JAWS' Top 100 movies of all time!!!!

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Jul 23, 2006
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Atlantic Ocean
All right you primitive screw heads... Here is a REAL MAN'S top list of favorite movies of all time. 1-99. This was all done very scientifically, with hours upon hours of trial and error.. Be careful if you try this at home...

Here is the formula I used

1. Rate the top 15 films of each Genre.
2. Give them all a star Rating
3. Start the top 99 list by figuring out what order my 5 star movies would be in, then 4 star, and so on and so forth.

Star Ratings =
***** - All time Classic. Films that never get old and I never tire of.
****1/2 - Excellent. Almost an all time classic. Probably could become one with time and a few more viewings.
**** - Great. Pretty much watch at any given time but there is usually something that keeps it from getting another star
***1/2 - Very good. Basically can return to the film and watch it, if I give it plenty of time between viewings.

Yes I am sure there is something I forgot. Yes I am sure that this list could change a tad or a lot over the next few years or even the next few days.

Yes there are no older films on here.... I just tend not to watch them as much but if the list kept going you would see them.

Yes you see very little Drama... I am not a fan of films that make me feel bad. A film like Schindler's List is on my top 99 but it is a very hard film to return to for repeat viewings.

So here you go... Do you have the Balls to make your own top 99 films of all time IN ORDER???

Top 100 of all time!
1. JAWS *****
2. STAR WARS *****
3. The Empire Strikes Back *****
4. Die Hard *****
5. Raiders of the Lost Ark *****
6. Fellowship of the Ring *****
7. An American Werewolf in London *****
8. John Carpenter’s The Thing *****
9. ALIEN *****
10. Pulp Fiction *****
11. ALIENS *****
12. The Terminator *****
13. Halloween *****
14. Silence of the Lambs *****
15. First Blood *****
16. Lethal Weapon *****
17. Seven *****
18. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom *****
19. The Good, The Bad and the Ugly *****
20. Goodfellas *****
21. The Dark Knight *****
22. Ghostbusters *****
23. Unforgiven *****
24. LA Confidential *****
25. Saving Private Ryan *****
26. Rocky *****
27. The Godfather *****
28. Return of the King ****1/2
29. Poltergeist ****1/2
30. Captain America: The Winter Soldier ****1/2
31. The Avengers ****1/2
32. Conan the Barbarian ****1/2
33. Dawn of the Dead ****1/2
34. The Exorcist ****1/2
35. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan ****1/2
36. Back to the Future ****1/2
37. Dirty Harry ****1/2
38. Tombstone ****1/2
39. The Last of the Mohicans ****1/2
40. Heat ****1/2
41. Return of the Jedi ****
42. Predator ****
43. Psycho ****
44. Carrie ****
45. The Shining ****
46. E.T. The Extra Terrestrial ****
47. RoboCop ****
48. The Incredible Hulk ****
49. Captain America: Civil War ****
50. Brave Heart ****
51. Gladiator ****
52. Wind River ****
53. Christine ****
54. Batman Begins ****
55. Rogue One ****
56. Blade ****
57. The Evil Dead ****
58. Fright Night ****
59. Django Unchined ****
60. Training Day ****
61. Logan ****
62. The Raid ****
63. Payback ****
64. The Matrix ****
65. A Clockwork Orange ****
66. 13 Hours ****
67. Blackhawk Down ****
68. Carlito’s Way ****
69. The Raid 2 ****
70. Casino Royale ****
71. The Mask of Zorro ****
72. The Incredibles ****
73. Bladerunner ****
74. Whiplash ****
75. The Burbs ****
76. Scrooged ****
77. Silver Linings Playbook ****
78. The Fighter ****
79. Schindler’s List ****
80. One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest ****
81. Terminator 2 ***1/2
82. The Two Towers ***1/2
83. Lethal Weapon 2 ***1/2
84. Unbreakable ***1/2
85. The Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn ***1/2
86. Taxi Driver ***1/2
87. Skyfall ***1/2
88. Young Guns ***1/2
89. The Fly *** 1/2
90. Jackie Brown ***1/2
91. The Departed ***1/2
92. Basic Instinct ***1/2
93. Man on Fire *** 1/2
94. Blade II ***1/2
95. Superman The Movie ***1/2
96. Spector ***1/2
97. Iron Man ***1/2
98. Spider-Man 2 ***1/2
99. Tron 2 ***1/2
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Re: JAWS' Top 99 movies of all time!!!!

