Hello folks! Another collector here!

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Just a little freaky
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
Hey everyone!

Just wanted to introduce myself and say that I've only been collecting just over a year. I started with of course the Batman and Superman PF's.

I collect mainly DC but make exceptions for Hulk and Wolverine. I get my movie collection fix from Hot Toys but comic book fix is statues.

Statues I have now are: Superman PF, Supergirl PF, Wolverine Brown Costume PF, and Hulk vs Wolverine. Darkseid is on the way...

Quick question, How long until you can post a new thread? Is there a certain amount of replies I have to do or something?

Thanks all you guys and I'm really happy to be here!

I can't remember for sure when you can post a new thread, but I'm pretty sure it's not until you are a full member.

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:welcome1: to the :FREAK: show, Kal-El10!
