Can the DC Cinematic Universe Be Salvaged, Or Should it be Rebooted?

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Jul 22, 2006
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Some fans have been holding out hope that DC will turn things around, while others are calling for a full reboot. For now, I put myself in the first camp.

I always liked both Marvel and DC comics pretty much equally. So while it's been cool to see the MCU become a box office phenomenon in the last decade, DC has been another story. Part of the problem was rushing to play catch-up with Marvel without mapping out a cohesive plan and vision; part was not knowing what tone they wanted to take (the success of Nolan's Batman was a double edged sword); part was hiring Snyder and giving him too much control (he's a great visual director, but not so strong at narrative); and part was way too much studio meddling.

Man of Steel wasn't a home run, but it wasn't terrible. I'd call it a "double"--enough to kick off the universe but the studio should have seen from fan and critical reaction that the franchise would still need some tweaking and course correcting. However, instead of jumping right into BvS, I think Warner should have had a separate Batman movie, "The Dark Knight" or "Gotham Knight" to align with MoS. This would have allowed them to introduce and more fully develop the Affleck Batman, as well as differentiate from the Nolan Batman. Then they should have introduced Wonder Woman as the final piece of the "Trinity". That way, over a period of maybe 2 years, you've set up the key pillars of your cinematic universe.

Assuming "The Dark Knight" brought in $800M to $1B, when added to MoS's $660M and Wonder Woman's $820M, the DCEU would have already made around $2.5B. Next they should have done either BvS (conflict) or World's Finest (team-up), as a test run for Justice League rather than shoehorning in Doomsday, which probably would have brought in another $1B or so. The next year to 18 months, you introduce your B-team--Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg. While those movies would need to perform well, the pressure would have been off to be mega hits. This would have allowed the characters and their worlds to be developed. Then after laying the groundwork, you bring them together to form the Justice League, where they also introduce Hal Jordan as Green Lantern in the last 15 minutes. Instead of trying to immediately jump into Apokolips, Steppenwolf and Darkseid, I think a great story could have revolved around Starro. That could have mixed fantastic visuals, sci-fi and horror elements, and a high stakes storyline that would have give the team a reason to come together.

Instead of a clear, well organized and executed vision, DC became a muddled mess and is just looking more and more desperate.

It's too early to know, but to me their new strategy seems somewhat schizophrenic. On the one hand, they have Aquaman and Shazam, both of which look encouraging. And hopefully Wonder Woman 1984 will be good. But then you have the solo Joker movie, which seems like an inexplicable one-off, and Birds of Prey which is being done before Batman. Speaking of Batman, who knows what's going on with that, not to mention the previously announced Batgirl and Nightwing movies. Batman is one of DC's most important characters. Why that movie seems to be meandering is beyond me. Batman should be setting the tone, and all the Bat Family characters should be taking their cues from him.

I don't have a problem with Supergirl, but one would have thought it would have made sense to introduce her in an after credits tease in Superman 2 or Superman 3, and tie her into that aesthetic. If Warner makes a one-off Supergirl movie that's outside of MoS Superman, it will only further muck things up.

Right now, Warner/DC doesn't seem to have a coherent plan, a consistent vision or a captain at the wheel. No wonder they are trying to woo James Gunn. They come across more like theyre throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks. I'm sure they're waiting to see how Aquaman and Shazam are received. The optimist in me hopes both movies are huge hits. However those characters are not Superman or Batman, which makes them much riskier. If one or both of those movies fail, even if WW2 is a hit, the chorus for a reboot is going to get a lot louder.

I think it would be a mistake to for Warner to reboot. It would set them back at least three or four years. They have one set of wheels off the rails, but it's still possible to course correct and get back on track. The way for Warner to do that would be to get out in front of the industry, fan base, and movie going public, and paint a clear, positive, and exciting vision for the DC cinematic universe going forward. And for god's sake give it a name (they haven't even been able to decide on that).

