Dune (2020) by Dennis Villeneuve

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Super Freak
Oct 1, 2010
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The Deep Dark Forest
I know this has to already be a thread, but a search turned up nothing. If there is one, feel free to merge.

The cast for this movie looks amazing...

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If he can salvage as much as possible from Jodorowsky's stuff, that would be cool. But it's impossible cause most of those people are dead and a lot of the ideas were already used in other movies.
I love Villeneuve and the cast but these types of genre films don't do huge business nowadays and will likely bomb. Especially if it opens near a CBM, Pixar or a horror film.
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Sad, but true.

Don't know how much money the studio is sinking in this but it's almost guaranteed box office poison, especially for people old enough to remember the original Dune.

I don't think the TV version from a few years ago did any better.

But I think it has the potential to be something really unique, and originality is sorely needed in movies today. Sadly, it's never rewarded financially, but genre fans might have a new favorite movie for a while.
These films just cannot succeed nowadays, they barely ever had a shot.

The attention span needed for the world building this story requires is just not there anymore.

People do not have the patience to learn the names of the streets in their neighborhood now, much less the hierarchy of powers in Dune.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Careful man....you're gonna get labeled a cynical, grumpy, stick in the mud old man like me.

(not that I disagree with what you said in any way)
These films just cannot succeed nowadays, they barely ever had a shot.

The attention span needed for the world building this story requires is just not there anymore.

People do not have the patience to learn the names of the streets in their neighborhood now, much less the hierarchy of powers in Dune.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
It seems like science fiction movies in general are out of fashion now. Alita and Blade Runner 2049 being 2 recent examples of high quality films that just failed to find an audience. I can't imagine Dune faring much better.

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Villeneuve + sci-fi is a match made in heaven but right now I'm iffy about that cast. A little too "recognizable" for my tastes. I hope he surprises us with some unknowns like those he cast for Joi, Luv, and the hooker chick in BR 2049. Hopefully Feyd is an unknown but right now I'm fearing that Jai Courtney might be hearing a knock on his door as we speak.
I didn't particularly like Arrival but Bladerunner 2049 was terrific IMO and gave me an appreciation of the original I didn't have before.

Don't know what I'll make of Dune. I've been aware of the existence of the original but I don't think I've ever seen it.

Villeneuve + sci-fi is a match made in heaven but right now I'm iffy about that cast. A little too "recognizable" for my tastes. I hope he surprises us with some unknowns like those he cast for Joi, Luv, and the hooker chick in BR 2049. Hopefully Feyd is an unknown but right now I'm fearing that Jai Courtney might be hearing a knock on his door as we speak.

The book is a tough slog in the beginning, but it a good enough story when it progresses.

Its just not a one film type of story. Its more like a miniseries....and that was done as failed.

Careful man....you're gonna get labeled a cynical, grumpy, stick in the mud old man like me.

(not that I disagree with what you said in any way)

Already there for most things....built into my generation and particular location I grew up in!

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
I guess you guys should label me a "cynical, grumpy, stick in the mud old man" too cause I love that Villeneuve is tackling this project with this cast after his triumphant and mind blowing Blade Runner 2049 but there is just no way in my mind that this Dune adaptation isn't anything else but a box office disaster. And its supposed to be not one film but two to tell as much of Herbert's story from the novel as they can, allowing it to take its time to build up characters and allow the story room to breathe. This is probably my most anticipated upcoming film but I bet when I go on opening night, it'll be a sparse crowd in the IMAX theatre I usually frequent. All of your points are on target when it comes to why this film will fail and the most pressing is the fact that no one these days outside of people who came of age years ago has an attention span for this kind of project. That's just utterly horrific in my mind.
Count me in with the group that is sure this will bomb. It's unfortunate, but true. Like BR2049, it will be facing an audience that in the majority :
1) doesn't know the source material
2) Doesn't have the attention span for the tone required to tell this story.

Still I'm really looking forward to this. The cast looks absolutely solid and I think they got the perfect director to capture the correct vibe.

I'd rather see this film, that's shaping up to be an excellent adaptation, than a CGI action fest adaptation starring aged Tom Cruise. Which I have no doubt they tried to find a director willing to deliver.
I have high hopes for this. Villeneuve seems to be the perfect choice to direct such a movie and the cast looks solid. It probably won’t do very well in the Box Office, but I’m sure it’ll find its niche audiencie.
I haven’t read Dune in quite a while, I’ll have to revisit it to ready myself for the movie.

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This will bomb and like BR 2049 its financial failure will only enhance my enjoyment of the film. I think great films should be rewarded with financial success but as a viewer with no financial stake I have to ask myself would I enjoy BR 2049 more if it was plastered on Happy Meal boxes and end caps at Target or less...and he answer is less. Dune will fail...but I am sure that I will love it!
This will bomb and like BR 2049 its financial failure will only enhance my enjoyment of the film. I think great films should be rewarded with financial success but as a viewer with no financial stake I have to ask myself would I enjoy BR 2049 more if it was plastered on Happy Meal boxes and end caps at Target or less...and he answer is less. Dune will fail...but I am sure that I will love it!
The only problem is that studios will start avoiding that genre, and talented directors like Dennis Villeneuve will get fewer projects because they will be seen as being unappealing to audiences.

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DUNE would have a fantastic home on a streaming provider or cable movie network as a series. It truly is one of the best sci-fi universes crafted in books.

I’ve read basically all of the books, even the Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson prequels, sequels and interquel novels. Unfortunately they don’t really have the novella talent that Frank did but I did like the prequels and how they linked some stuff together.

I’d love to see this continue past the first book as the cast is really fantastic. I wonder who is going to play Feyd-Rautha