12" Clone Wars Obi-Wan in CLONE ARMOR!

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Ok, here is some more detail shots of the Clone lolly pop helmet. First off its not quite big enough to cover the Obi head. Even a bald sized head is just a bit to large. There is a seam that runs down the middle of the entire helmet and a hole at the base of the fin that needs cleaning up. If any one's interested I could cast up a few. I was thinking I could cast it hollow and you could just plop it onto the neck just like the pictures or glue in an extra neck adapter in side for more articulation. Any ways I'll work on the cleaned up version post it and see if its acceptable by you guys for casting.:rolleyes:




For those of you who own this figure and a Medicom trooper, I would love to hear a comparison of the two. For instance, how does the quality of plastic and range of motion compare for the two figures?
You can't raise the arms to shoulder level? I can do that easily.

The right arm can nearly be raised to shoulder level. But the left arm just drops back down like a useless ... ummm ... well ... you know ... :eek:

Even so, I was still hoping for more. :( Every pose I've been able to work him into has been pretty awkward to behold. And I'm no slouch when it comes to posing, if I do say so myself. See?

To be fair to Sideshow, making a poseable armored figure can't be an easy task. I'm pretty happy with the Medicom's to be sure. Never had any trouble posing them. Trouble is, there's a distinct lack of variety in those poses. So, again, I suppose it might just be the nature of the beast. This armor stuff would be almost impossible to pull of in real life. So, naturally, it's sure to give us grief in the 1/6th arena.
Ok, here is some more detail shots of the Clone lolly pop helmet. First off its not quite big enough to cover the Obi head. Even a bald sized head is just a bit to large. There is a seam that runs down the middle of the entire helmet and a hole at the base of the fin that needs cleaning up. If any one's interested I could cast up a few. I was thinking I could cast it hollow and you could just plop it onto the neck just like the pictures or glue in an extra neck adapter in side for more articulation. Any ways I'll work on the cleaned up version post it and see if its acceptable by you guys for casting.:rolleyes:

I personally wouldn't want to put it over the existing Obi head anyway. I would just want one to ethier set at his feet or display the way you have him here. I would definitely be interested in seeing what you could come up with. Thanks for trying to help us out.

Monk, those are some nice pics and poses you got goin' on there. I wouldn't mind having some of those pics in higher res for screen savers/wallpapers on my computer. Great job! Can I see anymore of your work anywhere? Sorry to be a copycat, but you've given me some great ideas for posing my figures, especially Padme. I've always had the hardest time finding a realistic pose for her due to her eyes, but yours make sense and looks great. I'm definitely gonna try that one.
My only concern in casting one is it might be kind of expensive. I don't know the ins and outs but if its cost effective that'd be a great alternative. And if cleaned up would actually look better.
Just got him today, and this figure kicks all kinds of ass. The legs on mine are tight, and using 92% rubbing alcohol, I was able to get most of the stains off the belt.

I'm impressed with the way the cape is layered at the shoulders. It gives him an air of being a high ranking officer. I also like the fact that it's not connected at the chest.

I thought I'd be annoyed with the size of the disks, but they're fine. I also don't mind the lines on the undersuit, which are almost invisible. I think they could have dispensed with them entirely. Seems like an irrelevant detail at this scale. I prefer the one on the 212th clone, which looks to be all black. Much cleaner appearance.

I think I'm going to try some pics for once. I've found some cool poses so it might be worth the trouble of fighting through my non-existent photography skills.
I'm gonna pick up a HotToys TrueType neck base and pop it onto the bottom of a Hasbro AOTC Clone head. I tried it today and it's not that bad actually. That way I just have to suffer the agony of tucking in the neck piece every time I switch heads. Now if only the clone helmets weren't that off-green....
For those of you who own this figure and a Medicom trooper, I would love to hear a comparison of the two. For instance, how does the quality of plastic and range of motion compare for the two figures?

I have a Medicom Shock Trooper and General Kenobi, so my observations are only based on that Medicom figure.

Vinyl Vs ABS- Honestly not much of a difference. They both feel about as durable, but the ABS is thinner; which does look **a little** better. Although Kenobi's loose shin armor is a bit of a head-scratcher.

Range of motion- The joints (especially legs) are much tighter on the Medicom, but the range is much more restricted. I don't know if I have a weird one, but I really find it hard to get him into a good looking pose. But Kenobi has much better range of motion and even with the loose legs is the clear winner to me and poses very naturally.

In eyeballing the two; the Medicom figure just looks more like a toy whereas Kenobi just feels like you are getting more. Especially in small details like the sculpting of Kenobi's hands... they just have so much more detail than the Shock Trooper.

And Medi-Clone is the same height as Kenobi, he's just back a little.
Got mine today. He's another one with loose joints. Left leg and left arm are the worst. Has anyone attempted stripping him down to the base body to see if anything can be done to tighten the joints?
i normally use (havnt done it in awhile) eletrical tape around the joints to help tighten them up. But I dont wanna be the first to stripe down this figure.