Hot Toys 1:6 Justice League Figure Speculation

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Jul 22, 2006
Reaction score

HT must be doing backflips these days. So let the speculation begin.
--The Flash costume is really growing on me, and probably the one I'm most looking forward to at this point. When the standalone movie comes out I hope Reverse Flash is the villain.
--Cyborg looks cool, but I think the shoulder armor needs bulking up.
-- Aquaman, Not sure what's with the jacket, but he'll probably be mostly shirtless with armor accents like in the earlier promo pics.
-- Superman, Batman and WW look to be mostly tweaks, so I'm guessing just sculpt improvements and whatever new accessories.
Planning to pick up the whole team.
Hot Toys will make Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg. But I'm just speculating, nobody hold me to it.

close thread? :monkey3
I wonder if they'll make the main villain Steppenwolf? Would be cool and maybe they'll make a parademon too. 10/10 would buy.
-Aquaman is a must buy for me
-Batman looks good, but not different enough from the BvS one for me to shell out for another figure
-I cancelled my BvS Wonder Woman, so either this or her solo movie will be the one for me, depending on what improvements are made
-Cyborg looks cool. I'll probably get him. But having a Cyborg figure is gonna make me want a Teen Titans movie/figures
-Superman looks great. I didn't get the BvS one so I'll probably get this one, especially if he has a great re-introduction after what happened in BvS
-Most likely getting Flash, but I think I'd like the costume more if it was just completely red, instead of the darker panels. I still like it alot though

Obviously the movie is really far out still and any of my thoughts can change as we get more trailers, info, etc.
Sure geniuses of course there will be the core six. Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman are all new, so they are pretty much academic. However as things progress, there will likely be additional reveals--costume variations, supporting characters, villain(s) etc. Also, Hot Toys is not going to simply do a base change for the Trinity and call it a day.

But don't hold me to it.
The Flash is about the only one I might be interested in but I don't care for his costume so I might wait. I'll probably have a Batman by the time the film is out and don't see myself getting more than one unless I like one of the new costumes better. Aquaman I'll probably pass on as I'm not sold on the Momoa version of the character and I don't care for Cyborg so I won't be getting him.
I'll be curious to see how the DC connected universe line stacks up to the Marvel connected universe line. Factoring in Iron Man, Thor, Cap, Ant-Man (where's Yellowjacket), GotG and the Avengers, HT has produced around 100 figures, with Dr. Strange, GotG2, Thor Ragnarok, Ant-Man & Wasp, Captain Marvel, Black Panther and Avengers 3 & 4 still to come. And I'm still hoping FF comes back to Marvel. Thus far between MoS, BvS and Suicide Squad, the DC connected line will be around 20 or so ('66 Bats, Chris Reeve Supes, Burtonverse, Nolanverse are separate).

While the movie is still a year away, I look at Justice League as real leap into the DC connected U line. JL and Wonder Woman will likely translate into more than just the title characters. Then there will be the standalone movies for Batman, Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, Green Lanterns and Shazam.
Batman will have the rogues gallery and may even expand into the Bat Family. Aquaman will have Mera (Amber Heard), with OceanMaster and/or Black Manta as the probable villain(s). Green Lanterns will have the corps, and maybe the color lanterns.
Hot Toys will make Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg. But I'm just speculating, nobody hold me to it.

close thread? :monkey3

Following the Star Wars: The Force Awakens line's lead they'll make 3 Batmans, Superman, Wonder Woman make the fans wait for Aquaman and Cyborg for almost a year and leave fans asking where is The Flash? They'll make various Parademons including Gotham version, Metropolis version, general, commander and soldier but say that Steppenwolf is under current research and development and will be gotten to eventually.
Sure geniuses of course there will be the core six. Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman are all new, so they are pretty much academic. However as things progress, there will likely be additional reveals--costume variations, supporting characters, villain(s) etc. Also, Hot Toys is not going to simply do a base change for the Trinity and call it a day.

But don't hold me to it.

I was after some ***ts 'n giggles, hope I didn't offend. I know that there are always threads like this and it's more about people saying what they intend to buy or pass on and why etc. :peace
I was after some ***ts 'n giggles, hope I didn't offend. I know that there are always threads like this and it's more about people saying what they intend to buy or pass on and why etc. :peace

Not at all. I always get a kick out of your comments, as well as Evilface's thread policing (that's why I did a search before starting it up :). I was kidding right back.

If Steppenwolf is indeed the villain for JL 1, I wonder if he's going to look the same as in the deleted scene. Plus while I haven't read comics in a while, I know Apocalypse has other generals, Granny Goodness, the Furies. There is also the possibility of a cinematic Supergirl since we still have an empty pod from MoS and the backstory tied to SG.

Edit: Just looked up Steppenwolf as a comic character. Completely different than the wailing CGI sand creature from the movie. I think this definitely merits a redesign with either an actual actor in cool armor or a better design and an actor providing performance capture.
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I fully intend to buy the BvS Superman and Batman, but I can honestly say that I would be happy to have multiples if they give the Superman figure that beautiful, beautiful smirk. It's so nice to see them, hopefully, taking advantage of Cavill's natural charisma and bringing the likeable, optimistic Superman, who is sure of what he wants to do, to life.
Just got the new BvS Superman on Saturday. It's a very nice improvement over MoS Superman. Hopefully the Batman(s) and Wonder Woman will turn out great as well. HT tends to improve likenesses with each iteration so I'm sure the JL versions will improve accordingly. I wonder if Superman will don the black suit again in this next outing since there was never a MoS version.

Assuming the movie is a hit, I figure that the next several months will be focused on Suicide Squad and hopefully we'll get more of the lineup (I'd really like Katana and Killer Croc at least). WW will probably only result in a few figure releases -- WWI WW, villain (Ares?) and maybe Steve Trevor. Although I would love to see a nice line of armored Amazons, it's doubtful HT will go too far into the catalog. After that I do think it will be the build up to the Justice League line, because we will be right in the middle of the promotional campaign.
I don't like the final Cyborg. He looks infinity better in the concept art with the beard.

Id lobv a civilian clothe Aqua-man. He looked badass in the trailer.
