Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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As far as the v1 paint and sculpt, I really think it's because they were going off the promo shots which were innaccurrate to the final film, and knowing how WB can be about images and stuff, I can imagine before the film's release they were a bit tight with what images they let out.

However, the costume's issues aren't tied to that. The reference materials we know Harue worked off of were right for the film, and even Harue's original prototype costume was much more accurrate than the official prototype and final figure, so who knows why that turned out as it did, but it wasn't for lack of source images.
Oh please. That's called spin. Additional to what exactly? The other thousand pics they had. It's not a lie, but it aint telling the truth neither.

Like yeah, we got ten pics of The Joker and our job is to make a figure of it. What professional company is going to do that? Now they have stacks of reference material and they still choose to use the old socks. Wise up.

Well, since you were there and all, I guess we will have to defer to your wisdom on the issue.

Anyway, here is the interview. She specifically says (after translation, of course): "I have to pay more effort on the first Joker figure as references were so limited. The most difficult part is to make a character who has too much make-up.

The Bank Robber version of joker was created after I’ve watched the movie, it is much better than the normal version because I’ve input the characteristic of Joker, especially his mad performance."
Oh yeah my wisdom tells me that the latter version wore make up as well, and Yulli managed to get that right. You believe what you read in the papers. That has to be a smart thing to do, for sure.
Well, if you want to dispute the source because of an unsubstantiated hunch, that's your business, but I don't see the incentive to lie. What are you suggesting that they are "spinning?" It was the same sculpter, who did two sculpts that look completely different, where the first one really has no resemblance to the character as we know him, but does look like Joker in one promotional shot.
I'm liking the cop version a lot more than the other parts of the set. The likeness of the cop version isn't exact, but it's about as close as can be without being exact. I love the sinister look he has without the make-up.

On the other sculpt, I'm just not a fan of the thick white face paint...I think the smearing around the eyes, etc. on the BR version makes it my favorite. It is kind of weird that we don't have one sculpt of the Joker where he actually has that big happy grin.

I'm also thinking there will be a lot of cop outfits for sale after this one comes out, so maybe it's time to pick up one of the bodies that people seem to be selling from V1.
I just hope the darkness around the cop head eyes comes through well in production. That's my main drive to wanting Cop Joker, he looked so much more wicked, twisted and evil with no makeup but just subtle shading around his eyes and having a figure to capture that on display is a very cool thought.
cop joker looks nuts in that pic there, its weird, sometimes its dead on, others more than noticeably off.
Still hot happy with the lack of brown to the joker's eyes, they look way to blue/grey. Give that 'see through iris' or whatever it is to a pair of brown eyes hot toys!
As far as the v1 paint and sculpt, I really think it's because they were going off the promo shots which were innaccurrate to the final film, and knowing how WB can be about images and stuff, I can imagine before the film's release they were a bit tight with what images they let out.
The promo pictures of the Joker were exactly what we got in the film. From the intial image that was leaked to fans via the first viral site in May of 2007, to the studio shots, it was all the same. Only difference in the movie being his make up wasn't absolutely freshly put on in every scene. In some scenes they let it rot off for continuity reasons.

Hot Toys just had a bad sculpt, that was probably because they rushed it. Can't blame them for that really, they wanted a product available for this presumably expense liscense they acquired to be available when the movie hit when interest was at its highest. They had to get started on the sculpt a year before the final product was released. The product was released in June / July of 2008, which means the only pics that had to work with from a year prior was that intial closeup image of Ledger from the intial makeup test, and that pic of Joker holding the knife to Rachel's face from the profile angle. Those were the only official images available of TDK Joker in the summer of 2007 when they probably started making the v1 Joker.
Lol this isn't exactly on topic but i just found this picture of ledger in makeup posing with some fans on the set of DK


I thought it was cool anyway....

casual Joker??
Lol this isn't exactly on topic but i just found this picture of ledger in makeup posing with some fans on the set of DK


I thought it was cool anyway....

casual Joker??

that looks so cool, yet really strange. almost looks photoshopped to be another april fools joke(r)
Lol this isn't exactly on topic but i just found this picture of ledger in makeup posing with some fans on the set of DK


I thought it was cool anyway....

casual Joker??

WOW!!! What a blessing this was for the fans there. Heath Ledger truly had a heart of Gold, giving his time for his fans, ALWAYS. So much joy and kindness, i mean look at his face and all the fun he's having! :-D, and just wow, what a joyful man Heath was, what a great picture!!. I have never seen this picture before, i wonder when it was posted on the web?! What he gave us was truly the most brilliant, creative performance of all time, in my opinion..
Lol this isn't exactly on topic but i just found this picture of ledger in makeup posing with some fans on the set of DK


I thought it was cool anyway....

casual Joker??

Those aren't fans, it's people who worked on the stunts and the KFM fighting advisors.

Ledger's kind of tall, he's 6'1.
Holycrap, wasn't expecting pic's. Hot Toys truly does not disappoint. Also that pic of Heath posing with fans is nice. Those 2 guys are lucky, what I would have done to get a pic with Heath (much less in his Joker makeup), get an autograph or even meet the guy for a second would be just breathe taking for me to say the least.
Those two aren't fans. It was too difficult for fans to get a pic with him while in makeup. He was heavily guarded the whole time. Well except for when he was riding on his skateboard around the set in the streets of Chicago, but he was too busy to stop for pics. I met him point blank face to face on LaSalle in between a break while they were filming the scene where he's shooting the automatic weapon and screaming "Hit Me" ... it was surreal and quite terrifying seeing him up close and personal in the get up. But I didn't want to give away I was a fan, so I didn't bum rush him and ask for a pic or something. Just a "Hello" ... but I guarantee you no fan got a pic with him in makeup. Thats just a few guys who work on the set on a daily basis getting a pic with him. There was another set of pics similar to this bye the trailers of fellow actors, the two black dudes from the mob meeting scene, who got a pic with Ledger like this in a similar fashion.

Fans wouldn't be able to get into the trailer sections like that to get a picture.