Anyone else embarrassed by 1/12 figures? (Meeting chaired by the President of the Collector Freaks Kylie Minogue Fan Club)

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Freaked Out
Feb 26, 2022
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I keep my hobby stuff, primarily vinyl, 1/6 scales and statues in my office, proudly. They feel like adult pursuits, for the most part.

But then I sometimes partake in a NECA or similar 1/12, or get given them as gifts, but they feel more like toys. I’m 40, it feels a bit tragic for a so called professional to have them on display so they’ve gone into a tightly packed box, albeit with figures visible. I’ve even got a couple of She Ras (leave me alone, I’m ‘a gay’ and I loved her as a kid.)

Is this a silly hang up and I should be loud and proud or is it time to grow up?

(I love the renaming of this thread. I can’t help that it turned into half a Kylie thread, she’s Queen! Plus, you’d be amazed how many people collect her records and how much they sell for. Hundreds, even thousands for the rarest.)
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Your 12 inch dolls are in no way less embarrassing than a 6 inch action figure.

To the outsider, there's no difference and you should be ashamed of them equally.

OR....stop giving a crap about what other people think and just enjoy the things that make you happy!
I keep my hobby stuff, primarily vinyl, 1/6 scales and statues in my office, proudly. They feel like adult pursuits, for the most part.

But then I sometimes partake in a NECA or similar 1/12, or get given them as gifts, but they feel more like toys. I’m 40, it feels a bit tragic for a so called professional to have them on display so they’ve gone into a tightly packed box, albeit with figures visible. I’ve even got a couple of She Ras (leave me alone, I’m ‘a gay’ and I loved her as a kid.)

Is this a silly hang up and I should be loud and proud or is it time to grow up?
I'm a 1/6 figure, 1/12 vehicle (and accompanying figures) collector, and at 42 I've long stopped caring about what others think and have my favourites proudly displayed in the lounge room.
Well, it sounds like you just don't like the smaller scales so much anymore which is fair enough. They can be a contributor to a cluttered looking collection. If you want to clean up the appearance of your collection you could move those on
Your 12 inch dolls are in no way less embarrassing than a 6 inch action figure.

To the outsider, there's no difference and you should be ashamed of them equally.

OR....stop giving a crap about what other people think and just enjoy the things that make you happy!

Yes, I think I overstated the ‘adult pursuit’ thing. I suppose I just meant the 1/6s look just a little more like collectibles rather than toys, whereas the 1/12s do look like toys you can’t let go of (take no offence 1/12 collectors, I’m talking about a small number here rather than large which ARE obviously a proper collection.)

I’m not worried about being cool believe me. I’ve been a unashamed Kylie Minogue fan and serious collector since I was 6 and during the few times she was out of fashion I still happily endured the piss taking.

I dunno. I’m either asking permission to carry on displaying them or I’m finding the ‘courage’ to put them away. I think I’ll keep them in their own little perspex box and put them half on display. Good compromise.

Silly post really.
I’m pushing 60 and I never cared what other people thought of me, or my interests, even when I was a kid. Tell anyone who gives you crap to F Off. If the hang-up is yours… we’ll, I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe all I can say is, life is too short to give a flying rat’s ass what a bunch of inbred morons think of your stuff.
When I was 18, I forced myself to “man up” and sold off a big box of comic books for $20 and threw out my customized 1/9 scale Rocky and Chris Reeve Supes, my Kenner 12” Indy and a vintage GI Joe. How stupid of me, and I’m still making up for it by overindulging myself with figures of all types and scales.
I’ve red this book a few years ago and understood a lot of things on me, my behavior, especially in this hobby.
There is a part of us which never wanted to grow up.
It’s not ashamed, it’s like that.

Nothing to be ashamed of.
My wife actually pushed me into 1/6 scanner, which I'd often thought of as it if my budget. But she pointed out that not only are they more impressive looking on the shelf, but that I'm really just trading one type out for the other. So now I have enough 1/6 fights to pay for a decent quality car, lol. I'm not sure that's what she had in mind, but hey. And I've never had anyone side eye them. The response is always overwhelmingly positive from guests.
So put up your figs. Don't be embarrassed. It's no dumber than covering your house in used sports paraphernalia.