Here's what I would do:
BATMAN -- The Affleck drama could actually work in their favor. Assuming Ben is not going forward (which I think would be fine, even though I liked his portrayal) they could announce the new Batman actor and maybe the villain (if not Leto Joker/or a new Joker, Riddler might be good). Show off some concept art including costumes, Batcave, Batmobile and Gotham. When you need to win back fans, now is not the time to be coy or secretive. They should also announce that Batman is the centerpiece of an entire "Batverse" of heroes and villains including Robin, Batgirl, Nightwing, Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Catwoman, and Mr. Freeze. Imagine how excited fans would be. Warner could also start cranking up the merchandising and pull in tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars before the movie even debuts.
SUPERMAN -- I think DC should stick with Cavill. However he needs to be restyled and his characterization needs to be reworked. Clark Kent has always been the nebbishy, bumbling, unassuming alter ego that no one expect is a superhero. Go back to that approach, and restyle his hair and wardrobe accordingly. Also, he should wear color contact lenses so Clark has brown eyes. Give Superman a "spit curl" and piercing blue eyes. Another way to show fans the franchise is getting a refresh and back on track would be to redesign the costume. Nothing radical, just pump up the colors, change the belt/waist design, and add a few color accents. Take it back in the direction of the classic without going full Chris Reeve. Keep the higher tech material and make it somewhat futuristic (Superman is the "Man of Tomorrow" after all). I wasn't a fan of Snyder's gritty, monochromatic Krypton design, so I would actually do a soft reboot to give Krypton more of that colorful, utopian, retro-futuristic aesthetic (look at how cool Xandar looked). Sure it upsets continuity, but again this is about getting on track. As with Batman, get out front and show off concept art of the new costume, villain (Brainiac is probably the logical choice), new Krypton and Kryptonian designs. They could even bring Crowe back as Jor-El in new costuming. Also, announce that Superman is the center of an entire "Superverse" including Supergirl, Kandor, Lex Luthor (possibly replacing Eisenberg), and Brainiac.
WONDER WOMAN -- I love Gal Gadot. The only issue I had with the first movie was keeping the same actor (along with his moustache) under the helmet once he went full Ares. Cheetah is a great villain, so hopefully Wiig pulls it off.
AQUAMAN -- Trailers look good. Atlantis looks amazing. Wan is a terrific director. Fingers are crossed that it's a great movie that makes a ton of money.
FLASH -- Personally, I would have preferred more of a Chris Evans type for Barry Allen Flash (Miller seems like more of a hipster Wally West Flash). That said, they should upgrade the costume first and foremost. The home made costume was serviceable and made sense scientifically, but for the solo movie it needs a major upgrade to look sleek, high tech, and futuristic. I think for the first 1/3 of the movie you're getting to know him, his friends/relationship, and his world. For the most part, he could be using his powers to take down small time crooks, help folks out, and have fun. It's rather light-hearted. He's basically this flashy local celebrity. Then suddenly you get the arrival, similar to the Terminator, of a man in a yellow Flash costume. But instead of being another hero, this "yellow" flash starts killing people as he demands to know where to find the Flash. Facing a crazed, homicidal "Reverse Flash" would force Allen to grow from a carefree speedy celebrity into a true superhero. Again, show the new Flash costume (Reverse Flash could be kept under wraps), concept art, and some footage of cool uses of super speed. Also, whoever plays Reverse Flash should have a look and build similar to Miller's.
CYBORG -- This movie would probably be the biggest risk, but I think it needs to be made. The cool thing about Cyborg is that he is super high tech, so one way to push that envelop would be to go Matrixy. He could have an adversary that starts off as a new AI that keeps evolving. It could be disrupting critical systems and taking over communications. That draws Cyborg into the cyber world. The AI fabricates a synthetic body (think Ultron), which brings their battle into the real world. One idea that I thought might be cool for Cyborg would be to have Star Labs develop a cloned techno-organic Victor Stone body. Cyborg could download into that body for 30 minutes or an hour at a time every 48 or 72 hours. Any longer and he runs the risk of burning out the body, and without a vessel to contain it, his consciousness would be lost forever. This would allow Vic to experience life as a human for brief periods. Not only does it allow the actor to have more range (between this and VR), but it can help a bit with the budget.
GREEN LANTERN -- GL is one of my favorites. Geoff Johns should announce the actors playing Hal and John and show off concept art. With Green Lanterns DC could go sort of Star Wars/Star Treky, with exotic worlds, thousands of alien species, futuristic technology, space vessels and starships. Apparently the plan is to introduce all the color lanterns, which should be great. However I think the first movie should be about Hal and John hunting down renegade lantern Sinestro, who has gone on a killing spree to impose his idea of order in the galaxy through fear. Hal and John could be going to different planets in the sector tracking their quarry. In the after credits Sinestro is sitting in a cell on Oa, when he is broken out by Arkillo and a few other yellow lanterns, who have killed the GLs guarding him. They give Sinestro his yellow ring, and he says something like "now, the war begins"

