Religious themed action figures? Would they be contreversial?

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Super Freak
Dec 30, 2005
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For years, I have wondered how most collectors would react if a major company like Sideshow, McFarlane of NECA picked up the rights to a religious themed film and made a series of collectibles out of it. Not trying to sound blasphemous, but I think it would be cool to have sixth scale figures of Charleton Heston as Moses and as Judah Ben-Hur. In addition to that, it would be intresting for a toy company to make figures based on THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST, or any other epic, biblical-based films.
Of course there would be much contreversy over that. Would average people see that as a normal movie based collectible like something from STAR WARS, or THE TERMINATOR, or would they see it as cashing in on God's name?

Again not trying to offend, but after I saw Mel Gibson's PASSION OF THE CHRIST, it really stuck me as a licence I could imagine McFarlane trying to do. Not that I would buy any since I disliked the film, and the subject matter is kind of disturbing, but just imagine: A regular non-scarred Jim Caviezel Jesus, Pontius Pilate, A bloodied Jesus tied to a wipping pillar, A Roman Centurian, the Female Devil, all in blood splattred McFarlane style clamshells; and a box set with Jesus carrying the cross.

How would you guys feel about such contreversial subject matters being made into a collectible toy? Please discuss with an open mind.
It wouldn't bother me any, Toy Presidents actually has a 12" Talking Jesus and Moses, and there is also a Pope John Paul II. And I remember seeing a box set of solid plastic not poseble figurines of Moses and Ramses. This was years ago in a Wal-Mart and I don't remember the company.
Would he come with a hammer and nails?

I don't see a problem with them being made. The would interest both religious people and film/character collectors as well.
A little OT, but ...
I'm working on a Jesus, but I can't decide if I should make him white, black, or brown.
It's such a polarizing issue, I'd like to get a little consensus from the Freaks before I continue.
The always amazing Andy Bergholtz sculpted a "Passion" bust that would have been included with a DVD box set, but it wasn't ultimately produced.

Customikey said:
A little OT, but ...
I'm working on a Jesus, but I can't decide if I should make him white, black, or brown.
It's such a polarizing issue, I'd like to get a little consensus from the Freaks before I continue.

He should have a dark complexion, like everyone else from that part of the world. Definitely not white.

Not everyone from that part of the world is that dark. I've seen SEVERAL native Middle Easterners with light complexions and even light colored eyes.
Religion causes more controversy than just about any other thing on the planet so I'm sure a series of figures from a film such as The Passion Of The Christ wouldn't be any different.
just a few days ago I picked up a book called "Illustrations from the Bible: A Work in Progress by Simon Bisley".
I would LOVE to have some sculpts based on the works in the book.
Thinkin about attmepting this myself someday.
Since Sideshow was already presured the change the Elektra PF base because some religion has problems with it, I really doubt any company would try to make figs of religious movies....
Religion can be a VERY touchy subject, but I think that if handled with dignity a line of figures would be great. Someone mentioned using likness from moves, and believe that this can be polarizing. A Yul Brenner as Ramses would indeed be very cool (dressed in full Egyptian regalia) as would Charleston Heston as Moses or Ben Hur (both of which I would buy...BTW: doesn't sideshow already have a Heston head lying around...), however figures from Last Temptation or Passion of the Christ (although the depiction of the devil was amazing)would appear to many as disrespectful (as would the aformentioned South Park Mohammed).

I am not even going to go into the religious implication of depicting the human form in some religons...

Now that said, personally I would love a line of characters based on the bible...
I have always loved the stories and people depicted. Of course the there would need to be the allstars like Jesus and Moses, but there are many, many more that would make for a great collection. Off the top of my head:

David (both young and old)
Goliath (with battle armor and spear)
The Evil One
Any of the Apostles
Roman Centurians (with full battle gear)
Pilate (also with armor)
Sumarian warriors (with full battle gear)
Egyptian Warriors ( With full battle gear....maybe even a super cool chariot)
Jewish warrior four pack bearing the Ark of the Covenant....(how cool is that?)

Don't even get me started on all the cool creatures, monsters, demons, and angels from the book of Revelation.....

I already have a pair of the Art S. Buck artist models that my wife nicknamed Adam and Eve...
I happen to be a Christian, but I don't have any particular interest in religious-themed figures. They wouldn't offend me, though.
I'd buy a maquette of Mohammad from South Park.

Is that controversial enough


as long as you understand that the artist should be killed for sculpting it, the company should be destroyed for producing it, and stores should be burned for selling it, I can't see how it would be a problem!!!! :rotfl

Seriously though, anyone know if there will be figures for "The Davinci Code"?
My buddy (whose not religous) went on a Jesus/Religous action figure kick a whille ago. And he has collected around 20 or 30 pieces. A lot of them are really bad, but its interesting to see them all displayed... even has a resurection with moveable boulder playset!!!

I wouldn't mind picking really good figures of religous dieties especially getting into Hinduism and other eastern ones. I already have the toy presidents Jesus, but its terrible and he looks more like a cartoon than a person.

As for controversy I think as long as there are no religous prohibitions against making figures and they are handled repectfully most people would be okay with it... but I doubt to many secular companies are chomping at the bit to take the chance.
The only hinderance I see is the 1st Commandment about graven images, but seeing as the church ignores that commandment daily (crucifixes and stained glass windows come to mind) I doubt too many people would be offended.

I love the little Jesus figure that has wheels so he looks like he's gliding! And I have yet to get my hands on Buddy Christ, even though I'm a huge Dogma fan.
sheridan said:
im not a fan of organized religion at all,the less it has to do with our hobby the better. although i would like to see a line of demons in 1/6th:chew

Yeahhhhh...bring on Lucifer, Beelzebuth, Mephisto, Leviathan, Belphegor, Azrael and all other greater demons of hell !!!!!!!!!
Shaihulud said:
Yeahhhhh...bring on Lucifer, Beelzebuth, Mephisto, Leviathan, Belphegor, Azrael and all other greater demons of hell !!!!!!!!!

Azrael's an angel - you're thinking of Azazel. Who is responsible for giving men weapons and women makeup.

Kinda like Prometheus I guess - but with bad press.