Daaaaaaamn. You lose me a bit in the bottom 50 but that top 30 or so is a sight to behold. :clap

That actually looks like fun, I might have to give it a try. :D
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Re: JAWS' Top 99 movies of all time!!!!

I love this list, and bravo for doing it! :clap

Yes you see very little Drama... I am not a fan of films that make me feel bad.

When I saw ALIENS so high I thought I would share this. I know it's ultimately meaningless but I found it amusing. For some reason Roger Ebert's ALIENS review has always stuck with me. Here are some highlights -

BOB said:
The movie is so intense that it creates a problem for me as a reviewer: Do I praise its craftsmanship, or do I tell you it left me feeling wrung out and unhappy? ...when I walked out of the theater, there were knots in my stomach from the film's roller-coaster ride of violence. This is not the kind of movie where it means anything to say you "enjoyed" it.

"Aliens" is absolutely, painfully and unremittingly intense for at least its last hour...it's like being on some kind of hair-raising carnival ride that never stops.

I don't know how else to describe this: The movie made me feel bad. It filled me with feelings of unease and disquiet and anxiety. I walked outside and I didn't want to talk to anyone. I was drained. I'm not sure "Aliens" is what we mean by entertainment. Yet I have to be accurate about this movie: It is a superb example of filmmaking craft.

Re: JAWS' Top 99 movies of all time!!!!

Pretty sure 90 of my 99 films would be dramas. Preeeeeeetty sure.
Re: JAWS' Top 99 movies of all time!!!!

Why are we patting each other on the backs for making all these lists? Is this the result of Spring fever, lists?
Re: JAWS' Top 99 movies of all time!!!!

Where's my pat? :dunno

Re: JAWS' Top 99 movies of all time!!!!

What's that thing coming out of it's head?
Re: JAWS' Top 99 movies of all time!!!!

Schindler's List missed some pretty obvious opportunities. Thank God that's been addressed.

Re: JAWS' Top 99 movies of all time!!!!

The berserker rage scene is intense. Plus he finally wears a brown costume.
Pretty sure that girl's not Jewish. :monkey3

Re: JAWS' Top 99 movies of all time!!!!

Got almost all the way through before I saw a film I had not seen..13 hours
Then another The Raid 2?

Will add them to my must see list...

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Re: JAWS' Top 99 movies of all time!!!!

Yes I am sure there is something I forgot.
GBU needs to be in your top five please. Thank you.:) I know you're not a huge fan of drama but Godfather should be higher and you forgot Godfather 2.:monkey3 I won't point out the order of the other movies but I'm sure the other freaks will.:wink1: :lol
Re: JAWS' Top 99 movies of all time!!!!

GBU needs to be in your top five please. Thank you.:) I know you're not a huge fan of drama but Godfather should be higher and you forgot Godfather 2.:monkey3 I won't point out the order of the other movies but I'm sure the other freaks will.:wink1: :lol

Good, the Bad and the Ugly is a 5 star all time classic to me. There was a time when it was higher on the list but I think being in the top 20 is fair.

I love the Godfather and I don't really consider Crime Drama real Drama.

When I say Drama I am talking about films like Terms of Endearment, Moonlight, Million Dollar Baby etc... Films that may be great.. But I just don't want to revisit because of how I feel afterwards.

Believe it or not I am just not a huge fan of The Godfather II... I mean I like it but I don't put it as high as so many. I love the Don Corleone part of the story but find the other part to be not nearly as riveting as the flashbacks or the first film. It's still great but not in my top 99