Assuming Warner/DC was able to do something like this over the next 3-4 years, then they might be ready for Justice League 2 or do a soft reboot and call it "The Justice League".
XMen salvaged/soft rebooted several times. Spiderman keep rebooted. Logan was completely separate universe and people still watch it. Can we really just move on over DCU whoring all the time. People make mistake and move on. They may keep same cast or recast, anything they can do to make an enjoyable movie and people will watch it. WB and everyone on WB just want to make a good movie worth billion dollar revenue. They completely aware, a **** and polarize movies is not a way to go. But easier said then done. No one know Synder's daughter had tragic end.

It's not something beyond repair such as current Star Wars. As long it's not political SJW agenda high-up involve, they still have a chance to create a good movies. Aquaman, WW84 and Shazam will be a good movies, finger crossed.
In my opinion...complete reboot. Also one of my big problems that their flagship characters...especially Superman and Batman are in the dust right now with bad movies. Wonder Woman was okay but sadly IMO Gal is just a bad actress all around. She was okay in WW (Thanks to the director.) but in JL she was horrible. And I will be happy if Aquaman and Shazam will succeed but it will be for me as a very huge DC fan (Especially Superman and Batman) a big disappointment cause the two biggest Superhero on Earth are in bad movies only at the DCEU. And sadly this is the worst way to damage those characters...especially Superman (It is a trendy thing to bash him now days.). It is just mind boggling that with the new DC movies the two most important character were treated like that. Their first priority should be to make them the best they can...and everything should came after it...but they are trying to salvage what they can like headless chickens...and they are keep announcing new movies...but the new Superman nowhere to be found...I do not know what their plan is...
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The DCU films are disjointed. There's very little cohesiveness to the DCU. On top of that, the executives have now decided to release movies that have no shared universe. They now have 2 different actors playing the Joker but they don't exist in the same cinematic universe. This is going to turn into a disaster if allowed to continue. If the executives at WB were smart, they'd hire the Russo Bros to oversee/reboot the entire DCU and get the hell out of their way. Let them lay the groundwork for a shared universe and then have them direct a JL movie bringing all the characters together. The WB needs a strong and competent exec with a proper vision for these characters to lead the way. IMO, that's what the DCU is missing.
Man of Steel is somewhat enjoyable, empty popcorn flick. Not worthy of the character. BvS I wont go into detail...cause is was already discussed to death but is a dull, boring movie...with a mess story...unearned character moments...stupid all around. The extended cut...longer running time, yeah a little better than the theatrical but it is not saying much. Doomsday (where?)....death of Superman (lol), angry, stupid worlds greatest detective (my ass), emo Lex Luthor (edgy...something different lulz. I wish someone at least put the real Lex on movie. Watch Bruce Timm's animated universe for example.). Suicide Squad...omfg, Wonder Woman is the only movie which is actually good...but nothing spectacular. Justice League...the biggest and most famous Superhero team in the world got a movie which was one of the worst in the franchise. WB messed up they huge...and I mean huge chance to make history with these characters...even if they will make good movies in the distant won't be the same if you know what I mean.

Too bad DC comics has nothing to say about their characters at the movies...and the reason of the failure is because the guys whom works for WB or lead not have a clue about the DC comic all. And it shows big time.
The DCU films are disjointed. There's very little cohesiveness to the DCU. On top of that, the executives have now decided to release movies that have no shared universe. They now have 2 different actors playing the Joker but they don't exist in the same cinematic universe. This is going to turn into a disaster if allowed to continue. If the executives at WB were smart, they'd hire the Russo Bros to oversee/reboot the entire DCU and get the hell out of their way. Let them lay the groundwork for a shared universe and then have them direct a JL movie bringing all the characters together. The WB needs a strong and competent exec with a proper vision for these characters to lead the way. IMO, that's what the DCU is missing.

