Resident Evil 6

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Super Freak
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score

"I’m not one to post rumors, but this right here seems like the real deal. We were sent the image you see below by someone who was able to attend a behind-closed-doors Capcom press conference (much like the one we were able to attend at E3 2011) at Comic Con, which is still going on as of this writing.

The image shows off Resident Evil 6’s official logo and also the following date: September 15, 2011. That’s when we’re expected to receive official details from Capcom on this highly anticipated game. A full return to horror, or not? We’ll find out at TGS in just a few months. But for now, this rumor must be taken with a big grain of salt."

Re: Resident Evil 6?

Inevitable. They're gonna keep pumping these out until they stop making money. I wonder which major characters will be brought back, if any.
Re: Resident Evil 6?

Please for the love of everything holy make this one scary and stray away those crappy movie's. Omg i swaer if this isnt survival horror. Then i give up.
Re: Resident Evil 6?

Capcom will have to work overtime to restore my faith in them and the RE franchise. At this point I'm thinking more about how Capcom could mess this up than how they can make it fresh again.

I think enough time has passed for the classic RE gameplay style to make a welcomed comeback. I think the traditional formula has become a fond memory for many franchise fans, it's been so long.
Re: Resident Evil 6?

they shouldnt make this they pretty much tied everything up with the 5th game .
Re: Resident Evil 6?

Capcom will have to work overtime to restore my faith in them and the RE franchise. At this point I'm thinking more about how Capcom could mess this up than how they can make it fresh again.

I think enough time has passed for the classic RE gameplay style to make a welcomed comeback. I think the traditional formula has become a fond memory for many franchise fans, it's been so long.

I think it would be nice to have the option of choosing between classic styled gameplay and modern over-the-shoulder style. That way fans of both get the best of both worlds.
Re: Resident Evil 6?

I prefer over the shoulder alot more. What i do think needs to happen though is that the game needs to have ZOMBIES. And what i think really made the first 2 games especially was the music. We need a great eerie ost. No crazy african crackheads either. And all of the "urobosses" looked the same... ____ty tentacle monsters. Only Weskers final form was anything that looked like it belonged in resident evil
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Re: Resident Evil 6?

Please for the love of everything holy make this one scary and stray away those crappy movie's. Omg i swaer if this isnt survival horror. Then i give up.
Last two games completely transformed the franchise into an action shooter, and were probably more popular than anything that came before, so I don't know if I can see them going back to that well. I enjoyed the survival horror ones, but I've enjoyed the newer ones. I'll probably keep buying until they prove themselves incapable of making great games.
Re: Resident Evil 6?

I hope this is like RE5...

And I'd love if Chris, Jill, Leon and Claire were all in the story.
Re: Resident Evil 6?

A Rebecca and Claire team up would make me happy. It'd be great if they introduced a really memorable new character to the lineup as well.
Re: Resident Evil 6?

I hope this goes back to having one main character you play as in the main story. I thought having Sheva around was okay and everything, but I'd prefer they include co-op aspect in some other format. Mercenaries Mode or perhaps a separate co-op story mode or something.