Aliens,Predator and Terminator Q&A (Anything!)

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I have always wondered in Predator 2 where does Mr. Predator keep his spear. I have seen the movie countless times and I have never seen it on his back pack.
I have always wondered in Predator 2 where does Mr. Predator keep his spear. I have seen the movie countless times and I have never seen it on his back pack.

He had a Vector Trap behind him.
There's where he kept his spear and gas/breathing mask. ;)
What's a vector trap?

It's a fictional mechanism that generates synthetic gravity to the point where space collapses into itself (almost like a black hole). Anything in that particulate area collapses along with it, creating a "pocket in space" of sorts where one can store almost anything. Cut the energy to the device, and space (and anything inside it) expands back to its original state.

This is all fictional of course, but this is the only thing that explains where the Predator got the spear from. Either that or customs failed to perform a cavity search.
Vector Traps ware where Ultra Violet keeps all her bullets in a bracelet thingy on her wrist.

As for the P2 spear, it goes where Optimus Prime's trailer and your missing sock go. Nowhere and back again.

Really, it just seems to be something they only thought about enough to know it was cool, but not enough to make it make sense.
I prefer to see this movie in XXX that upcoming PredatorZ with imbecile plot about kidnaping people from Earth for some Hunt >< OMG, in P1 and P2 there was no reason to kidnap, they just enjoyed they time on Earth. And it was awesome. So, give me Predator Porn! ^_^
hi i brought a second hand terminator 1 t-800 battle damage (biker version not the endoskeleton) and i was wondering how i can change the batteries for the eyes, unfortunately the only thing that was missing was the INSTRUCTIONS any help would be great.
The neck connector at the base of the neck comes out (not easily) and the batteries are in there. Don't pull it out too far or you might pull the LEDs out of the eyes.
The neck connector at the base of the neck comes out (not easily) and the batteries are in there. Don't pull it out too far or you might pull the LEDs out of the eyes.

What a pain in the @$$. That alone will dissuade me from ever owning it. Not that I have the space for it anyway.:rolleyes:
OK, going back to the discussion a few pages back about John Connors age in T2, its settled definitively - Cameron himself says in the 30minute making-of documentary on the Dvd that John connor is 10 years old. The makers of T3 were either ignorant of this and didn't think it through in terms of the information given in the first 2 films or they decided for themselves that it just wasn't very plausible that a 10 year old could do all things he was able to do in the film. So they, and Sarah Connor chronicles afterwards, decided he was 13 in the events of T2. Original creator's view trumps rewriters. He was 10.
i have just seen the extended alien 3 film. why is the ox alien not in the standard film? i dont understand the need to change it to a dog. i thought the burst scene with the ox was much better than the final cut with the dog. whos decision would it have been to cut this from the final film? i know fincher had a nightmare time from the studio with this film with numerous rewrites and reshoots but how much control does a director have over the final production. it seems to me that alien 3 special edition is a m uch better film than the theatrical release and it wasnt overly long at 138 mins either.
Yeah, as a whole, I liked the extended A3 better, but I seem to remember Fincher, himself, saying that the theatrical version was the "director's cut" as far as he was concerned. Maybe that's why all the extended/alternate scenes were unpolished for the extended A3.

I liked the ox better too. Who knows why they changed it. My favorite part of the extended is that the tunnel fire actually did work in capturing the Alien as planned, but it was actually Gollick who freed the 'Dragon'.
The suits always make crappy calls. All they want is a money making formula, but the things that usually make the most money are the things that break the mold. They should just shut up, fork over the money, and let the artists and visionaries do their thing.