Agreed. They seem to be going further down the rabbit hole. I don't understand the rationale for the solo Joker story. Either they have one hell of a script or (more likely) it's somebody's pet project. I wonder what genius thinks it makes more sense to muddle up the DC universe with a bunch of unrelated stories. If they want to tell solo or offshoot stories, why not make a deal with Netflix or put those movies on their streaming platform.

I agree the Russo Bros. would be phenomenal choices to either turn around or reboot the DCEU, DCCU or whatever they end up calling it. However in watching their last interview, they can't wait to get their hands on X-Men and FF. But yep, somebody needs to take control of the ship.

I think Aquaman and Shazam are really make or break as far as a reboot. If those movies tank, or under perform, I could see Warner rethinking their whole superhero agenda, cancelling or delaying everything that isn't in front of the cameras, and firing or demoting everyone associated with the DCEU. As I've said, I like both Gadot and Cavill, in their respective roles, but if they became the only things deemed salvageable, I'd can them and reboot.

Studio executives never look in the mirror, but there is the AT&T buyout. I'm not sure if the DoJ challenge put on the brakes, but if it goes through I imagine a number of WB executive heads will roll. If I were AT&T I would demand nothing less than a DC strategy that rivals Marvel's, and I would fire anybody with a bloated salary who couldn't articulate, present, and implement a plan to execute one.
If Shazam and Aquaman fall flat on their face then I would imagine DC would be looking at a full reboot...

It still seems like Warner Brothers doesn't know what they want to do... It seems the standalone Joker movie and Batman movie will not be part of the DCU that Snider created, yet they plan to release Aquaman and Flash under Snider's DCU... I'm not sure if Shazam is a stand lone or if it will be under Sniper's DCU also... So WB seems to be all over the place right now..
I think they should reboot...immediately. And I’m thinking everything. No separate TV universe vs CU. I think they take a cue from the story lines developed by Dwayne McDuffie and have James Tucker take over as creative lead/executive producer.
I am in the camp where they should not reboot because they could always reboot later if need be. WW is a big hit its worth taking a shot and fixing the current universe. They hired Hamada lets see what he can do. All i want from WB right now is just very good movies.

Geoff Johns said in an interview that DC comics is a multiverse and why not try telling good stories from all over the different worlds.
If Shazam and Aquaman fall flat on their face then I would imagine DC would be looking at a full reboot...

It still seems like Warner Brothers doesn't know what they want to do... It seems the standalone Joker movie and Batman movie will not be part of the DCU that Snider created, yet they plan to release Aquaman and Flash under Snider's DCU... I'm not sure if Shazam is a stand lone or if it will be under Sniper's DCU also... So WB seems to be all over the place right now..

This is why i think they are not doing Batman and Superman at the moment they might be saving for example a Mat Reeves Batman trilogy as the reboot of the new DC.
I loved Snyder's take on the "big two", but appreciate I'm in the minority.

SS and the Phoenix Joker flick probably don't help the situation.

But I think they should at least assess the reception to WW '84 and Aquaman before doing anything rash. I'd love to see the current DC universe continue.
I think at this point, it's obvious WB is already on the "salvage" route. WW1984 will likely do well, Aquaman has some potential, and Shazam! might even do well as it appears to be taking a MCU-esque approach. Question is how they will go with the "Big 2" (Supes and Batman) and how that would all play into a new Justice League movie. I think they'll keep Cavill, as he's a great Superman in my opinion, just the script/story around him hasn't been great (and I agree...he needs to be a nerdier Clark Kent and they jumped the gun on revealing him to Lois and everything...). And we'll see who replaces Affleck, but I've enjoyed his Batman for the most part.
I don’t know. These guys have all there characters but chose to squander them with stupid ideas. We will see how it plays out but live action wise it just looks muddled
It's funny as I was watching Flash last night and wondering why DC can make really good shows on TV but when it comes to movies they are missing the mark. I loved Arrow up until Season 3 and Flash has been enjoyable. Gotham is different but I really like how they do the show. I feel like DC really needs to find their own rhythm since it seems like their is no cohesive story line and it's just action with no purpose and not really great action at that.

I don't really care for the Marvel movies anymore, I liked the first few but it's not what Im wanting to see and I think everyone thinks that every movie needs to be like that magical Disney formula.
JL ruined potential for all these characters- I enjoyed it but know it's a cobbled together project. Snyder has made TERRIFIC choices on actors- they need better material