SW PT vs. ST

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PT or ST?

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Eden Prairie, MN
Now that we're more than a year from the closure of the ST and the dust has settled I'm curious where people on this forum stand with regard favoring either the PT or the ST as of today. Vote away using whatever criteria you wish!
I don't particularly care for the prequel trilogy.

I ****ing loathe the sequel trilogy with every fibre of my being.
It always forces you to start the thread before it lets you add a poll my friend. ;)

I did not know that.

What I really need to do is rewatch the ST... but I just can't bring myself to do that. I've seen TFA twice, TLJ once and ROS two-and-a-half times. I also can't sit through the PT any longer, although I've seen those movies many more times over the years in bits and pieces.

If I were to vote today, my vote has to go to the PT... just because it has better designs, costumes and villains. And I have more PT figures on my shelf than the two from the ST (both from the very first movie). And I only have 4 PT figures on my shelf. :lol
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There is such a similar rhythm to the order of the PT and ST...

Both started well with promise (TPM and TFA)... both fell apart in the sencond installment (AOTC and TLJ)... and both had their best entry in their climax (ROTS and TROS)...

I was trying to think which of the ST I could actually watch, that's why the above occurred to me, again, I know its old news.
I have nostalgia for each of the three PT movies. Bad movies but I still had fun with them.

ST felt like a chore sitting through each movie. They made me unhappy and were boring.

Sooooo Prequels for me. The hype was more fun, collecting was more fun and the experience overall was just better, final product aside.
I have nostalgia for each of the three PT movies. Bad movies but I still had fun with them.

ST felt like a chore sitting through each movie. They made me unhappy and were boring.

Sooooo Prequels for me. The hype was more fun, collecting was more fun and the experience overall was just better, final product aside.

The hype for the PT was indeed great. Its half the reason I enjoy TPM as much as I do. Takes me right back to that time... Love it warts and all.
The more I think about it the more I realize how hard this poll is.

I mean I voted ST... But now i am stuck with TLJ.. And it really is my least fav SW movie. AOTC 2nd least fav.

I love TPM more then all the ST I think but I like TFA and TROS more then ROTS.

Not an easy choice for me despite what some may have thought would be :lol
Yeah my love of TPM is because of the hype. Episode I probably had the best marketing campaign of any of the Star Wars movies. I really enjoyed it.

I didn’t really care about Episode II at the time. I was more interested in Lord of the Rings, Spider-Man, etc. I mean, I had to see AOTC, but it did absolutely nothing for me. Not just because the movie sucked, but just from the promotional aspect of it, “forbidden love” isn’t very enthralling. Shoulda been more about Clone Wars.

Things really picked back up in 2005 with Revenge of the Sith. That was a really fun time too. Woulda been a good time to end the “saga” since 1983 was no longer an option . . .
Well we all know my stance on this.

The ST. Freakin REy is awesome ! Best trilogy since lotr probably even better. When is HT gonna make that rose figure cause I?m waiting
Watch out, the PT is coming out swinging!

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Tough call. TPM landed like a thud for me, turned me off so much that I ended up watching AOTC at home on DVD as a random rental. ROTS became a fun event even though the movie didn't seem that great to me.

The ST was the opposite, same amount of hype going into it, but enjoyed TFA. Then it just went downhill and fast. It's almost easier to vote for PT as a nice package of subpar movies. PT is a better trilogy on mute for sure, since you don't have to hear the stiff dialogue.
I have nostalgia for each of the three PT movies. Bad movies but I still had fun with them.

As did I and in fact I still do. Plus TCW, Rebels, ST, and Mando have made some of the more annoying story choices easier to swallow.

I don't hate them so much anymore as I just struggle to sit through the cringe fest portions while waiting for the fun third act of all three. As I mentioned in the other thread at least TPM has a fun first act as well with a super cringey second act that is mercifully broken up by the pod race at least.
So far it looks like everyone voting PT were those whose first experience watching a new SW film on the big screen *was* one of the prequels. Interesting.