Mezco One:12 Collective - The Warriors

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Super Freak
Jun 14, 2013
Reaction score
I was really excited when these were first previewed, and was surprised there wasn't a dedicated thread yet. These guys are scheduled to drop late 2019, hopefully in time for the film's 40th anniversary. It's still a ways out, but I'm wondering if the pricing's going to be in line with their Dawn of the Dead 2-pack, or if it will creep upwards to combat another year of inflation.

As stoked as I am to see these guys, my excitement is somewhat tempered because I seriously doubt Mezco will release any more figures after these 4, unless sales are way beyond what they're expecting. It's tough for me to gauge how many 'Warrior Fanatics' are out there that will purchase these at the listed prices, but hopefully the films' anniversary will help bolster sales. And I'm still waiting on a new Blu-ray Edition to be announced...


So, can anyone else dig this? (You knew I was going to have to include that in here somehow, right? :lol)
While I've never gotten bit by the Mezco bug, these are instant buys. Although I would've preferred 3 Warriors and 1 Baseball Furie over the 2 and 2.

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The fact that Ajax is in this first series might bold well for the line. I wasn't thrilled in the caracature route that was taken with the first line I'm all in for this one.
I had the original Mezco 9” set. Bet your @$$ I’ll have these too. Don’t think they’ll go deep with it but dare to dream.
Stumbling into this forum reminded me that I’ve never seen the movie. Finally watched it last night and was pleasantly surprised at how good it is. One of my major complaints about modern movies is how everything has to be connected. The protagonist is always the son/daughter of someone or destined for greatness or some such crap. It was nice to see a story about a group of people getting mixed up in something they never intended to and struggling to get themselves out. If this movie had been made today we would have discovered that Cyrus was Swan’s father and that Luther was his overshadowed stepbrother.
The Warriors is one of the best films ever in my opinion. I showed it to my wife years ago when the Blu-ray first came out, thinking she'd not like it and I'd be alone in loving it, she freaking adored it. So much, she watches it more often than I do through the years. She's as excited for the Mezco figures as I am.

The movie is a masterpiece. Also, the blu-ray HD quality, is among the best out there.
I just recently sprung for the German Blu-ray Mediabook which is the Theatrical Cut (The only cut I've seen so far). I've heard so many derisive comments about the added footage in the Director's cut, that I'm almost afraid to watch it. I think I'll stick with the theatrical version for now. If anyone else here is a huge fan and wasn't aware of the German Mediabook, it can be found (not cheaply) here:

It's listed as a Region B release, but like several '84 Entertainment Releases, it isn't locked so it plays just fine in Region A (USA & Japan) players. It looks so, so incredible. I think I need to go put it on again...

Older films were filmed in a much higher quality than home media formats could relay at the time. One of the first blu-Ray movies that really impressed me was Blazing Saddles. I couldn’t believe how good it looked given the age of the film.
I hated the comic book panel scene shifting in the later releases. Really took away from the tone of the film.

The PS2 game is still quite epic.
Excellent news,love the warriors.I hope they look more the like the OG ones from 2003-04 which had the SDCC Ajax and Blue and Black Fury,rather than the ones that came out several years later that included Cyrus and Sully.Even tho I wanted both characters,I never liked Version 2.0.I also hated the blu ray that was released with the comic like style to it,complete junk...luckily there are a couple folks on eBay who made another blu ray version which is like the theatrical release
A quick check finds a german Theatrical cut on blu ray. Limited to 1500 (1000 in one style, 500 in another). Pricey, though...

Check the link above. Pricey, but oh so worth it... :wink1: (And yes, Team Blu on eBay does have a BR-R version which although I don't own, have heard good things about.) I still keep hoping for an Anniversary Edition to be announced for next year, but I have yet to hear anything.
I've never seen the movie but I might buy the 2 guys on the left. I'm dying for some quality street tough type figures to use with the Punisher and Batman.
I messaged Mezco and asked if there are plans for more Warriors figures to be released. Said I missed out on the stylzed Mezco releases but you see that the second hand market has high prices - fairly certain there somewhat of a significant demand for this line....

....Was simply told "in the future anything is possible". I understand.

Doesn't mean I like that, but I understand.

$275 is a little bit of money.....
Well, it's like anything else in this business. If sales are great, more will come. I'm already sold on their new 'Five Point' 3 3/4" versions. So awesome.
These look great, it's unfortunate that they've been released as a set opposed to individually.

Would have loved to pick up the green Baseball Fury.