You made Hulk...:lolYou Jonah Hex...You made X Men 3... You made the Wonder Woman TV show...You made Blade Trinity...You made Steel... (continue forever until movies/tv shows run out)
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm with ya on that she stole them from Wayne. Makes total sense based on the character. Overall, I like the look and can't wait to see another Nolan Batman film on the big screen. His films washed away the stank of everything before on the big screen outside of the 89 batman.

89 Batman had plenty of stank after watching him kill half of the bad guys, and making the Joker kill his parents.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Like when Alfred let Vicky into the batcave and Bruce looked like he wanted to jump out of a window right?:lol

Its not a perfect film. Its a pretty darn fun one though.

I love the two Nolan films so far but they're not the only good batman films.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Its not a perfect film. Its a pretty darn fun one though.

I love the two Nolan films so far but they're not the only good batman films.

In case your thinking I hate the Burton films, I don't. I like them alot, but I like talking about the strange things in them too. Nolans are far from perfect though. Watching Two Face fall to his death for a second time makes me sick. :mad:
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

IMO I think she looks cheesy. I hope thats just the first incarnation of her suit, because if not...that is the laziest costume design Ive seen in a long time. On top of that, even all dressed up, on the set, and laying on the batpod... Anne Hathoway still looks completely out of place. Im disappointed.
Im putting all of my attention on Bane anyways.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

IMO I think she looks cheesy. I hope thats just the first incarnation of her suit, because if not...that is the laziest costume design Ive seen in a long time. On top of that, even all dressed up, on the set, and laying on the batpod... Anne Hathoway still looks completely out of place. Im disappointed.
Im putting all of my attention on Bane anyways.

It looks like the Bat-pod would kill her or something. I just looks too big for her to be using.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Why are people complaining about her outfit, goggles, or lack of cowl, when this is just one scene from the movie. Perhaps it was a last minute thing to get out there on the pod, and she didn't have the cowl. Perhaps the goggles are borrowed from the batman arsenal while she was there. Who knows. It could also be just a work in progress for how she wants to look and after she defines it more and comes up with the mask or cowl idea.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

One thing i'm hoping for this film is a better Gotham City.

The Dark Knight filtered down Gotham to resemble any number of US cities, it could've been Chicago, New York, LA, it was too plain, with nothing unique to Gotham.

Batman Begins had the Train leading into Wayne Tower, (the hub of Gotham) it had Wayne Manor and The Narrows with Arkham.

I recall TDK being more in daylight than BB. And BB being more gothic in atmosphere.

Other things include:

Some use of batarangs
More menacing tweaks to the bat-suit
Less Bat-voice (not as in-discernible as TDK)
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Pittsburgh Steeler's QB Ben Roethlisberger to Cameo In The Dark Knight Rises

Roethlisberger and about a dozen of his veteran teammates will take part in the filming of Dark Knight Rises playing -- what else? -- football players at a familiar venue for them, Heinz Field. The production, which has been filming in Pittsburgh, moves Saturday morning to the Steelers home, where thousands of extras playing fans have been recruited.

The Steelers quarterback has become close with Thomas Tull, the film's executive producer who joined the Steelers ownership group two years ago. Tull helped influence the shooting of the movie in Pittsburgh and he's been trying to get the Steelers involved.

Ben Roethlisberger:

"I'm kind of getting everybody together. I heard it's going to be a neat thing at the stadium. I don't think it will be a big part, it's not like we're chasing Batman down or anyting. It's something neat that in 10 years or 20 years we can tell our kids we were in a movie. Thomas does movies big and I'm sure it will be a big-time movie and something fun to be part of."

"From what I've heard, it's going to be like a pre-game, warming-up type thing. I don't know the whole concept. There's a Gotham team, a football game. We'll be wearing uniforms. It will be fun."
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Why are people complaining about her outfit, goggles, or lack of cowl, when this is just one scene from the movie. Perhaps it was a last minute thing to get out there on the pod, and she didn't have the cowl. Perhaps the goggles are borrowed from the batman arsenal while she was there. Who knows. It could also be just a work in progress for how she wants to look and after she defines it more and comes up with the mask or cowl idea.

Because it's the first official pic released by the studio. What do you think they would do? Release the worst pic they have?

Re: The Dark Knight Rises



when's the last time she saw sunlight? :dunno
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

My problem with the pic is this: Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle / Catwoman has always been my major reservation with this project (for clarification, I'm a life-long Batman fan, a major film buff and a stout admirer of Nolan). I believe she got the part because she was exactly what they were looking for so I'm curious to see what everyone delivers... I just don't see it yet. From before she was even cast and her name was being thrown around with a group of 6 others I said, "Just not Hathaway, please!" And that is not to say I don't think her a capable actress. I think she is. I also like her as a personality. I just don't see Selina Kyle in her.

So take all of that, and the Official Release of the first Catwoman image is something I have been waiting for to come along and blow my socks off and say, yup, she's Catwoman alright! Sufficed to say, that did not occur. When you take this image and look at it and say "What do you see?", all I see is Anne Hathway wearing weird / silly glasses riding the Batpod. NOTHING in that says "Selina Kyle" or "Catwoman" to me. Its just a shame.

My opinion is that they new that the images of the stunt double were going to be put online today so they beat the spectators to the punch and released this image. Smart, but handled poorly. First, the images the spectators DID capture are better than this one. They show more of the suit and give us more to get excited about. I mean, honestly, all you can see of "Catwoman" in the official image is Anne's face. We know what she looks like.... Second, if you knew the nature of the images that would be released, why not release an image of Catwoman that is NOT tied to the Batpod?? I'm hoping with all my heart that we get a Catwoman Cowl, and if that is the case, why not release a stylized picture of her in her full costume ala the Bane image? I've heard that when that Bane image was taken, so were the offical first looks at Catwoman and Batman. I have to believe that THIS Catwoman image was not what was taken at that time. So why not release the one that was? That way, we would get a real good first look at her "official look" and then when these set images came out we could focus on the "cool factor" of Catwoman riding the Batpod down steps amid the riot scene as opposed to only being disappointed by the lack of cowl and silly seeming glasses?

I hope that hindsight will show this all to be akin to when images of Heath first started coming out and everyone was up in arms. That first close up of his scars and face... i remember everyone saying "That's not the Joker!!" And then that production image of Nolan directing Heath, where Joker was obscured behind a foggy pane but you could clearly see his purple coat, his white face, his green hair and his red smile.... THAT was the moment I knew I had nothing to worry about. I'm still waiting for that moment with Catwoman....
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

why is everyone over reacting its just a pic i like how ann looks so far im hoping she wears the mask too ..but come on its just the first official pic :gah::gah:
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Ok, I dont get it

- we have LOS returning
- we get Ras (young and maybe even Neeson)
- Talia
- Bane ripping a Dent poster on top of Tumbler
- Arkham inmates everywhere beating up the cops
- CW riding Batpot down the stairs

I mean this is pure chaos. And Nolan really wants to make us belive Joker is the only inmate who does notwant to paticipate in this big party?! Sorry, I know it is always the same old story, but no Joker in this plot is not making any sense to me. Give him at least 5 minutes, maybe killing Robin or whatever... I want a efin Joker in this efin movie!
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