Aliens,Predator and Terminator Q&A (Anything!)

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You don't see the pic? Hmmm weird. I see it. Anyone else not see the pic I posted? Thanks for the info on dragon clothes. I'm gonna check them out.
Ok Im having trouble with this one because it is writen so matter of fact. Was this said in T3? I dont think so.

Would Skynet really create a terminator to kill terminators (the TX) because it knew that the resistence was reprograming the 800's, only to go ahead and make re-programable terminators harder for the TX to kill? Please dont tell me that the resistence built the 850.

No, Skynet didn't do the upgrade for the 850. Much to your dismay, yes, the resistance reporgrammed and refitted the 850.

T-1000 goes back to '94. Resistance sends 800. Somehow Skynet learns of the rogue 800 and realizes it has stopped the 1000.

"My presence in this timeline has been anticipated." -T-850.

The T-X was sent to eliminate John's fighters cause he was no longer in the records. " the grid." -John Connor. It is also geared up to take out the 800 if need be.

The resistance knows what the T-X can do, upgrades an 800 with more psychological subroutines (for John's sake)
"Anger is more useful than dispair. Basic psychology is among my subroutines." -T-850

They also made the chassis tougher, which made it heavier.
"This guy ways a ton." -EMT. The T-800s in T1 and T2 were not so heavy. They were easily knocked down by shotgun blasts, and could even be tackled. John even helped the 800 in T2 walk after its battle with the 1000. Excessive weight would have been a sign that a Terminator isn't human, but in T3 the 850 had to be able to survive the T-X weapons.

I don't think the 50 in 850 is a Skynet desgnation, but a resistance designation for upgrades made to an existing series number.
No, Skynet didn't do the upgrade for the 850. Much to your dismay, yes, the resistance reporgrammed and refitted the 850.

T-1000 goes back to '94. Resistance sends 800. Somehow Skynet learns of the rogue 800 and realizes it has stopped the 1000.

"My presence in this timeline has been anticipated." -T-850.

The T-X was sent to eliminate John's fighters cause he was no longer in the records. " the grid." -John Connor. It is also geared up to take out the 800 if need be.

The resistance knows what the T-X can do, upgrades an 800 with more psychological subroutines (for John's sake)
"Anger is more useful than dispair. Basic psychology is among my subroutines." -T-850

They also made the chassis tougher, which made it heavier.
"This guy ways a ton." -EMT. The T-800s in T1 and T2 were not so heavy. They were easily knocked down by shotgun blasts, and could even be tackled. John even helped the 800 in T2 walk after its battle with the 1000. Excessive weight would have been a sign that a Terminator isn't human, but in T3 the 850 had to be able to survive the T-X weapons.

I don't think the 50 in 850 is a Skynet desgnation, but a resistance designation for upgrades made to an existing series number.

Wow. Amazing explanation. And it all makes so much sense. Though still never mentioned in the movie specifically, it makes a lot of sense. Skynet sends the 1000, the resistance sends the 800. Skynet realizes the failure of the 1000 and sends the TX to do a better job and take out the rogue 800 sent by the resistance just in case it is still operational. An 800 kills Connor in the future and is reprogrammed and upgraded to an 850 to battle the TX. Sweet analysis. :D
Yes I quite like SilentSurfers Terminator explanations, really great attempts to make sense of the nonsensical! Although remember the events of T2 are '95 not ' least I'm fairly certain we established that in this thread a while ago.

On the issue of a Terminator's weight - if the T-850 really was heavier I wish they would have done something in the film to ensure that any car he drove was weighed down on his side. Related to that could a motorbikes suspension really withstand it? I have a hard enough time believing the T2 bike didn't fall asunder after he jumped into the canal with it, even considering a relatively lighter weight of his standard 800 endoskeleton.
Need help guys. Would like to customize my T-600 into a more clothed one like this one here.


Any suggestions or better photos of the whole body? I would like some clothes suggestions since I dunno what could fit one of these bad boys.

OK! I got the photo uploaded from my Photobucket now so I'm sure everyone can see it. Help me out guys!

So ALIENS, AVP, AVP:R Aliens=Warriors?
What was the original Alien?
What are the purpose of the Drone and Runner?

