Dorohedoro - Netflix Anime

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Too Much Garlic

Super Freak
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Watched Dorohedoro on Netflix. It was my kind of anime. Really love it. It's violent and gory and definitely not for everyone. Especially love the Noi character's mask.

Hope it comes out on Blu-Ray soon. Slowly working my way to owning all the manga. Man... it's even more insane than the anime, which I love. And funny... having seen the anime first I now hear the voice actors (the Japanese ones) when reading the manga, which in my opinion just makes it even more badass. Now I just hope I'll be able to complete the whole set of 23 volumes.

Having read the whole thing, except the volumes I don't have yet (1, 5 - on their way - and 7 - sold out everywhere I look) I can only say it blew my mind. It went in places that were completely unexpected, but even though I should have somehow been prepared for that, since the anime also did that, I was still pleasantly surprised all the way through. It never got boring and the conclusion... pure joy. I don't think I've had this much fun watching an anime and this was my first time ever buying a manga and I can honestly say that my life would have been less without this.

The anime follows the manga up to somewhere in volume 7.

It is wild. It is funny. It is GORY. It's insane. It's beyond hilarious. Offensive as heck. It's charming. The characters are great, very fleshed out and enjoyable to follow and I never thought I would be enamored by a giant cockroach, but this manga and anime goes places where the food looks great and anything is possible.

This is not a manga/anime for everybody. It's offensive as hell, and you should not watch it if you don't like violence and gore. It is rated at 16+ on my Netflix and I think that's a valid rating.

Anyone else watching this show? Please, no spoilers. Wouldn't want to ruin the experience for those who haven't seen it yet and may be alerted to the show by this thread.
I thought it was one of the best anime I've seen. Marvellousley bonkers with a wonderful art style.
Totally agree. When I watched the first episode it was like my mind exploded and I actually think I had the biggest grin on my ugly mug for the first time in a long time. The imagination that has been poured into this is just beyond awesome and it never got dull or pointless - even what are usually filler episodes in other anime was filled with info about characters and events, so unlike those other anime, where the episode can basically be skipped and you don't miss anything... here... that is thankfully not the case. The level of quality writing, where everything matters, but you sometimes don't realize it matters until later, has opened my mind to the fact that I need to be a much better writer if I want to be on the same level as this.
Found number 7. Now the place just has to ship it to me and they are sadly taking their time.

Just wish more people would see it so we could get a season 2 and 3 to tell the whole story. It really deserves it.
Finally received number 7 the other day, so now I'm reading the whole thing again from the beginning to get the full experience. So far, so great. Man I love this piece of work.
YAY, Netflix put up the OVA. That was hilarious. Almost looks like the animation style was scanning in the manga and then animating the drawings. Pretty funny.