Acrylic display cases for sideshow collectors

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Just a little freaky
Jul 9, 2016
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Hi everybody,
Im new to this site and i have made lots of custom made acrylic display cases for some of you guys.Ive been told to come on here and put out what i do and what i make.
Basically i make custom display cases on ebay and i work for myself here in the uk, i have over 20 years experience in the display trade and decided that it was time i went alone.I can make any size case you wish and i help you design it as well.Im going to post some pictures of my work to show you guys what i can do.So why have a case? well the answer to this is because you guys are serious about what you collect and what better to help show off your item then a custom made case that protects it from damage and dust, people touching and picking them up and knocking them over . My cases range from clear cases to a basic base which sits on the floor to a case that sits on a base with tops that include opal panels to light up the item using lights... pictures will make this clearer i promise ! This is a job to me but i get great satisfaction from helping people get what they desire, i get people coming back to me all the time asking for more and ive met and gained alot of friends doing this job.Once my customers receive the cases they message me to say how happy they are, and that to me is job satisfaction. What do you collect? im no expert! sideshow? hot toys? these are some of the names i here alot .... I only send to the uk at the moment but im working on a flat packed design so that will be ready soon... any questions then please feel free to drop it on here or send it to [email protected]
hope to help you guys with displaying your gems
thankyou to everybody and im slowly getting the bug to collect myself!
no problem mate, im not sure how to post a picture but my girlfriend has added my link to ebay for you guys to see what i make... what do you collect out of interest? thankyou for the reply
im trying to do it but mines playing up as well! but see my link to my ebay for my quality of work. thanks pal
Hi I can say these display case are the best.i have them for sideshow premium format and 1.1 busts.outstanding workmanship and great prices.
Thankyou jake1234, id like to post a picture but it doesnt seem to work for me.
:welcome1: to the :FREAK: show!

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Since you have 10 posts you should be able to posts pics now.
hello, thankyou for that mate. sorry for the late reply ive only just got back from ibiza. many thanks and ill add some today if i can