Ok, im no Alien super brain :lol but im fairly knowledgeable,

My theory is:

ALIEN Resurrection

Are Drones, host collectors


Are Warriors, hive defenders

The drones have the domed head

The Warriors have the ridged head

And as for the Runner it was a result of being born from a quadrupedal animal with a smaller more primitive brain. Presumably that's why it killed so many people, that and because there was NO queen producing eggs.
Just finished watching Terminator 1 again and was wondering if anyone knew why in some scenes Arnold looks like he has a layer of rubber over his face. Not the scene where he cuts out his damaged human eye but in the cop car when looking for Reese and Sarah.
Because tissue is damaged, and flesh has started to rot, smell..

That's the effect they were going for!
Here's my question. Don't know if it was asked already, but how old was John Connor suppose to be in Terminator 2. I know in T3 he mentioned in the begining that he was a teenager, but in T2 was there any age referrence?
Just finished watching Terminator 1 again and was wondering if anyone knew why in some scenes Arnold looks like he has a layer of rubber over his face. Not the scene where he cuts out his damaged human eye but in the cop car when looking for Reese and Sarah.

At that point his eyebrows were burnt off so he looked a bit wierd but he was also very pale and sweaty looking, if thats what you're referring to I guess they were trying to make him look slightly unnatural while reinforcing the fact that terminators sweat and can smell for extra authenticity. They didn't really do this in T2 or T3 though - presumably only because you can't portray a 'hero' character like that.

Here's my question. Don't know if it was asked already, but how old was John Connor suppose to be in Terminator 2. I know in T3 he mentioned in the begining that he was a teenager, but in T2 was there any age referrence?

He was 10! Theres 2 sources for this, the computer screen in the cop car that the T-1000 takes at the beginning and also James cameron himself saying so in the DVD extras. Thus theres a strong likelihood T2 took place in 1995. T3 had it wrong, saying he was 13, possibly deliberately because they found it too hard to believe a 10 year old could do the things he was shown to do in the second film. The Sarah connor chronicles chose T3s interpretation. However what Cameron says goes as far as I'm concerned.
Yes I just watched T2 and pause that scene in the cop car which states his age as 10. As well when it showed John's prior arrest records, it shows what looks like the year for each offence showing,
'92, '93 and '94. So that makes more sense now.

But here's another for you hardcore fans out there. In T-1, Kyle states that only living things can go through the time machine. So I assume that the T-800 was able to go because of the living tissue and flesh over the Endo body. But if the T-1000 is pure liquid metal and the T-X is both, Liquid metal and an Endo, how are they able to go through the time machine??
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Thats a tough one indeed. Its probably bull. Cameron probably wrote himself into a corner on that one. However perhaps we can say after-the-fact that the liquid metal is capable of simulating living tissue and 'fooling' the time displacement machine.
Thats a tough one indeed. Its probably bull. Cameron probably wrote himself into a corner on that one. However perhaps we can say after-the-fact that the liquid metal is capable of simulating living tissue and 'fooling' the time displacement machine.

Hmmm. Nice theory on that one.
Thats a tough one indeed. Its probably bull. Cameron probably wrote himself into a corner on that one. However perhaps we can say after-the-fact that the liquid metal is capable of simulating living tissue and 'fooling' the time displacement machine.

Gonna beat Silent Surfer to this one! :lol

Well there are TWO possible theories

1) The T-1000 came back in some form of flesh/egg sack organic covering. It's far fetched, but hay.... it's Hollywood!

2) Kyle claims in the first Terminator film, something along the lines of, "I don't know TECH stuff". So he may have miss heard or misunderstood something.

Silent probs has a couple more! :D
Cool, more theories. Yes far fetch, but the "sack" theory can be an option here I guess, since we do not see him "arrive" in T-2. But if that is the case, then would have we seen that with the T-X since the Endo is covered with liquid metal?
Cool, more theories. Yes far fetch, but the "sack" theory can be an option here I guess, since we do not see him "arrive" in T-2. But if that is the case, then would have we seen that with the T-X since the Endo is covered with liquid metal?

Like I said Silent Surfer is like Terminator God of knowledge! I'm merely a disciple! :borg
Hmmm. Doesn't Seeker basically mean Hunter? If I seek prey, am I not hunting it?

The Aerostats are scouts for the HKs.

Moto-terminators should be called Moto-HKs since they decided not to make them have Terminator design aspects that they can transform into.