War Story Black Poison Queen aka Ms. Venom Custom by AFM Pic heavy Updated 9/16

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Super Freak
Aug 31, 2009
Reaction score
I got this in yesterday 9/14 and the first thing I did was check the articulation. Hips would not hold a pose. Everything else was fine, but the hips being loose is a no GO for me. . Tbleague Body swap and added more hands. Please feel free to ask any question about the custom. I'll do my best to give clear answers. Thanks for looking. Please enjoy.

DSC09672 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09673 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09674 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09675 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09676 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09677 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09678 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09679 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09681 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09682 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09683 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09684 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09685 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09686 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09687 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09688 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09689 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09690 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09691 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09692 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09693 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr
Re: War Story: 1/6 Black Poison Queen aka Ms. Venom Custom by AFM Pic heavy 9/15

Did any company do a Michelle William's sculpt that would work well with her being attached to this character in the Venom film?

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Re: War Story: 1/6 Black Poison Queen aka Ms. Venom Custom by AFM Pic heavy 9/15

Did any company do a Michelle William's sculpt that would work well with her being attached to this character in the Venom film?

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Great idea! I like the way you think my friend.
Re: War Story: 1/6 Black Poison Queen aka Ms. Venom Custom by AFM Pic heavy 9/15

nice work AFM :clap not related to this figure but I saw somewhere (maybe a diff forum, I just googled it and it came up in images) you changed a medicom Spiderman to a M32 body, is that correct? If so, could PM some regular standing pose pics of how that turned out with the body swap, if it's not too much trouble please? would love to see how that looks as I've been thinking of doing that myself but phicen bodies aren't cheap so want to make sure before I go down that road. Thanks!
Re: War Story: 1/6 Black Poison Queen aka Ms. Venom Custom by AFM Pic heavy 9/15

nice work AFM :clap not related to this figure but I saw somewhere (maybe a diff forum, I just googled it and it came up in images) you changed a medicom Spiderman to a M32 body, is that correct? If so, could PM some regular standing pose pics of how that turned out with the body swap, if it's not too much trouble please? would love to see how that looks as I've been thinking of doing that myself but phicen bodies aren't cheap so want to make sure before I go down that road. Thanks!

No problem. Here's a link my flicker album:
Here the link to all my customs:

My son didn't care for my Medicom custom so that body is now being used for my Hot Toys Spider-Man 3.
Re: War Story: 1/6 Black Poison Queen aka Ms. Venom Custom by AFM Pic heavy 9/15

Here some more pictures with different heads. The purple masked head is from the Ghost Spider Maximum Venom Titan Hero Series. Please enjoy.

DSC09694 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09695 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09696 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09697 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09698 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09699 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09700 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09701 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09702 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09703 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09704 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09705 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09706 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09707 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09708 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09709 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr
Re: War Story: 1/6 Black Poison Queen aka Ms. Venom Custom by AFM Pic heavy 9/15

No problem. Here's a link my flicker album:
Here the link to all my customs:

My son didn't care for my Medicom custom so that body is now being used for my Hot Toys Spider-Man 3.

Cool thanks! lots of great work in there. Tons of examples for anyone who may want to change figure bodies to the TBLeague/Phicen bodies
Cool thanks! lots of great work in there. Tons of examples for anyone who may want to change figure bodies to the TBLeague/Phicen bodies

Glad I could help buddy.

Painted the Ghost Spider Maximum Venom Titan Hero Series Head Black. The original purple color just wasn't working for me.

DSC09710 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09711 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09712 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09713 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09714 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr

DSC09715 by A.F.M. Productions, on Flickr
Looks pretty cool. How tall is this compared to a regular female figure? The female symbiote was around 6’ tall in the movie, but there were no comparisons in the promo pics. I know you did a body swap, but didn’t know if you needed to add extenders.
Looks pretty cool. How tall is this compared to a regular female figure? The female symbiote was around 6’ tall in the movie, but there were no comparisons in the promo pics. I know you did a body swap, but didn’t know if you needed to add extenders.

Thanks so much. She's about the same 6' especially with the high heels. I didn't not use any extenders on her. I will take some more pictures with other figures so you can see the comparison in size. I'll post them in the morning my friend. Thanks again.
I feared as much.
That's to big of a risk for me. To bad, since she really benefits from it.